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Everything posted by Dante

  1. Im sorry man. It's a day I know is coming for me but I put it out of my mind. Last summer I had to come back east to be with my dad for his FOURTH open heart surgery. I thought I was going to see him for the last time. He made it through in fine shape but he is almost 70 now. He continues to drink too much and smoke so I fear every late night phone call thinking it may be my stepmom informing me of the worst. I wish you the best and I hope I can find the same compassion when my dad goes.
  2. Over the past five years ive grown disenchanted and uninterested to Hollywoods offerings. Formulatic, politically laced, predictable plots have led to my indifference. However, to be fair, the last few months Hollywood has served up a few of the best movies in years. Today I saw Batman Begins at the IMAX which was fantastic. Last weekend it was Cinderella Man and a couple months ago it was Sin City. Not since Snatch have I been so enthused about movies. Up until this week my wife pretty much had to drag me to the theatres.
  3. I think all of the depressed people moved out of Buffalo.
  4. hehehe..in the East Bay area http://www.fandango.com/MoviePage.aspx?date=&mid=91107
  5. Wow definitely going to have to see this. It's showing at the IMax here. Gonna do that I think.
  6. Ouch. I can vouch for both San Jose and Portland. I live near San Jose and my brother lives just south of Portland. Both places are nice
  7. It sucked. I fell asleep in the middle of it. I give it 1 1/2 stars and one of the stars is just for Jolie just being so friggen hot. Movies is the same old **** though.
  8. Man your way off base on this one Alaska. If you watch the show(you probably dont) you would know she actually looks hotter without makeup. Girl is just naturally hot.
  9. We had to eat what was in front of us as well. It was no big deal to us. Problem is if I say something and push to hard I get into a war with the wife. He is my stepson so you can see the politics involved. Kids spoided what can I say.
  10. Don't feel bad for that prick. He has access to more money than we ever thought of. He's a pos.
  11. I must admit I am a boxing fan but that has no bearing on what I think of this movie. This flick was more a profile of someone who, in my eyes, is the epitome of charachter, honor, morality. I guy I wish I was only a tenth of. Not too many movies have me talking or even thinking of them a day or two after Ive seen them. Crap if I grew up in the depression and WW2 era I would be so much a better person than I am now.
  12. I guess I would put boxing after the NFL. So my list would be: 1.NHL 2.NFL 3.Boxing
  13. Went to go see this movie last night and it was wonderful. Acting, story, direction and even cinematography were top notch. But besides the this, I think it would be a good idea for alot of our spoiled brat kids(and adults myself included) to see how bad things can be. Hell my wife has to cook two meals sometimes because my kid doesnt like what supper is that night. He'll make twisted faces like he was being tortured or something. Then I think of the kids in that movie only having a piece of fried balogna to eat for dinner. My mother(who grew up in the depression) told me a story the other day in which as a small kid she used to stand near the train tracks near her home waiting for the coal cars to come by to snag some of the pieces that might drop off. Friggen pathetic. Anyway, not trying to be too preachy or self rightous but we really are spoiled. Also another reason to see this is to see what real human charachter is about. Braddock was a mans man as far as im concerned. Guy actually paid back the welfare money he recieved after he became succesful again.
  14. Perfect. Exactly the way I feel. NBA is the biggest fraud in sports. Especially the part about being the "Best atheletes in the world" horsesh--.. Bunch of oversized geeks dunking a friggen ball. Total fraud. I'd rather watch soccer or for that matter, baseball.
  15. Can you give an example that makes you think he is or could be a militia member? I can't remember any of his posts being that extreme. Or maybe anyone with a conservative slant is considered extreme these days.
  16. I cant believe anyone still pays to see that moron. Although, I would have paid to see him get busted up against Buster Douglas. I missed it because I was on a skiing deal in Elicottville(sp) that weekend. That was the most I have enjoyed any fight when I watched the replay.
  17. Yeah...gotta have that street cred. To be even remotely close to being cool you have to have that street cred.
  18. What a coincidence. That happened to me last weekend. What a night!
  19. I think they may be filming that show at my work. We've had a couple of employees that are naturals for that show.
  20. Beat me to it by a minute agilen!
  21. Well, out of all this, they(NHL managment) are finally aware that their game has turned to ****. Although it took them 10 years to catch on, it looks like they are ready to make changes to make it exciting again. I dont necessarliy agree that making the nets bigger will do that though. More scoring does not = excitement. Example: NBA. My opinion is that no center line and obstruction rule enforcement will accopmplish what the game needs. Link
  22. Great post Mike. Thanks for some informed insight. I have a brother in law who is a police officer in San Jose (was working on horseback and now, much to his chagrin, working boring airport duty) that I cant wait to show this to and get some reaction out of him.
  23. oh man thats too bad. You missed over half of the fun. That was absolutely perfect on so many levels !!!!!! Maybe the funniest thing ive seen this year. Absolutely made my day. Out friggen standing post.
  24. Just wondering, did anyone else watch "D Day: The Lost Evidence" (I think thats what it was called) last night on the History Channel? Pretty interesting, captavating stuff. What a slaughter Omaha beach was. Their floating tanks sunk and they had no armour support because of it.
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