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Everything posted by Dante

  1. They play that exchange sometimes on Howard Stern. Gets better every time. Man was he tweaked up.
  2. If someone is using American Express vendors should be able to surcharge. We have to pay 2% per transaction I believe. We have a well known large customer that buys T'Shirts off us and love to pay by American Express (I believe to build up air mileage credits). This really adds up for us because they spend between $200,000 and 300,000 a year. We now charge them an extra to cover off American Express.
  3. What coverage are you guys watching? Im using the NFL Network
  4. Where did I say I was blaming Wendys for anything? I dont blame tobbacco companys for the poison they sell either. But the truth is that 95pct of what Wendys sells is pure ****. I eat very little from fast food crap peddlers by choice. If I did eat there and grew into a fat slob I wouldnt blame them because that would be my decision also. I never said I would blame them. You see, I am grown up. However I wouldnt care if any of these places went out of business cause they sell crap food. Just like I wouldnt lose sleep if the tobbacco companys went under.
  5. Does anyone know if any of the games are going to be televised in the US????
  6. Im pretty conservative when it comes to things like this. Show me first type of deal. But I have to say that im getting more positive the more I read about him. The article that someone posted here yesterday by Mel Kiper was very encouraging. I have to say that im excited about the Bills upcoming season as well. Im not as confident as Promo about the Bills prospects in New England, but I do think there are good things on the way.
  7. People always looking for a shortcut to get rich. Why work when you can fukk someone out of some money.
  8. I have a hard time crying over Wendys or any other fat laden food outlet. That finger was sadly probably the healthiest of her meal. I do feel for the people that loose thier jobs though.
  9. Ive seen a small white pickup with a huge Bills logo on the door here in the Bay Area a couple times. Ive wonder every time I see that as well.
  10. Pretty weak. No offence to anyone here but I cant stand the Bills current one either. It may be slightly better than this one though.
  11. Man the police are always messing up. Why did'nt they kill the mothereffer? I love this quote by the subhuman old lady. ""Oh my God, look what they did to him." Officers wrestled both women out of the courtroom as they screamed about a coverup and police brutality."
  12. Jets are overated every year because they are from NYC. It's always been that way.
  13. Going to Great America in Santa Clara for kids bday. Should be fun!
  14. Here we go with the Brady bashing again. Guy is the best qb in the league. He's proven it time and time again. When put in a position to fail he never does. Im not a Brady lover by any means either but the proof is there. He has also won a Super Bowl without Dillon. He actually managed to win one with Antoine Smith of all people didnt he?
  15. Trade him to the Siberia of the NFL, Arizona. That way, when he spews his usual ****, no one will hear him, let alone care.
  16. Bills have a nice history of sleeper pick ups from small schools don't they? Andre Reed and so on. Being a native of Burlington I would love to see him on the Bills.
  17. hmmm..this is eerie! Is is coincidence that 106 is the total losing margine in all the Bills Super Bowl appearences? J/K It would be kinda weird though.
  18. And rappers cant even do rap right anymore. It takes a band like Zebrahead to show them how to do it well. Tight energetic metal with some rap rhymes mixed in effectively. You listen to idiots like 50cent and its just some schmuck mumbling out murdered english nonsense with absolutely no melody at all. It really is funny if you think about it. How such no talents can actually make all sorts of cash.
  19. The logic is flawed. Dilution not only effects offence it waters down defence and goaltending as well. So wouldnt the quality of that(or lack there of) offset any offensive decline? Plain and simple. Its no numbers game in regards to the lack of scoring. Interference, holding and obstsruction are allowed and the talented plalyers are nutralized.
  20. I disagree. Some of the most dead ass games ive had the displeasure to watch have been games which featured two euro teams playing a soccer like trap game on the big ice. Big ice does by no means is related to more exciting or wide open hockey. Good officiating makes a difference though.
  21. I havent looked at stats or anythng but I havent really noticed any more scoring in Olympic hockey. At times there can be outrageous scores becasue of lopsided matchups. Like Switzerland vs Canada for example.
  22. I dont know how any professional hockey person (or team) could come up with such a moronic idea. Man with creative thought like this no wonder the Sabres suck. Like increasing the scoring automatically makes the game exciting? Just look at basketball. An incredibly boring game with lots of scoring. Idiots are too numb to realize you have to give the players more skating room. Enforce the rules that already exist and the game will be fine. Call holding and interference and maybe take out the center line. That will gradually weed out the clutch and grab/trap teams like the Devils and make the game watchable again Nice article here lays it out. Good read. http://slam.canoe.ca/Slam/Columnists/Fries.../30/976819.html
  23. It sucked. I dont know why I let my wife talk me in to going to see this trash.
  24. I pretty much hate all "Classic Rock" But with a few notable exceptions. Leynord Skynard, Alice Cooper, and Van Halen(early stuff with Roth only). I also hate 98.5 pct of hip hop and rap. The biggest "entertainment" fraud ever put over on the american public.
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