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Everything posted by Dante

  1. sigh..so many layers of lies going on. Among the propaganda msm the NYT seems to specialize in lie big an bold and backtrack later after the mind control is done. https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/did-the-times-print-an-urban-legend/?amp I espeically like this part "A number of young journalists have been arguing lately that the traditional mission of journalism needs to be cashiered in favor of “moral clarity,” that journalism should be more like activism. " So less objective reporting and more story time??? Pretty much what we have had the last 40 years or so anyway
  2. Just what I always thought. This "chick?" is average. AT best. The partner Obama as well. All they got is mouth and hate. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2020/07/how_affirmative_action_screwed_up_michelle_obama.html
  3. Bullshite baffles brains. Truer words never spoken lol. Living in a movie I swear. https://humansarefree.com/2020/07/atlanta-armed-black-panther-marchers-were-actors-dressed-in-costumes.html
  4. Any charges against the dummies breaking into the neighborhood destroying the gate?
  5. https://freebeacon.com/media/nbc-contributor-reveals-he-never-had-coronavirus-after-network-documented-his-recovery/ lol
  6. Maybe we should just wear paint respirators 24/7 from now on and be real safe? Why even leave the house if it's that unsafe? Hell why even get out of bed we can have our pc's in there and maybe become bubble boys?? In fact, why even live at all if life is that dangerous? You know, safety is always first these days
  7. Pneumonia always has been deadlier than the flu. Breaking news!
  8. Bill Nye such a fraud. He is much of a scientist as I am a starting right tackle for the Bills. Biggest danger to this idiot is not a fantasy virus but lighting himself on fire with that candle.
  9. .2% probably. RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! But please be safe and take the mask OFF because wearing it drops your oxygen intake level well below OSHA's acceptable level! Not good especially when running in the summer heat.
  10. Marxist=Communist no? Or has that been re branded? Social Democrat
  11. It's not over until November.
  12. Need a mask or not?? Can't be that threatened. The lady behind doesn't seem to be to worried either. Another liar.
  13. There are lots of options. Besides the usual world ending climate change,. Or maybe Muslims/Isis? They may opt to reopen hostilities with the North Korean. If that doesn't satisfy them its possibly Putin? Hillary was doing her best to get something going with the Russians before Trump derailed that plan.
  14. Did you have to take the jelly out of my donut?? Even though you are probably right.
  15. I have a dream! lol
  16. Holy shite can you imagine if this state flipped? Is it a possibility?
  17. Posted above I know. Here is another report on it. When Cali gets it right you have to put it in the win column. Doesn't happen very often https://www.bitchute.com/video/oJRX6miEB8Y/
  18. One of the better pics Ive seen in a while. Made me lol
  19. Shite your half a slave now and you don't even realize it. Slave by taxation. Slave to usery in the form of interest rates . Slave to multi nationals. Ever notice that after you pay all your bills there is hardly anything left? That's not by accident. Think feminism was a way to free women? Think again. There was no way they were going to get away not being a tax donkeys or not paying interest on credit cards they got sucked into. That's 50 % more people to leech off of.
  20. Poland, Hungary and Russia seem to be the most based countries around now. Who'd a thunk it? Kinda the way I feel now. I'm out of fantasy leagues. Won't be getting Sunday Ticket. I think if I were to watch a Bills game I will feel like I have to take a shower right after
  21. NFL is no longer a sports/entertainment organization. It's joined the political propaganda arm of the Democratic party
  22. Congrats Chazatine. You probably have the highest murder rate of black men per capita in the world lol. Nice security guard you guys had going on https://komonews.com/news/local/seattle-police-release-graphic-video-of-chop-shootings Just lucky I'm not running the cops. They wouldn't be using rubber bullets at this point and this thing would be over real quick. This is a military attack masked as a protest
  23. hahah..Snopes run by a ex porn star. Before that some cat lady.
  24. No one is obsessed with what they do. The guy asked a simple question in a calm manner. It confused them. They couldn't process it. I found it funny. Could give two $hits if you think I'm a creep or not. Obvious what your position is and your no one I would want to associate with.
  25. People living in the country. Fresh air. Multi skilled in survival. Low crime. Wanting property rights and individual liberty. Ability to protect their families=Dumb People living in dirty $hithole cities. Out of control crime. Unskilled, trained to work in a cubicle for multinational corps. Being bread to be tax donkeys and let the parasite banks leach off them=Very intelligent/woke/progressive! Correct?
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