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Everything posted by Dante

  1. Again, nothing but "what ifs", "maybes" and "if only". Thing is when I watch the guy I don't see any talent. Call me retarded then. I just don't think the guy has it. Usually, even if a back doesnt have a line if front of him, you can tell the guy has raw talent. Sometimes, the back will make alot when there is not a hole there. I have seen none of this in Willis. No accelaration. No quickness. No elusiveness. I may be retarded but im not blind. Hey, I want this ahole to be a great back Im a Bills fan. At the same time im a realist.
  2. I feel exactly the same way. He is absolutely no threat when out there. He fills a roster spot thats about it. Its been a while since I've been this underwhelmed by a first round pick.
  3. All "if's" and "wills". Not sold on Willis and have seen very little to make me think this guy is anything but average. Line or no line he deserves nothing more than a middle of the pack type ranking at this point if your ranking the backs themselves.
  4. In the NHL there were no steroids users found during recent testing. Although it certainly happened before, I can't remember the last time I heard about a NHL player abusing thier wife. And I follow the NHL pretty closely. Anyway, just saying. Something to consider and possibly a better comparison than comparing NFL players to the general population.
  5. Why stop there? Take the PCH all the way up to San Fran! Best drive ever. Check out Pebble Beach.
  6. That rivals the Hasselhoff "Hooked on a Feeling" one.
  7. Oh come on. There a high quality team that proved it all season. If there was a team to dislike here it was the Oilers. There pretty much a hack team. Pissonme and Torres can cheap shot with the best of them and Greene is not too far behind.
  8. Only 99 Days until a overwhelming feeling of indifference nudges me closer to looking forward to hockey season. Bills act is getting old.
  9. Im moved out here because I got married. No killer relocation program. Actually, to be honest, we are just renting right now. Although my wife and me make pretty decent money we can't afford to buy. Well, we could but it would be in a unacceptable area or some sort of converted apartement condo. Still, I love it here and wouldnt move back east. NO WAY! Welcome to the Bay Area JoeF. btw favorite place to watch football(not a Bills bar) is the Stadium Pub in Walnut Creek Favorite thing to do is to go to Shark games in San Jose, all day concerts on Pier 32(Warped Tour) or Shorline(Mountainview/Palo Alto) or just hanging out at El Fornio in downtown Walnut Creek
  10. Im not from Buffalo but relatively close. Burlington, Ont. Im now in the Bay Area and I love it. Would never leave the west coast now.
  11. Nothing is going to happen unless you join us out here in Cali where all these Hollywood hotties hang. Your going to have to leave Buffalo bro or Mandy is not going to know you exist. Make it happen man!!!!
  12. This is the part I found interesting "David Llewellyn, an Atlanta attorney who specializes in circumcision cases" What?
  13. Scott Hannon, defenceman for the Sharks, played the last game of the Oiler series with a fractured foot.
  14. Soccer is a bargain basement sport for nations that can't afford equipment. Much like basketball. The "have" affluent countries like the US and Canada can enjoy the premier sports like hockey and football cause we can.
  15. Bud is cheap. The only upside of that pisswater.
  16. The Germans, with all thier technological and engineering know how. I would think think thier entertainment tastes would be a bit more, sophisticated. But then again, who are we to judge. The USA has "American Idol" as its number one show and Oprah is loved. Go figure.
  17. I caught a episode a few weeks ago and thought it was really good. Plan to watch the marathon Friday. Something different.
  18. I guess the commerical is doing its job. Sex definitely sells! Are madras shorts for men or women, or both? Have'nt seen the ad btw.
  19. Bingo. All the rest of this crap doesnt mean squat until we get effective lines. Even the qb situation is secondary at this point.
  20. Man, it's just nice to see exciting hockey again. Especially this close to the final. So nice not to have to sit and watch suffacating defence featuring the Devils or some boring crap team that we used to have to watch at this stage of the playoffs. Great game. Lots of chances, nice plays and yes, hitting. Not the clutch and grab excuse for "physical" hockey. Way to go to both these teams.
  21. I hate how they all try to be funny. Every line has to be some sort of smart ass remark.
  22. My complaint for years. Its not that the penalties the refs call are wrong, it's when they decided to call them that puzzles me. The favorite refrain is "We dont want to decide the outcome of the game. We want the players to decide." Well, the refs can certainly decide a game by not calling infractions as much as they can by calling them. They dont seem to get that.
  23. Guys I think your wrong on the officiating. Im pretty objective on this because I actually enjoy both teams. I thought the Sabres got away with some stuff in the first period. Some interference going on. Im not a fan of NHL officiating by any means but I really dont think this particular game was affected by it at all. Not to say the refs dont screw up games but I think this one was fairly balanced. I think the Sabres got outworked for the majority of the first two periods but showed what they were made of by giving it a good shot in the third by not giving up. I really think this is going to be a fantastic series and really, tonight was an exceptional game to watch. Lots of skating, hitting and minimal clutch and grab. I just hope that whomever wins this series its not the Oilers they are playing. They are much like Calgary of the previous playoff year. That is, alot of obstruction, clutch and grab and so on. If the refs decide to put the whistle away for that stuff, like they did in the Sharks series, the Sabres or Canes will be in trouble.
  24. That was good. Not sure what "Robot Chicken" is. What channel is it on or is it just on the net?
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