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Everything posted by Dante

  1. Just more shite thrown at the wall to see if it will stick. Never does. Omarosa is a nut job. Who cares? Yawn
  2. Many things to like about her. The Aussie accent might be the deal sealer though! But man, I mean depending on your perspective, she gets herself in trouble on the party nights off the boat. For management, she really should watch the alcohol-related drama! Now if you are the benefactor of her reduced power of judgment, that's a whole different story. ?
  3. She is fantastic!
  4. One of my favorite shows. Big Brother, Below Deck, and Better Call Saul! All great summer entertainment until Bills and NHL start
  5. Watched a different game and QB than me apparently. Loved the release and I thought the accuracy was just fine. Some of the deep balls were just off a little. Not enough (as far as I see it) to say the pass was inaccurate. It was refreshing to see a QB actually make confident decisions and many of them were throw the ball beyond 12 yards. I liked it.
  6. Work out of the house and the business has every square foot taken up with something. 3 bedroom house and we are using two of them as offices. Of course, out here they don't build basements so there is that. Forget about using the two car garage for actually parking cars. That's a distant memory.
  7. I would love to have my own still. No gdamn room to put it in this house.
  8. Interesting how people have such an opposite perspective on things. Your thinking impeachment of the prez and I'm thinking how many people can be put away for this protracted coup attempt that has gone on for a year and a half.
  9. 42 ozer might have me going to the commode to much!
  10. They have always made sucky movies and great movies. The ratio now is way favoring the suckage. Unless you like juvenile sci-fi or superhero nonsense, or formulaic rehashed crap, it's slim pickings. "These days" is kinda vague but I would say that means the last 15 years or so.
  11. I was going to say the worse thing about going to the movies these days are ....the movies.
  12. Working in that arena I can only imagine. Even on more mundane stories, it's eye-opening to see how many times they get the basics incorrect. Addresses, names whatever it is. That tells me they haven't been correctly trained in the skill of reporting. It tells me facts aren't important. Only the narrative is. Or the ratings etc. Accountability and accuracy have taken a back seat to the agendas of pretty much idiots.
  13. Honestly, when I was growing up I didn't think there would be much reason for the media to lie. I suppose the possibility never crossed my mind. I guess the IQ didn't meet the minimum requirements.
  14. I have thought this for a pretty long time now. You hope you can get a decent sense of the situation, news story or whatever. Then kinda do the math yourself. Ignoring any editorial input by "experts" and various talking heads. They are not to be trusted at all. They do not report the facts or if they do it's either out of context or a bunch of other key facts are simply ignored.
  15. They rebuilt the stadium in KC and it looks fantastic. At least the feature I watched on TV a few years back. I have never been there.
  16. A run of very, very bad presidents.
  17. They all are out here mead.
  18. I'm Canadian and I have always sensed the smugness of my fellow Canadians. The ironic part is they lack any real-world practical knowledge to base their superiority on. Very few have had any contact with the US medical system for example. So all their perspective is based on bias, anecdotal information. No practical experience on this side of the border. That said, you will never convince anyone up there because they just don't know any better. They know what is spun to them. If this guy thinks Bernie and Barry are actually acceptable leaders you are never getting anywhere with him anyway. Born, bred and indoctrinated into socialism. Nothing you can do with that.
  19. Fine print. "All data compiled at the University Of California At Berkley "
  20. I'm struck with the lack of self-awareness of globalist liberals. They accuse the Russians of all sorts of atrocities. Look in the mirror. What country has caused more death? Invaded more countries? Destroyed more infrastructure? The US is in almost constant war mode the last... well since WW2. You think Putin was the second coming of Hitler if you listen to them and the media. Bad man for trying to meddle in our affairs. It's called spying and its been going on forever and everyone does it. He has the nerve to look after interests of his own country. Not bowing to the demands and playing globalist ball with the US or the EU. WTF is wrong with him? LIke the US has never tried to influence an election, install their own puppet dictator over the years. What a crock of shite.
  21. The Burbs Blandings is a better version imho. Lots of great stuff going on in that flick. One of my favorite scenes is Grant's wife picking paint colors.
  22. Trump is such an evil guy for not selling his own country out like the rest of the cuckolded west nations. Why wouldn't you want to let in millions of low IQ, 3rd worlders that you immediately have to put on the public tit? Why wouldn't you want to completely change your demographic to one that statistically votes for big government that exchanges welfare goodies for votes? What an idiot that Trump.
  23. A couple 12 teams ppr. I have been running a league for a few years using the CBS site. I really like it but it's $150 per year to use. Switching to Yahoo this year. I usually start getting things going when training camp starts. Hopefully, by the time the season rolls around everyone is paid up and ready to draft.
  24. Getting the itch a little. Still a little early for any definite picks. Things change so much over the preseason. What kind of league are you in?
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