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Everything posted by Dante

  1. ..so far. Total bullsh-- as far as im concerned! I read somewhere no women either. More bullsh--!
  2. Although the probablility is low I like the general idea of the post. I love the thought of having stud lines on both sides of the ball.
  3. I call them a$$holes.
  4. I wonder how some of these aholes would like it if they were threatend and harrassed when they made mistakes at thier jobs?
  5. Get yourself a nice external hd for that stuff bro.
  6. The last thing they need to do is rush into hiring a coach like they(Ralph) rushed into hiring a gm.
  7. Me too. One of my favorite players of all time.
  8. Olineman and coaching. Thats why the Bills will always be also rans. Wilson is a cheap pr1ck.
  9. So he was in the right place at the right time. I will give him this: He had the balls to invest in a fledgling league going up against teh NFL. I guess you could make a argument for the HOF based on that. After that is seems, to quote a pop punk song "It's all downhill from here". Cant think of anything exceptional the guy has done except make money selling an inferior product. The Bills clearly would have been better off with someone else at the helm all these years. Sometimes I wish that someone dynamic like Mark Cuban would buy the team just to inject some sort of new perspective. A fresh approach.
  10. You dont win 3 Super Bowls by melting down and losing your cool. Thats one of Brady's strengths. He didnt lose it yesterday either.
  11. yup. They should have run for the first down. Called a TO and then try, at least, to get the ball another 10yds closer or so. Then, knowing teh kick was significantly closer, Vanderjadt would have been much more at ease and made teh kick easily. Bad coaching decision by Indy. 46 yarder is by no means a percentage play. Bad, bad Dungy!
  12. He seems unstoppable to me. I like the Carolina team as a whole.
  13. Ive noticed a noticable relaxing of obstruction calls in the NHL the last month or so. I hope its just my imagination. The last time the NHL cracked down on the clutch and grab style they gradually let the game revert back to garbage after 3 months or so. If they allow this to happen again the game will never get anywhere and all the progress this season will be for not. If they keep the game exciting they have a chance though. As for the NFL Ive always thought the officiating was decent overall. Its the NFL's current packaging that annoys me though. If you have to sit down and watch just one game its pretty tedious with all the stoppages. Official time outs. Injury delays. Replay review delays(there the worst. Commercials jammed up you a$$. Pretty bad.
  14. Overenthusiastic punt team? LOL is that even possible? Sounds like damage control to me saving face for Dungy.
  15. Slow news day?
  16. Just out of curiosity, what band was it? Read this post too late.
  17. Man im pretty negative when it comes to the Bills but with good reason. I never could see myself so down for a playoff game though. I think bluechipper is right. Pats arent as good as they used to be even though they are playing better and are the "sexy' pick right now. NE has one of the poorer pass D's in the league and I think Plummer will have success. A turnover here or there(what is teh weather outlook in Denver?) and the Bronco's will be fine.
  18. Or work and play for the Bills apparently.
  19. Vermeil's constant blubbering is annoying and disturbing. Even so, he is a proven coach and winner. I would take him as well.
  20. I thought the mood was generally positive over todays revelation. Pissing and whining over the Haslett rumours though.
  21. The Bills just dug up Levy as a gm so why is speculation about Haslett such a stretch? To me its a logical choice given the Bills history. Not saying its the right decision just a typical one.
  22. Again? You mean still. Not like we have some grand 3 year blueprint to build a dynasty going on here. I just question Haslett as a candidate. What did he do in N.O.? Decent record his first season with the Saints but after that?
  23. I cant say I dislike the guy. Im just not impressed with him as a football player. With or without a decent OLine you can usually tell if a guy has talent or not. Average backs all look like All Pro's when they have good lines. Magahee just seems like a load out there to me. Even in the open field. His speed is below average. He doesnt appear to have any elusivness. No moves that I can tell. Sure he tears it up when he when he gets a opening but so does Kevin Barlow. Nothing personal but I just think he is overated and wouldnt lose any sleep if he left.
  24. Man im not going to be able to sleep tonight knowing some billionaire, 90 year old screw isnt an inductee to the HOF. Modern day tragedy. The day the cheap pr1ck actually spends the cash to seriously build a team here is the day I would consider him for the hall of fame.
  25. Hey, Levy is old as granite and he's the gm. Why not Kelly as part of a ownership group?
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