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Everything posted by Dante

  1. Shark Tank is a fantastic arena. Lots of space in the concourses and everywhere else. Lots of energy as well. What is curious to me is how this team has such a dedicated core of fans that fill the rink every game. However, here in the Bay area you barely know the team exists. Very little press coverage. Out here its all bastketball, football and baseball. Poor uncultured slobs. Anyway. Even though now the series is tied at two, the Sharks will prevail. The Oilers are a team that needs emotion and their home rink to succeed. They have really very few dependable skilled shooters. In fact , thier best player, Smyth, is anything but a pure goal scorer. Great player he is but not a natural trigger man. Its going to be a long series now but the Sharks will have to go 7 to do it unfortunately.
  2. Sounds like either the game has to be patched(did you check Medieval's site for updates?) or it is a video or sound card driver issue. Id start there.
  3. I think the same way. This upcoming season I just want to something. Some sort of development. Stats dont have to be killer or anything I just want to see some improvement. But if sucks I think we start to look elsewhere.
  4. AI Thought it was a very well done movie but pretty much depressing all the way through. Sad charachters. Very well acted.
  5. Seems im not alone on my assessment of the refs including Joanette. I may be mistaken by accusing him alone. He has an accomplice. That is McCreary. He also reffed the crappy Shark game I was talking about with Joanette. So lucky Buffalo fans. This dynamic duo is reffing your game tonight. Here is a pretty good thread from the Shark board on the playoff refs. McCreary and Joanette in particular. http://boards.sjsharks.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7369
  6. Thing is the Sabres are totally taken out of any rhythm by constantly being penalized. Always in a defensive posture. Would'nt be that big of a deal if they were calling it the other way as well
  7. Incredible. All I know is the last game I saw this Jonnette guy ref it was very similar to this. Terrible and one sided for some reason. No way he should be officiating in the playoffs.
  8. Hey its cool. Drury just had a awsome shift on the PP. Good hustle there. Nice determination.
  9. Never said he sucked. But on that particular play he most certainly did. And its just not him. Hey guys im on your side. I want the Sabres to win.
  10. Man who is 23 on the Sabres? Just tried to stick check Alfredson and he walked right by him. Sabres really do suck on D. They have to tighten that **** up.
  11. Jonnette is a terrible ref. Does not call it equally for both teams. Screwed the Sharks in game one of thier series with Nashville. Lots of missed calls for Nahsville but never seemed to miss any when it was a Shark. Cost us that game.
  12. Sabres look good so far. A bit tighter checking than the last game. Crunching hit on Connolly sent him out of the game a minute into the game.
  13. yeah. Again,IMHO, I would rather spend bucks on my OLine to make average backs look great. Thats the way I would approach it anyway. Dont really care what Willis does.
  14. All bullsh-- aside. To this point, I havent seen much from Willis to get me enthused. Still in the potential stage. Just here a lot of "If he regains his speed" or "If he does this" or that. To me, if the Bills dumped him, it would be no great loss.jmho
  15. This morning I callled home to my wife to Tivo the Sabre game for me. I meant to but forgot. The game starts at 4pm my time so that meant I would miss most of it if I didnt Tivo. So my wife, bless her heart, programs it for me. Problem is, she only Tivo'd the scheduled run time for it so it stopped recording at 6.30! God damn So I did not see the last 7 minutes of the game or the overtime. Had to go to the internet to get the final. Sounded like a amazing finish. Sabre/Sharks on a collision course!!! Well, if the Sabres dont learn how to play defence in front of their own net that may not happen. But if they do survive its going to be fun.
  16. I confess. I didnt really follow the draft that closely mainly due to my waning interest in the Bills. Still a fan but way more skeptical that I used to be after being let down so many times. Anyhow, is this draft by Marv based on his charachter is more important than talent theory? Just wondering.
  17. Not sure what im missing but how can anyone declare this draft a success since no one has played a down yet? I think some want the Bills to win sooo badly that they give the benifit of the doubt way too early in these things.
  18. Hot celeb chicks always go nude when its too late and no one cares. I guess they feel like they are losing thier celebrity status and have to do something to ressurect the career OR they need their sagging ego boosted as does thier sagging bods.
  19. Dean. You cant be rooting for the Sabres. You HAVE to be a Sharks fan first! I too am rooting for the Sabres in the east. (Also I cant stand the Flyers. Love seeing Clark look stupid after aquiring all the stiffs he has) Ive always had a soft spot for the Sabres but since Ive moved out here Ive followed the Sharks. Sharks VS Sabres would be a fantastic final would it not?? Sharks are fast and talented like Buffalo. GO SHARKS!!
  20. Only person they have to blame is Bobby Clark. He was the guy who deliberately went out and aquired (during the lockout) dinasaur, huge, slow Dmen. Rathje, Hatcher and Therion are all immobile and outdated. Perfect fodder for quick teams like the Sabres and others who had forsight to retool for the new NHL. Clark, much like ex Quinn of the Leafs, is much too stuburn or unable to change his outlook on the NHL. I cant believe Clark has survived this long. In the Mid nineties he build a pretty good team with the Legion of Doom and so on but insisted on not getting a top goalie. Garth Snow? That got them bounced from the playoffs consistently and they never won the cup.
  21. How does anyone know that Smith is a bust? Didnt play a full season last year and was a total rookie.
  22. I agree. Not even in the same league. One is drop dead beautiful and the other is kinda cute. IMHO the French chick grades out a 9.5 and the other one maybe a 7.5. Two different divisions. One minor league and one pro.
  23. No your not. Im not sure I could beat that. We are going bowling next Friday as a work thing where we bowl 2-3 games. I'll see if I can top that. My prediction is the first game, 159. The second, after too many beers kick in, 136. By the third, 98. Pacifico in effect. Bowling ball not in effect! Bumper time.
  24. Not going to repeat what has been said here. This thread pretty much expressed all my thoughts so no need to retype. Suffice to say that I too have been disgruntled with the NFL in general. Not just over this current situation with the Bills. My interest in the NFL has been slowly eroding ever since they started moving teams around like the Colts, Browns, Rams and so on. For me, it comprimised the integrity and stability of the league. The history was violated forever. IF the Bills were to move I believe it would be the final blow to my attachment to the league. The more I watch what is going on in the pro sports world the more I appreciate the NHL. Yes it does have problems of its own. In a way its fine that it is the least popular of the major sports. It keeps the owners, players hungry and motivated to please the fans and not take advantage of them like the NFL does. The players are approachable and generally fan friendly. The NFL doesnt give a **** about their fans except how much more they can get out thier bank account. I know its a capitalist society and they are certainly entitled to get what they can. However there is a limit and ceiling to everything and hopefully the NFL is reaching that point. The point where they are too expensive and too saturated with advertising and promotion. The NFL on tv is almost unwatchable for me. This became apparent to me when I realized that most of the time im only watching the NFL because of my involvment in fantasy pools. I find myself more entertained by watching the local high school(De La Salle) on the cable access channel than the NFL.
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