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Everything posted by Dante

  1. No, no other dog breed seems to do these things under any conditions. You shouldnt have to worry about your pet killing people, under any circumstances. Mother is definitely a tool but doesnt change the fact that Pit Bulls are phucked up and should not be allowed.
  2. Every time you here of a mauling or terrible incedent like this there is always a Pit Bull or Rotwieller involved. These two breeds really should be outlawed. http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews...ia/15058759.htm
  3. And the movie was still awsome! I thought the english accents, jargon and sayings(cant think of the proper word for that. I know there is one) really added to the charm of the movie.
  4. Really, he has to be one of the most underated actors out there. People focus on the pretty boy idol thing and his private tabloid life. Tends to overshadow the guys talent. Most overated, again in my uneducated personal opinion, Al Pacino. Likes to overact. jmho
  5. Even though you could barely understand a word he was saying it was still great.
  6. It's fantastic that sales are up even with this crappy team. Great for WNY fans. Just shows how solid the area is for the NFL.
  7. Couldnt have said it better myself. Not interested in politics when Im going to a entertainment event. If I want to agrivate myself with political crap I'll watch CNN or something(which I almost never do anymore). BTW imho Pitts best flicks, at least in terms of his acting ability, are "Kalifornia" and "Snatch".
  8. When I read something like this I feel like a ahole. Any problems I have are laughably minor compared to others. Hope the good progress keeps up.
  9. Check this out. Leave it to the Japanese http://blinkagain.blogspot.com/2005/11/jap...per-toilet.html
  10. Not sure how you could ever tell. We havent had anyone to get them the ball in years. But other than that. Evans is unproven as a #1 guy. Price has been deteriorating for the last few seasons. Reed? Parrish. I can barely remember him even catching the ball last year. Cant remember Davis I agree with the cornerback deal though.
  11. Not by a long shot. Its almost as good as seeing Drews dazed look while he's screwing up.
  12. The british show is much more subdued. Like I said, its not over the top for TV like Hells Kitchen is. A bit more practical use for Ramsey. Sorry about your wife though.
  13. On BBC America im just wondering if anyone else is in to this. This is the chef from "Hells Kitchen" but its not as over the top. He is in Great Britain instead of LA and goes to failing hotels/restaraunts and tries to revive them from the kitchen on out. To me, its a lot more intereseting than Hells Kitchen but I do enjoy that as well. http://www.bbcamerica.com/genre/home_livin..._nightmares.jsp
  14. The way your looking at it is the true upside and reality of this situation. Really like the draft and cap space end of it. Havent thought that far ahead honestly. I want nothing more than to be wrong and would love to have some of my posts quoted on this board as an example of how stupid I am. I have seen nothing thats happened this off season that would make me think thats a possibility though. I realy do hope Marv beats the odds and can compete with all the younger, proven and accomplished gms. Emphasis on the "hope" part of it.
  15. Count me as a pessimist I guess. Im basing my pessimism on the real world. The world in which the Bills were one of the worst teams last season. The world in which they hired a 80 year old man as a gm who hasnt made any moves of significance. A highly debatable draft. Or one that is at least, questionable. A highly touted qb that hasnt shown any sign of living up to his alleged potential. I question the media more than anyone but im with them all on this one. Hope springs eternal at TBD and I can appreciate that. Hell were all fans. I really do think that anyone that thinks this team is going to be even average is living in a myopic haze.
  16. I think your right. Culpepper was Bledsoe like last season. Horrible. Im glad the Phins got em.
  17. I agree with your opinion on the coach. Jury is out on that one. I feel for him in a way because he's coming into a pretty bad situation As far as teh gm hire is concerned Im still hoping its some sort of bad joke. hahahhah... ok Ralph now who really is our gm??? The hiring of a 80+ gm cant be spun in a postive fashion. Just because he was a decent coach does not mean he's a gm. Not even in his "younger" days as a Bills hc.
  18. ...Our Lady Peace, Sloan, and The Tragically Hip.
  19. When I heard that Mckee was going to be available I really hoped the Sharks would make a move for him. Not sure about 4million per year though.
  20. Jesus...can you imagine climbin up that friggen babe!!! Holy **** shes hot
  21. Why do I get the feeling that anyone the Pats have at qb will produce a significantly better offence than anything the Bills have to offer. Including Willis and whomever the starting qb will be?
  22. He should be suspended and pissed on for the music alone. I !@#$in hate the hip hop aholes and their systems
  23. I hope your right. Im just a jaded 35 year Bill fan, who, at this point that is out of patience. Desperately wants tham to succeed but is kinda worn down by them.
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