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Everything posted by Dante

  1. When I was a 14-15, and living in Burlington, Ont, I was kinda a half assed Bronco fan. I liked Otis Armstrong. That was before I ever went to a Bills game. One year, I think it was 75, my brother pre ordered tickets for a bunch of Bills games because there was still the excitement due to the newness of Rich Stadium. I remember not really being a Bills fan that year but every game we went to the Bills got destroyed. It was one qb after the other coming in and picking them apart. One week it was Dan Fouts, the Bert Jones. After him it was Grogan. Every game seemed to end with the Bills losing 31-13. Over in the 3rd quarter. I started to feel sorry for them and I started to cheer for them and when the season was over I was hooked for life, for better or worse I suppose.
  2. Everyone who is a member here has one thing in common, they are Blls fans so that is the backdrop for all our conversations. Of course when something important going on in Billdom that is the primary topic. In down times like now there is nothing wrong with some off topic stuff,imho. We all know that when something relating to the Bills happen we will all be talking about it. It really is hard to talk about the same things all the time. It would be a pretty boring message board if all OT were banned
  3. gdamn that was great. Thanks for posting the link.
  4. Well, i never imagined this thread would turn into a pissing contest but I have to jump in. I think you are misunderstanding what im saying or maybe I didnt state it properly. Sure mac's are easy to configure. They are made to be for the casual user who just wants the thing to start up to cruise the web and so on. And thats great for that kind of user. Macs are perfect for that(albeit way friggen overpriced) But to each his own. What I meant though was that I can configure a PC much more to what I want as far as components go. I can get cutting edge ram, mobos and 10000rpm hard drives for my pc if I want to in many different makes and flavors. You cant say that for mac. You take what they offer and its all what mac wants. So the choice is really not much of a choice at all. Just try to buy the latest video card for a mac that can push polys and blast out frames like no ones business. You cant. Yea maybe a year later mac will bring it out but by that time video cards for pcs are two generations beyond. As far as the mini mac is concerned you can get a better pc rig for the same money. Yes its cheap for a mac but still not as powerful a comparably priced pc. Go here to check out how cheaply a comparable pc can be built for. http://techreport.com/onearticle.x/7857
  5. Im new to mp3 players so I cant answer your question Joe. Im concerned about the skip protection as well. My wife got me a membership at a gym and thats why im getting this so I need it to be able to handle moving around. I thought skip's was only a issue with portable cd players though?
  6. I didnt really want the 20gigs todd for what im using it for. Im probably alone on this but I dont really like the circle button to control the interface on the ipod. I bought a IPOD for my niece for xmas last year and I pre loaded some songs on it and it worked fine but that button drove me crazy. I know most love it but I couldnt get it to work for me. Thats another reason I didnt buy one of those.
  7. Thanks for the response philsbills. The fm tuner/recorder, the battery and the longer charge life were the selling points for me.
  8. NOT TRUE!!! I am so a rebel. Sometimes I dont wear my seatbelt just to get back the establishment. Really though, I have a PC because I can configure it how I want. I can get lots more software and upgrade with any hardware that I choose. That indicates some sort of independant thought dont you think? Apple you get a pre built computer with what they want in it and pay way too much for it. Also ive never liked the superior smugness of the Apple minions.
  9. I agree with you to a certain extent on the officiating. Mysterious things seem to happen in their games. Honestly I havent noticed it as much this season. As far as the Halloween game earlier this season I dont think you read too much into that. In any sport the playoffs are a different animal. The Pats were very banged up for that game and I think you have to keep in mind they were due for a loss. More "karma" if you will. They had won all those games in a row and I dont think their motivation then was the same as now. More "karma" if you will.
  10. Being a hard core PC guy and a rebelious sort at heart, I just couldnt bring myself to go with the masses and get a IPOD. This has got good reviews and has some features the iPod doesnt. http://us.creative.com/products/product.as...4&product=10795
  11. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showt...20entry213220
  12. Sounds like your saying the Pats have done it all on karma the last 4 years or so. Give it up and accept it. They are damn good and so are the Colts. NE just punished the Colts and wore them down. Especially with the ground game in the second half. I know as a Bills fan its hard to give any other team in the AFC east any due but I think its time now. Put away the Bills blue colored glasses and free yourself of the myopic haze. Sorry to admit it but the Pats rule right now.
  13. Pat's will defeat the Steelers in a close, low scoring battle. The Falcons will win against the Eagles. Belicheck will then shut down the running game of the one dimensional Vick. Forcing him to stay in the pocket and try to beat the Pats through the air. That wont happen. The Pats D is too good and Vick is not good enough. Once he has to throw he is helpless. He will be puzzled and start to make mistakes. Pats will turn it into a rout. Pats 43-16 victors in the SB. Hate the Pats but thats the way its going down boys. Girls
  14. "What a day" by NonPoint "Beat the World" by Pressure 4-5
  15. With the team surrounding Drew improving significantly last season, I dont think the Bills will feel like blowing the first few games letting Drew playing himself out of a job. Thus putting a stress on thier playoff chances.
  16. Hey, not that im a thin skinned whiner. I think PC is totally out of control. What annoys me more than than the statement itself is the double standard. If I broke out the "N" word I would be banned out of here pretty quickly.
  17. Yes I agree with this approach. I had much more luck rewarding rather than punishing. When I housebroke my Pug I gave him a treat when he pooped outside first thing in the morning and it worked like a charm. AlthoughI had a "leg up" as it were when training a pug. Everyone knows they are vastly superior to any canine breed out there with their humongus brain!!!
  18. Whats the quota? There is a fair amount now isnt there? Colts,Bengals,Jets,Cards. Talk about racism? Whats with the "retread cracker" termanology?
  19. Pretty pricey back up bro. I would just be happy if anyone took him for free and payed him.
  20. Check out "Surreal Life" Ive just started to get into that. Well, as much as there is to get into there. Anyway. it's a awsome train wreck to witness.
  21. I guess things will never change. If your defence is average and undersized you will lose no matter how good your offence is.
  22. I thought there was a rule about fumbling forward. Ever since that Casper td fumble deal years ago I didnt think you could advance the ball that way. Just wondering.
  23. Technicaly I guess he still has "football left inside him" Too bad its all in his colon and manifests itself in a brown solid.
  24. When Ben strings together a bunch of bad games or even seasons then he can be compared to the Drewsome.
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