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Everything posted by Dante

  1. Personally the playoffs this year do not mean too much to me as far as the Bills team is concerned. I cant wait until next season with the way this defence is progressing and of course the way Magehee is coming along. Things are coming online exactly the I had hoped they would. Gradual positve progression as everyone gets used to the new coaching staff and schemes they install. Overall, im feeling pretty good about the Bills especially for next season.
  2. Say what you want but the Bills used a first round pick on Losman for a reason, for him to be thier starting qb. Do you really believe that the Bills management think Drew is the future? How long should a #1 pick sit on the bench? Not very long espeically if what your starting now pretty much adds up to a journeyman caliber qb. Bledsoes starting days are numbered and its a pretty low number at that.
  3. Exactly. Just wondering what the Bills would be like with a good qb. In all fairness Drew looked his normal bad self at times but looked ok sometimes as well.
  4. If we went 0-4 next season there is definitely a problem. Who knows what the problem will be at that point. If its because of Losman but he is improving every game and shows above average talent, I say keep him as the starter. And you ask me what type of Bills fan I am? Im the type that puts the teams good ahead of any single players. Namely Bledsoe. I would not have a wink link with no potential on my team just because I like him or he is a nice guy. Lots of nice people get fired from their jobs every day. Doesnt mean they arent nice it just means they are incompetent. I guess thats the heart of the disagreement here. Some see Drew as a qb that has the abitlity to win. I dont, but that is just my opinion based on what I have seen in him the last couple seasons. Its not just a bad couple games anymore its a bad couple seasons. For me, enough is enough. Cut bait or whatever but lets not keep repeating the same mistake over and over. Lets get on with the future. Not necessarily this game but in the very very near future.
  5. Disagree with pretty much all of it. Drew has shown me enough the last 2 seasons to come to the conclusion that he is no longer an effective qb. Honestly, your talking pie in the sky stuff here. Lots of ifs, maybes and I hope. Trouble is thats all they are. Not reality. I guess I could see the Bills making the playoffs. Sked is pretty weak except for the Steelers but that game is at the end of the season. Hopefully the game wont mean anything to Pittsburg. But do you really think that Drew is a playoff caliber qb at this point? Honestly, can you see him pulling out a win if our running game gets slowed down for a game? If you answered "yes" then your judgment is clouded by a like for Drew. And maybe JP isnt the answer . Maybe Buffalo will eventually go the free agent route to get someone im not sure. What I am sure of is that Drew is not the qb solution for this team. And btw, I wouldnt call for jp's head if he lost the first four games. Were not talking apples to apples here. Rookie qb vs a vet.
  6. IF we were to keep winning it will only be becasue the Bills played fantastic defence and our running game is on and Drew doesnt F up. We will win in spite of DB not because of him. And, if we were to keep Drew as the starter as per your deal, Buffalo is in for yet another season of mediocrity at best. Don't know about you but it's a no deal for me.
  7. I agree completely and Im a devote hockey fan. It's nothing that can't be fixed though. The NHL just needs leadership(sans Bettman) that first has the knowledge of the game(not Bettman). Then commitment enforce the current rules(holding, interference) and the resolve to stick by there commitment despite how much whining gm's do.
  8. Or "rippers"
  9. Ive always been partial to womens tennis players so I got this from the same site http://www.uconnhuskies.com/sports/WTennis...r/petruzzi.html
  10. Only the best pro sport of all. The "popular" big three are getting unwatchable. NBA never was and the NFL is rapidly getting that way. Between all the commericals and the gangster ghetto punks that play them I feel like a fool even watching anymore let alone buy a ticket to go see them. I feel much better paying cash to go see a NHL game. Much higher quality of person playing the sport. Generally speaking.
  11. I feel for you. Nothing worse than having nothing to do at work and watching the clock waiting for the day to end. Here's what you do. Go get a copy of Rome: Total War and install it on your work pc. Then, pass the time figuring out a way to conquer ancient europe. Pretty good time killer there for you.
  12. http://www.weather.com/activities/other/ot...tml?locid=94598
  13. Im confident that the Bills can accomplish the first 3. Bledsoe is the wild card that scares me. If the Bills can run effectively of course Drew becomes less of a factor. But the minute the other team knows we have to pass thats when things will almost certainly fall apart. Drew just can't hang with the big boys under pressure. I know, I know Im stating the obvious what everyone has heard a thousand times. This game is well within our reach though. Damn
  14. I watched all the Miami/Seattle game as well last week. First, it really can't be understated how really awful Miami was in that game. Especially in the first half. They wouldnt put thier third string qb in(Rosenfels or something) instead they had Feely out there who could barely walk let alone lead a team. STILL the Dolphins were in it until the end and really should have won. The Hawks were extremely luckly and there was a expression of major relief on Holmgrens face when it was over. Point is that the Hawks, especially with Dilfer at the helm, look very very beatable. Now whether Dilfes ineptness was due to rust and he will be better this week, well thats anybodys guess. I really do think that even with the Bills road woes, the Bills have more than a good shot at winning.
  15. Have to play the devils advocate here. My grandma told me(at least where divorces are concerned) there are 3 sides to every story. Her's, his and the truth. How can you pass judgment without knowing both parties??? Your applying your female bias to come to a conclusion about the guy. Maybe she drove him to it. Maybe there are other issues involved that none of us know. Maybe the guy is a scumbag but maybe he isnt. Interesting how immediately the guy has to be stripped of all his assets and he is automatically guilty.
  16. We were actually laughing out loud today at how he was owning the Rams offensive line. That was a great performance today.
  17. ..id say we would have a great chance to win against the Seahawks. Seattle looked very average today vs a bad and very banged up Dolphin team. The Hawks didnt look impressive defending both the pass and the run. I definitely know we would beat them here.
  18. I think it makes sense that he hasn't maxed out yet. He was off for two years and has just recently begun to start on a regular basis. I think he is just warming up.
  19. Update First thank you very much for the replies. As it is now she is still not back to work. Her drug test came back negative. This is neither here not there with me. It was done way late and she could have faked it especially since she knew about it in advance and it wasnt done on our premises. Im convinced it was either out of her system or she took someone elses clean specimen in there. We all know she is using anyway by her behavior. We are spooked by the legal issues here. I want her out but we dont want to get sued. To me if you are in possesion of a illegal narcotic all bets are off but that is rational, logical thinking. Hell if the skank was on the street and found with it she would be arrested. How can it be that we have to worry about firing her? She is a criminal. Christ I dont know. People who want to go into business where you actually have to hire people really should have their heads examined! Between safety, workmans comp, enviormental, benifits, and stevestojan like this who needs it.
  20. Ice: We did file a police report so they know. aussiew: Yes we do have a employee handbook and it does state a zero tolerance policy for drugs. Man its really hard to get and keep good people. Gets me down sometimes.
  21. ... into my shop. Im the production manager of a tee shirt shop here in the bay area. One of my workers, whom we have suspected of being on something, admited to owning a little bag of crystals that was found by one of my other employees. She has been with the company for only 6 months and according to the California labour law book we have, this can result in termination. Im not sure of the exact wording. My first reaction was one of compassion but after I thought about it for a couple days it turned to anger. How anyone could bring that crap into our shop infuriates me. It's kinda dangerous for someone that charged up to be in a production shop. We sent her home and then told her to take a drug test. She did and the test came back negative. However, on the day this came out(monday), im sure she wasnt using. This leaves at least the weekend for the stuff to get out of her system. I did a little research online and found a site that said the drug stayed in your system for 48hrs. Not sure if this is true or not but if thats so, the drug test is absolutely useless. Personally, I want her out of my shop. Its not safe and if we were to let her stay because of the passed drug test it would send a "anything goes" message to the rest of the shop. Am I correct in thinking this? Im asking here because there is a pretty good cross section of people and most seem pretty intelligent. Thanks Sam
  22. Build your own you will be happy you did. Just do a little research for prices and quality of the components. You will generally find stuff much cheaper online. http://www.newegg.com/ http://www.zipzoomfly.com/jsp/Home.jsp These two online retailers are very dependable, reputable and cheaper than any retail outlet you will find. There are also lots of resources online to help you assemble. Maxium PC magazine just had a great step by step primer how to build your own box. Maybe you can get that same article online from thier site.
  23. A win tommorow would be tremendous boost to this teams progression and confidence. That is much more significant than anything else at this point. Losman's turn will come soon enough. Drews worth is alredy decided at this point. He is not the future and he will be done at the end of this season. I would love to see this team be able to win tommorow on the strength of their defence and a offence crippled by a mediocre qb. If we can win under those conditions, our future is indeed bright.
  24. Making the playoffs would be great. Its a very outside shot though. I just want to see the team progress and try to keep winning. Building charachter and a indentity along the way. If we make the post season fine. If not Im not going to get too busted up about it. It's not like they are a Super Bowl caliber team anyway.At least this season anyway.
  25. Well by your logic we did very good to beat the Jets. If the Jets beat all the crappy teams shouldnt they have beaten us? We dominated them so what does that say about the Bills? Maybe they arent crappy at all. Or at least not a bottom feeder that they have been.
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