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Everything posted by Dante

  1. Just want to bump so Mark can see it.
  2. Just want to thank Mark for putting together a great tailgate crew today. Despite the Bills we still had a great time in the parking lot. Also despite ghetto Raider fan that had to show off thier awsome stereo system and fealt that everyone else would enjoy the pointless, bass laden awful crap hip hop they were pumping on everyone.
  3. It pains me to admit this but the Bills arent very good. Mediocre teams tend not to win on the road and are the perfect tonic for other bad teams that are playing at home. For example, the last two Bills wins at Rich. I sincerely hope im wrong because im going to teh game this Sunday and it will be awful to be in the stadium with a bunch of dipsh-- Raider fans as they beat the Bills. I want to out in the parking lot after the game in a good mood enjoying yet another beer celebrating a win!
  4. Considering all the new stadiums built in the last 10 years or less its not surprising that Rich is lower now. Doesnt mean that Rich sucks though. Not sure what they mean by "hard to get to" Do they dislike it because its not in the city? I like the fact its out in the suburbs.
  5. Ah yes, the cutting edge inovation that is "Spookyvision". Fantastic tech that always displayed a picture of Barbara Striesand in each corner of the screen for the entire show. Very disturbing because Barbara is real!
  6. It's too bad a few idiots will end up ruining it for everyone else. Pretty soon beer wont be sold at the games anymore. For those of us that like a couple with the game and can manage to behave ourselves, we will be screwed because of the morons.
  7. Really. If it's getting that bad in Buffalo, whats it going to be like in Raiderland this weekend. Man Im defenseless I dont own a nine to keep the aholes away.
  8. No way Hasek should have his number retired. He's a ingrate. Only Gil Perrault and Tim Horton should be retired.
  9. I guess it would depend on whom is available. If they have someone in mind now would'nt it make sense to get them in at least for the second half of the season? Really just in preparation for the following year. This way the coach could get a good look at players in season game action to get a better guage on who is worth keeping around for next training camp.
  10. I watched the Dallas game today for fantasy pool reasons and to me Drew is starting to show the same tell tale signs of suckage that he displayed in Buffalo. The infamous "tap, tap, tapping" is creeping back into his game. Both the fumbled snap and the ball being knocked out of his hand brought back some very ugly recent memories. On top of that he tossed a int with just a little bit of pressure on him. Dallas can keep him. No matter what our qb situation is here in Buffalo at least we have some potential at the position.
  11. Even better than Smiths run on that TD was Aikens block to clear the way for him.
  12. Man you would think the guy is T.Owens or something. For all we know the guys sucks
  13. Actually Im probably inaccurate blaming Lemaire. If memory serves me correctly, it was Roger Nielson that really started to implement defensive hockey in a big way. That was when he was with the Leafs back in the 80s. He then carried that same lame tradition to the Canucks. I guess it was Lemaire that made it popular because he actually won championships by using a defensive strategy. I really hope those days are a just a memory and dont return.
  14. It's night and day compared to what was. Should have done this 10 years ago when Lemaire started severely bending the rules with the clutch and grab and the "trap". Man I hope the next time I see that its in some euro Olympic game.
  15. Now thats weird. I get a "Forbidden" error message. Must really be good!!
  16. Here you go. The best. Nothing close http://www.iballer.com/divas/simpson/images/s13_jpg.jpg Or http://www.iballer.com/divas/simpson/images/s8_jpg.jpg
  17. Yeah that movie was kinda quirky. Not the same old crap. I kinda enjoyed it.
  18. No. We won because my son put our T.Spikes, Jim Kelly, and (cough) Drew Bledsoe bobble heads on top of the TV.
  19. Man my wife pretty much demands we go to the movies once a week. What the hell, she enjoys it and doesnt ask much. That said it pretty much gurantees I see my share of lame flicks. I did like "Batman Begins" though.
  20. At first I thought the same conner. But when the shootouts occur, everyone is watching. Something like fights. Generally, I like to say and think fights in the NHL are barbaric and I never watch them. That isnt reality though. I always check out the fight and so does everyone else. What are you going to do? Just give in to your natural violent cromagnan roots I guess.
  21. I get get over how much the NHL has improved FINALLY!!!!!! What I have been crying for for over 10 years has at long last been put into action. Enforcing the existing fricken rules and, gee, who'd a thunk it, entertaining hockey! NHL Center Ice is the bargain of the year for me if this keeps up. My TV remote is taking a beating trying to keep up with the Sharks, Leafs and Sabres. All playing exciting hockey. Toronto's two games vs the Sen's were classics both ending in shootouts. On Saturday night the Sharks got into a fantastic shootout with St Louis winning 7-6. Usually this time of year 70pct of my sports interest is still in the NFL but those numbers are reversed this year. NFL cant hold a candle to the NHL when the NHL is done right. JMHO
  22. Yup totally agree. Holcomb is adequet and, if our D was plalying up to its magazine preview clippings, it would be enough for us to have a decent season. Even a run at the division the way that its playing out.
  23. Yawn..sorry. I feel the same way about the Bills as I do your post. Although it is gratifying on a lesser level to beat Miami, that gratification doesnt develope into a myopic haze for me. This team still lies somewhere between mediocre and bad and were on thier way to losing until they got lucky on the fumble. What makes me so down on this team isnt the qb or even OLine situation, it's how disappointing and overated the defence is and has been. Too me, it means we have little or nothing going for us. Going into the season I really believed that our defence would keep us in every game. They have looked average and that is at their very best. Im sorry if im pissing on everyones parade after a huge win over such a dominent opponent but I just cant get on the bandwagon right now. Reality kicks in before I can BS myself otherwise and hop on.
  24. I would take a "decent" coach like him and his two Super Bowl wins any time. In fact, I would take him over any coach the Bills have had that I can remember. Including the overated Levy.
  25. It's never crossed my mind to use Sumo's but it's a good idea. Makes all the sense in the world to me now that you mention it.
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