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Everything posted by Dante

  1. I told my wife she was full of it when she said this was a cure. Works virtually every time. Although the one I use is a slight variation. Two spoons of sugar swallowed and not under the tongue. The a quick gulp of water.
  2. Coincidence. Just got home from workand recieved a letter today confirming Center Ice from DTV. Looks like they cut $30 off last season. Thats alright
  3. No matter how severe or mild the comments were what does it matter? These guys are high profile professionals that make obscene bank. Expect to get heat(if it's public so be it) if it is perceived you are underachieving. It's all up to WM how he deals with it. He should man up and kick some ass to change opinions about him.
  4. Not sure what you mean. Here, if a Shark game is on a local channel or the Fox regional channel, it wont be on a Center Ice channel. BUT if the are playing at home, and local TV isnt carrying it, Center Ice blacks it out. Sucks
  5. Being a TML and San Jose Shark fan keeps me busy enough during hockey season. This season, with the league overhaul and drastic power shifting, it will be even more interesting. Sabres should be more competitive and although im indifferent to the Penguins, Im looking forward to watching Crosby play. It looks like he is the real deal. Quote from the Toronto Sun "Crosby is polished in a way no 18-year-old could dream of. He attacks the net ferociously and was roughed up by Bruins defenders all night. And he is one of the few skill players of any age to disdain the perimeter." And the link to the article.
  6. ...start a separate forum just for Drew. Still get alot of posts on him. I saw today that the "Same old Drew" thread is still thriving. All the lovers and haters would have a forum all they're own. Cool
  7. Time to initiate the conversion to Hydrogen powered cars NOW! Then fukk em all. Take the entire middle east and shove the oil up they're collective asses (Isreal) too. We've got the economic and technological advantage lets use it to get this done.
  8. Thats a real liability. I know, just from coaching my sons roller hockey team, that the best offensive player can amount to a wash if he doesnt back check. Id much rather have a player who hustles at both ends and doesnt score as much.
  9. I like to think im a pretty astute hockey fan but I don't know too much about Vanek. Where is he from? I usually keep an eye on the Sabres with the Center Ice package on DTV and will watch for this guy.
  10. Exactly what I was thinking as I was reading your directions. After spending 6 hours in a bar watching football, some of even the simplest tasks become become pretty daunting. Just have to figure out a reason for my wife to come into the city for the day. She can go shopping for the day and just drop me off.
  11. How hard is it to get there from the East Bay??? It would be cool to hang out with other Bills people but that is a long drive home if lit up! Not sure if I could handle the Bart and then transfering to Muni, if thats what it took.
  12. Maybe no odds yet because of Vick.
  13. I just want to know when Tivo/DTV is going to give us the feature that only allows ambient stadium noise with no announcers. Some sort of filtering tool. That would be nice.
  14. udonkey. The site that has your pictures from the game on it. Galati, is that a picture hosting site? Or is it your own site? Nicely laid out.
  15. Jones by far. Anything or anyone to do with the Cowboys is the cutting edge of gayity.
  16. heheh..that was actually the main 4pm game I was watching, believe it or not. I had two players in that game from a fantasy league Im in(Holt, Fitzgerald)
  17. Total BS. The Bills actually played very good defence the first half keeping the game well within reach. They wore down physically because of being on the field too long. They had to be losing heart because of the offenses inability to score as well. Both these things added up to a pretty average second half for the defence. 318 yards and 17 points against would hardly qualify them for worst in the league. I think you are just typing out of frustration.
  18. Ive thought this for the last few seasons. If I didnt like the Bills(and wasnt involved in various pools) I probably wouldnt watch the NFL at all because of it. Such big money involved in the TV contracts I guess the networks have to squeeze every last spot out.
  19. Niether can Losman. He needs some help from the running game.
  20. Just like we could'nt predict a 10-6 season based on last weeks game, no one can say that we will be 6-10 based on this weeks. This team will gradually improve as the season moves along. Tampa is a very good team and it was Losmans first road game. Bills will bounce back next week.
  21. Man can't we lose that hip hop **** music as a intro. Damn that crap is annoying. bleech
  22. Should'nt it be they're? See this thread for details!!!
  23. "DAN SHAUGHNESSY: Not to insult the bosses, but this is a preposterous question. It's clear by now that the Patriots are the class of all the NFL, which covers the AFC and the puny division in which they play. So go knock yourself out, you Bills, Dolphins, and Jets. Look for the Patriots to run the table in the division and throughout the playoffs again." I hope the Patriot themselves are thinking this way! What a schmuck.
  24. Wait. Is hung over one word??? Hungover?
  25. heheheh..hey what do you want for a hung over Sunday morning
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