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Everything posted by Dante

  1. Nothing worse than someone who isnt remotely funny thinking he is. Thats Paul. He hasnt come close to making me smile once. Except when the game ends.
  2. So your saying we need to invest 3 large into hi-def equipment and it will all be better? Im not sure what a better TV would do for what we are complaining about. I guess if you drink enough beers anything passes as entertainment Even endless breaks and commercials. All were saying is that its hard to maintain interest sometimes when there is so little action. Honestly, I don't know how the players manage sometimes. I mean, any momentem or excitement at all must be sucked out of them by 5 minute TV timeouts. I dont know how they can stay focused like they should.
  3. Maybe the only guy who can give Joe Thiesman a run for his money on the annoyameter.
  4. Without the Sunday Ticket and fantasy pools the NFL would be unwatchable. Its a shame that I need a fantasy pool to keep me interested. If I had to sit and watch just one game at a time, well, I wouldnt. Tedious ****. I went to the Raiders/Bills game last season out here and it was one of the most miserable live sporting events I have ever been to. What made that game so offensive was the endless hip hop **** they played at every opportunity. I couldnt wait to get to the parking lot. Thank god I have the occasional Shark game to got too
  5. They wernt so bad defensively last season. Ranked 8th in total defence according to NFL.com although not so good in points allowed. 6th from the bottom. But still there seems to be some life there. Also they just signed Linehart. Seems to be a future building there especially with the new stadium. All season tix sold out this year.
  6. Movie was way under the radar. I guess I can see why. Quirky. Original. Not your typical stuff that Hollywood pumps out for the masses. I enjoyed it.
  7. I always kinda thought he was a entertaining actor. Just saw him a while ago in "Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang" and he was great in that.
  8. I dont think $110 month increase would be enough to make me move. Is it worth it to have to come up with a deposit, first last etc?
  9. Boldin, Fitzgerald, and now The Edge. Warner is pretty capable to when healthy. I definitely like thier chances better than ours.
  10. I agree. The gain outweighs the risk. Bills need Losman to get capable and that wont happen sharing snaps with a retread qb like Holcombe.
  11. But then again, what would us Bills fans know about professional football? Not like we ever see it. Maybe cheering for the Eskimos is a viable alternative.
  12. JP HAS TO BE A SUCCESS!!! Please. If he comes around as a qb this season I will be satisfied at the end of it. No matter what our record is. I just want to see some positive steps towards the future. Cant afford JP to be a bust. Bills cant afford to waste 1st round picks like that. Damn I hope he starts all these pre season games.
  13. Too each his own I guess. I actually really enjoy it. Under no circumstances would I ever watch any form of basketball, but I understand how some might, I guess. Don't you think these guys have skill?
  14. And agents. I should think things through before I post.
  15. A neater trick will be able to get more than four people to watch the Bills after about week 7.
  16. Better than most sports out there. Refreshing to see real skill minus the attitude. I think more people watch than you think.
  17. That stuff is insane. Loved the entire XGames. Really like the BMX stuff.
  18. They should have moved her to the back of the plane. Now that would have been funny.
  19. Good one. Really, he probably said something like " Good morning. You look very nice today" . She would have replied. "WTF do you mean by that? No way im sleeping with you!" Bam. Sexual harrassment. See you in court.
  20. I hope Losman shows significant progress this season so we can spend our #1 on a top O-Lineman. Also, although I admire the positive attitude here it is only that. There is absolutely no reason, factual or otherwise. to believe this team is capable of finishing 8-8. Five wins, tops.
  21. hahah way to piss on the guys parade. Nice truck bro. Decals are sweet. Love Ford 150 Super Crews. Have one myself, albeit a 2001. Good thing is its paid off in 3 months!!! And absolutely no problems with it(besides normal wear and tear. Have put a set of brakes on it and a set of tires) and will buy another one in a couple years. Dont even need to test drive
  22. Im just looking at teh numbers of the article. Again, Im aware of the point of view of the piece. To me , its funny that they would try to make a point when 38pct is an astounding number to try to justify. I guess im not going to win this one
  23. Maniac mode is cool but your mouse finger doesnt get the proper exercise. I like to get healthy when having fun.
  24. I realize what the point of the article was. Still, at 38pct of fatal attacks by only 2 breeds of dogs(out of hundreds of different ones) is overwhelming to me.
  25. Not giving owners a pass. Here is a pretty good site breaking down that statistics of fatal dog attacks. Here is a bit from its "The CDC study (using 238 breed identifications) concludes that Pit Bulls and Rottweilers are responsible for over 50% of all human fatalties due to dog bite during the years 1979-1998." Not as one sided as I thought it would be but stil kinda points out what Im trying to say.
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