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Everything posted by Dante

  1. Me either. I like Wyche. Always been a pretty creative coach.
  2. That Arnold impersonator is incredible.I did listen to the "blow up the moon" show as well and it was hilarious. Have you ever heard "Evil Dave Letterman" on Howard? He may be better than the Arnold guy.
  3. I think its "San Francisco Bay " brand I believe. Its my favorite for taste and you can't beat the price either. I think its $8 for 5lbs. Could be wrong on that but I know its way cheaper than buying the stuff at Safeway or something.
  4. Anytime there is a black coach available the media hops all over the cause. How about Jim Fassel? But even Shell couldnt do any worse than the last two guys weve had. At least he has some sort of HC experience. But why would the Bills actually want to hire someone that may be qualified. That would actually indicate some sort of common sense on thier part.
  5. They must be. Every movie that comes out has to have a Rambette kickin male ass. Life really is like that isnt it?? What scary is that it kinda is like that in my house. eeeek
  6. Bills should go back to thier old ones I agree. But so should San Diego, Denver(hate those Power Ranger things they have now), Tampa Bay.
  7. Hell no. Do you have any kids? If you did you probably have watched countless Disney movies that have girls kicking boys butt in all manor of sports. Motocross, hockey, football you name it.
  8. Some people are frugal by nature. Thats how they got rich. Just because he becomes wealthy doesnt mean that his charachter changes. I have a uncle that has, by our estimation, has 4 or 5 million in the bank. He still mooches meals at my fathers house and does not offer to pay a tab when going out with people for dinner. He's just friggen cheap he cant help it. I think Wilson may be the same. Just speculating on that though.
  9. His jealousy of Wilson aside, he does manage to assess the Bills history pretty accurately. Wilsons(iregardless of his wealth because I could care a less about that) reluctance to spend cash on decent, albeit pricey, coaching staff is a constant throughout the years. It's so frustrating. It just seems that we will never get turned in the right direction until the old fart dies or gives up the team. Maybe the author of the article is a maroon. I guess that makes me one to because he pretty much said everything Ive been thinking the last few years.
  10. I always thought that he was very creative when coaching the Bengals. Id go for him as OC if he wanted the job. Can absolutely be no worse that what we've had.
  11. Why? Denial? Too close to the truth?
  12. No doubt Levy is a good guy. This does smack of a snap desperate decision by a cheap, senile old man though. I have to believe there are better options out there. To me its just more of the same from Wilson. It wasnt Donohue, Mularkey or any other coach or manager that is responsible. Ultimately, its Wilson that the root probelm here. He is the common denominator in this equation. He is the top guy in power.
  13. Best article ive seen written on the signing of Levy and the general history of the Bills. Kinda sobering but the reporter pretty much has the Bills figured out. Not that he says anything I didnt know already. It's almost like it was me writing this. I wish I had. http://www.realfootball365.com/nfl/article...ilson050106.php
  14. God I hope not. What a desperation move this would be. Friggen 80 year old gm. Bills are laughable if they make him the guy. Ralph just refuses to hire decent people. Who's are coach going to be? John Madden? He needs a new cash suppliment since his video game gig dried up
  15. I wish he would announce he's selling the team or handing the reigns over to someone more capable. He's the reason we cant get a decent coach or gm. Only good one we had(Polian) he got rid of.
  16. They're so bad that they can't even be bad right?
  17. Oakland. Not because we lost. It's how utterly heartless this team looked doing it. And the fact they lost to another team that is heading towards a 4-12 season is worse. And the fact it's the thug Faiders is even worse!
  18. Ive never been a head coach in football before, let alone pro football. To me, imho, Wade was not a good gameday coach. Made bad decesions during the game and horrible at clock management(see the Titans playoff loss). That said, I have all the respect for him as a DC. It's not like thats a bad thing. I dont consider him a failure if he isnt a good head coach. It just means that he is not cut out for that position. Like all of us arent cut out for alot of jobs. He is a good man. Just not at the head coach position. I wish he was back here as DC cause our D needs him.
  19. Exactly what I was thinking as reading the posts. Even traditionally defensive teams are stuggling keeping chances down. Funny how the game changes when you cant cheat anymore eh DEVILS!!! Sabres look just fine to me. If anything, I think they may need more scoring punch as the season wears on
  20. Cheecho from Thornton. Tune in the dish guys for some good hockey. 654 here but maybe 767 back east.
  21. Good job Sabres. Nice to see them, among others, get a fair shot now with the salary cap. Sabres/Sharks final. Guy's with the dish and Center Ice package should tune in to see the SharksvsCaps. I know we are out here in hockey Siberia on the coast but it is worth the watch. Sharks have been the most talented team in the west for two years now. Thornton is the next too last piece in the puzzle for them. Just need one more good Dman and we are all set. San Jose is also 9 million under the cap
  22. there you go. Moot point. Sabres win!!!
  23. Not sure what your res was set at before. If it was 800x600 , 1024x768 text and everything else, like icons, shortcuts etc will all be smaller in comparison.
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