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Everything posted by Dante

  1. Was all kinds of fun as expected capt! Offspring was solid as usual. Well worth the trip alone. As for the DBNFL..., it should be interesting with the new madden and the line of vision thing for the qb. Should change things a little. Looking forward to it though. Hey capt do you know if the PC version for Madden is going to be delayed again this year or will it come out in August with the console editions?
  2. Just wondering if anyone else attends this. I know the music there is not for all tastes but what the hey. They sell beer there. It really is a nice event down on the piers in SF. Right under the Bay Bridge. Hope I dont end up in jail.
  3. I definitely won't trash it. But the original is a bonified, atmospheric classic. It will be very hard to top it.
  4. Gay mac app.
  5. These are both reasonalbe factors in not seeing the movie. I agree totally. Don't know if I can resist it a the Imax though.
  6. LOL! Nice morning smile for me today. Funny as hell
  7. I used to go to highschool with a guy who's name was Paul Schmuck. True story
  8. I can sleep tonight. Im totally thrilled.
  9. I think that ESPN's presentaion was far beyond Madden. EA puts absolutely no effort into the commentary, graphical presentation. Same old lame lines by Madden and sometimes they are completely out of synch with the game. The Midway game sounds like it will be interesting. I wonder how the gameplay will be?
  10. I was going to copy and paste that very same quote. I was thinking the same thing you were. No wonder this team kicks ass. Kids are not only good players but smart as well.
  11. Bob Chandler/Jim Haslett/Keith Moody
  12. Pretty good read(not long)comparing the Leafs and Sabres as far as their salary cap situation is concerned. That is, after the cba is signed. Im a Leaf fan and the upcoming season looks cloudy. However, not so for the Sabres. So Leaf haters(of which there are many on this board) will enjoy this article. As odd as it sounds, I have a soft spot for the Sabres as well. Growing up 50 mins away from Buffalo I got to see alot of Buffalo games so Im glad to see they are in good shape. This article is from Slam. They are simply the best for all NHL and hockey news. http://slam.canoe.ca/Slam/Hockey/NHL/Toron...102839-sun.html
  13. Any episode from the Hard Rock in Vegas is usually pretty fun.
  14. Ok I can't resist. I have to ask. What, would such a high brow intellectual like yourself, watch for entertainment?
  15. Comedy Central? Seems like a natural. Not like they have any problems broadcasting crass language and so on.
  16. "..just doin the best that we can. But we all gotta duck. When the **** hits the fan. shubbie da booty dap whah" Circle Jerks
  17. Clerks Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back The Thing Alien Aliens The Lost Boys Snatch Resorvoir Dogs Happy Gilmore True Romance Depeche Mode 101 Fast Times at Ridgemount High Caddyshack 16 Candles Napoleon Dynamite REPO MAN More than 10 but I could'nt make up my mind.
  18. Yes I agree. Show has changed over the years but certainly hasnt declined. I love it. One of the few shows on TV that I make a point of watching.
  19. The presence of the rap **** discredits the list from the get go. They threw them in there for some sort of diversity I suppose. Personally, The Smiths "Queen is Dead" is the only good one. Pixies are good as well.
  20. I agree Pete. Thats why I have to be dragged to alot of movies. Im totally bored with most. But, the last few months have produced a few great flicks.
  21. Cruise's persona has crossed the line to the unlikeable side by alot of people. So now, even when he is in the right, no one wants to side with him.
  22. I think it's Deon's way of having his own young fresh poontang like Woody Allen did.
  23. Ok np I got it and Im in. Thanks Rich
  24. Can you put up a link to the league?? Thanks
  25. If its a Tarantino or Rodrigues version I'll give it a look LOL!
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