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Everything posted by Dante

  1. LOL! I think Morgan Webb must be the willing recepient of some Sony higher up's genitalia. Honestly she must be doing some Sony dude the way she constantly questioned the Xbox 360's features and fawned all over rendered Sony clips. But what the hell, not like she's there for her knowledge anyway. Just keep wearing those tight get ups Morgan and try not to say so much!
  2. Is your middle name the same?
  3. I watched some of the E3 coverage on G4. I saw the demo and it's a shameless ploy by Sony to offset the earlier release of XBox 360. The computer game industry history is full of rendered demos and game screenshots that in no way resembled the actual released products. Deus Ex: Invisible War is a prime example of this. The screenshots released for that game were amazing looking. The actual release sucked.
  4. If you have a decent PC get it for that. Great graphics. No waiting.
  5. Hey to each his own. Personally I find him funny but thats just me. Some of the callers are funnier yet. You have to admit that grown men and women sitting out in front of a movie thearter weeks or even days before a movie opens is a bit creepy, if not unhealthy. My 11 year old son isnt even dopey enough to do that and he loves Star Wars. Those people need to discover girls or guys or whatever but just find some sort of life.
  6. LOL sounds like a typical hilarious Rome take. I'll have to listen when I get home. Lately he has been ripping on Star War's "dorks" waiting in line for weeks to be the first in to see the movie.
  7. I agree. I thought the promo confirmed the pics WITHOUT A DOUBT! She looks absolutely awful. Nothing like the horny lil thing she used to be. Very sad.
  8. I honestly havent heard much from them. The couple songs I have listened to are great though
  9. I guess being anti political is a political point of view in itself. The film took shots at Hollywood activist retards that dont know when to shut thier holes about thier personal views. So your right. You got over on me. It kinda is political in that regard.
  10. hehehe..hillarious flash on your site Pete! Brilliant use of a movie soundtrack! Im bookmarking that one!
  11. Can't Hollywood be satisfied with making lots of bank? They have to push thier personal politcal point of view? So unprofessional. But what the hell do I care. I havent been into Star Wars since I was 15 because the series pretty much jumped the shark when it went Sesame Street with all the Yoda puppet crap. Needless to say I wont go to see this one either(unless wifey and kid force me to go this weekend or something)
  12. How come? Please explain. I hate movies that try to push a agenda or political point of view. Thats why I though "Team America" was great. It was the anti Hollywood elitest flick.
  13. Gee I wonder if the Cambodian government is willing to donate the 50pct take it took from ticket sales to the dead persons families? yeah right
  14. The Cowboys will only be as good as Drews capabilities allow and thats not very good.
  15. If the lack of TV coverage ever comes up again, the games could have been watched on the internet here. It cost $9.99 for the final Czech/Canada game. Not bad video quality. I just watched it on my pc but you could watch it on your tv if you have the right equipment. Not that it was worth it. The Czechs played thier usual boring trap/ clutch and grab crap style and the game was boring as hell. Such a dead ass game for a final.
  16. Damn too bad you didnt see it. You missed something special. Alphonso lost a war to Manfredo. Very hard faught, close fight. But the "something special" part was the charachter displayed by Alphonso. Ive never seen a guy with such a great attitude. He graciousness in loss bordered on elegence. He is a mans man. It brought a tear to my eye when he went into Manfredo's locker room after the fight. Face purple and swollen from the fight he still congradulated and praised the guy who just beat him. Alphonso is a awsome guy.
  17. Does anyone know if this is on TV anywhere here in the US?
  18. Im gonna guess that the enhanced version is the one with the optional hard drive. Gonna be a nice piece of hardware. I like the fact its wireless and is able to play mp3's. Play dvds as well and games are just a side option for me because my pc is already my gaming machine.
  19. I would trade for TO only to, in turn, trade him to another team.
  20. I think since G4 took over and moved the show to LA they have tried to sex her up too much. Making her look slutty like everyone else on TV. I think the Screensavers was a excellent show. I tivo'ed every day and watched on the weekend but since G4 got it they eliminated all the people that were interesting and intelligent. Now its no where close to where it used to be. Maybe one day Leo will get a show again.
  21. I actually thought that Tana had a better team than Kendra going in. Kendra knew enough to get them working for her. Tana's task logistically called for her to have complete cooperation and production from her employees and it didnt seem she got it. Thats her fault because she was fighting them, not encouraging them and giving them responsibilities. She did nothing to support them.
  22. What does Paul Muguire have to do with it? If he's there Im out. He's over the top annoying on espn. I can't imagine how stupid he would be in person.
  23. Well detox, I will say she is sexy. Not the natural beauty that the two mentioned above are. She has the implants going and thats always a turnoff for me. Personal taste thats all.
  24. One of my favorite girls of "cable" is Sarah Lane . Formerly of "The ScreenSavers" now with "Attack of the Show". I consider her and that Courtney girl kinda sleepers. Girls in show business that fly under the radar but are very nice looking.
  25. Yea she's cute as hell. I watch that show all the time. Her and her partner host actually do a pretty good job.
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