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Everything posted by Dante

  1. Todd Id love to help you but I know nothing of sata. Only thing I could ask is do you have the latest bios for the mobo? I go to this site all the time for amd related help. On a quick glance I couldnt find anything relating to your problem but maybe you can find something. Join the forums and ask Im sure someone will help you. http://www.amdmb.com/index.php
  2. All speculation on your part. Your basing Montana's real talent on one game while ignoring all his Super Bowls. Because he got knocked around in one game it means he would suck in cold weather? If your actually going to say the Bledsoe would have been just as effective as Monatana in with that team then I really know your out too lunch. Thing is Drew wouldnt have made it that far on the Niners. They would have figured out he wasnt good enough before they even signed him. Just amazing that a streak like this against crap teams leads Bills fans to put Bledsoe on the same level as Joe Montana. Im happy with the Bills streak and right now Drew is adequet. Damn I get a chubby thinking where this team would be with Montana!!! Or Brady for that matter. System or not who cares. What they do/did on the field speaks for itself. I know what I see and its guys spotting recievers and finding them when they have to. Knowing when to throw it away and when to eat it. No mistakes and winning under pressure. When Drew does this I will eat my words. But he wont. He will crumble like he always does. Dude just cant deal with pressure.
  3. I hope he stays as well. Im just saying if we are unfortunated enough to lose him, there are some options. Moulds is a gamer and I want to keep him.
  4. The best qb of all time didnt have the best skills. Joe Montana. No way he had a cannon arm like Bledsoe. But he was much smarter. Much cooler. Very much more composed. Brady reminds me of Joe him to a certain extent.
  5. I really think Lee Evans is the "Next big thing" for the Bills. Even more than Magehee. Taking Moulds away now would be a huge step backwards. I really hope that doesnt happen. However if it should, there is a crapload of lower priced wideouts around. Im pretty sure Jerry Porter of the Faiders out here is available next season.
  6. He has a natural charachter that makes him very easy to watch in a movie. Very likeable. I always kinda thought the same way about John Candy. Cant miss actors.
  7. Funny you mention that. We were just watching(struggling through) John Goodman in some sitcom(no idea of the name) on tv and im thinking what a shame he is wasted on this crap when he could be doing genious stuff like "Barton Fink". Sorry for the run on sentence but that movie is the high point for him and really shows what he is capable of. Let alone "The Big Lebowski"
  8. Great underated flick. Any Cohen movie is pretty much a slam dunk.
  9. Score one for me, I guess.
  10. LOL is that true really? Man I dont watch baseball at all. Seriously. Now I really do feel dumb.
  11. I think I do but its possible I didnt interpret it correctly . Explain
  12. "I wanted to bury myself in that field. What can I say? I just tip my hat and call the Dolphins my daddy. I wish they would f*ckin disappear and never come back, I'd like to face any other team right now." Obviously Brady isnt going to get much props on this board and I wouldnt expect it. I have to admire his honesty. No lame excuses. No assigning blame. People who are realists and confront thier demons(in this case the Phins go figure they own him) overcome them and thats why they are sucessful. Anyway. I know most enjoyed seeing him squashed(including me) but I really do appreciate his attitude. Flame on
  13. Let me guess. Drew? Against whom? And what Super Bowl was that in?
  14. Im willing to guess even Johnny Unitas and Dan Marino have had crap games now and again. The thing is games like that for Brady and those guys are rare. They also have proven themselves beyond any doubt. I cannot say the same for Drew who has collapsed in the face of adversity several times. His track record when it counts speaks for itself, and so does Brady's, Unitas and so on.
  15. Brady tanks for one quarter and all of a sudden he sucks and Drew is comparable to him. Gimmie a friggen break. Drew has collapsed so many times under pressure against decent teams. blah... Brady has performed when it has counted. When it meant the most. Hooray for Drew he lit up Arizona and Cleveland at home. Drew your making me forget all the others. Jim Kelly? Who in the F is that? We got Drew he's better than any crappy qb that has two super bowl rings. Too funny.
  16. Cool stuff. Ive seen them at Frys and also on Tech TV(formally) now G4TV. How many things can they do? Are they rechargable?
  17. Last year my brother in law asked if I wanted to go with him to a LA Laker game in a luxury box. I turned him down. I felt bad about it but he understood. Just absolutely no interest. I stayed home and sat by the pool and listened to some tunes.
  18. Master-Bates-----> masterbates
  19. Of course I knew this was coming. Check my post and it says two times a "season". Not the playoffs. My point is that the Pats lost one game they really should have won. The Bills of course, now they have beaten up on the heavy hitters of the NFL, have never lost a game they should have won. Especially this season. Don't get me wrong, im not a Pats fan. In fact, it was nice seeing them blow apart last night. At least they seem human now. But just because the Pats stunk last night, not for a minute do I believe thats the final version of NE this year. My feeling is its a wake up call for them. Things have gone just too easy for them. I hope we dont meet them in the playoffs(if we even make it) because we will fall apart in NE just as we always do. We dont have the personel YET to beat them. But that time is quickly approaching. Next season!
  20. I guess if we played them enough we would beat em eventually. Unfortunately you get two shots at the most in a season. We failed both times.
  21. You aint kiddin there. SF puts the "Left" in Left Coast.
  22. Having laughs at someone elses expense is always fun. Everyone is way too thin skinned since the 90s. PC has turned everyone into a bunch of whiney pussies. ugh
  23. The Jags are playing pretty nice ball right now and I would definitely pick them to win both those games. That said, it's not like major upsets dont happen in the NFL and if the Jags were to lose either of those games it would'nt be a shock.
  24. Im going but with wife and kid so dont know how flexible we can be. We were planning on BART' ing(from Walnut Creek) it because my wife is jittery driving on the highway and I really dont want to drive home because I would like to have a few brews while enjoying the Bills.
  25. One key difference. Favre has a championship and is a proven winner.
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