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Everything posted by Dante

  1. And there's the problem. You know going to a Bills game that your not going to get the Carolina Panther cheerleader making out in the bathroom type of lesbian. Easy to be open minded with that sort of action. Your more common garden variety butchie is less palettable.
  2. I think my only complaint with him today was he seemed to take too long to make his decisions. Held the ball too long. Kinda Bledsoe like in that regard. I'll say one thing the guy does have a gun for a arm. No fear and no trouble tossing the ball into the 30+ winds.
  3. I was watching to and I thought it was a creative call. Catch them by surprise. Didnt think it was a disaster or anything.
  4. Nice reply daveb. I quietly agree with you on Thornton(whispering because I dont want my Shark fan buddies to hear me). Until he comes around in the playoffs Im not totally comfortable with him. After the Nashville series he appeared to really tighten up. Not close to the same attitude and composure that he showed all season. You might even say, hate to use the word, that he choked. Scott Thorton is not the same player as you may remember. Only plays physical sporadically. I was really disappointed when he didnt come out to defend his teamates in the Oiler series. That was his role(in my mind) since Wilson, in his wisdom, was sitting tough guy Scott Parker. Point is that Scott Thornton was pretty much done here. Again, im really happy with the aquasition of Greir. I hope the Sabres have someone to fill that role because even in todays kinder, gentler NHL, that type of player is necessary. Particularly in the playoffs.
  5. Not playing fair now. But im willing to bet that she knows more about bush than GW does himself!
  6. Thats a really nice article for us. It's been a while since I have read anything as positive as that for one of our guys. Im a big fan of making the offensive line the #1 priority so this is especially nice to hear for me. I never knew Peters was so promising but the Bills line has looked good so far this season. Maybe Peters is a big reason for this.
  7. BB I love your avatar. Hillary looks yummy yes? Man she looks like she's coming off a rough lesbo weekend with the girls.
  8. I guess thier a lot like guns. They can pretty much kill you so you have to keep them under control.
  9. I gradually lost interest in the Leafs because of thier complacent management. They have no need to achieve because the seats are full no matter what. With the amount of TV money and other income the Leafs have they should be ashamed of themselves. Teams like the Sabres(and the Sharks) have to work thier asses off to put enough people in the seats to make the franchises viable. Management of these two teams are much more motivated. I really do admire the Sabres for what they did last season.
  10. Like the Steelers, pit bulls should be exterminated. On the other hand, maybe the Steelers could have used these mutts on Monday night. http://www.wpxi.com/sports/9903979/detail.html
  11. Owned in a big way. Holy crap
  12. 2nd game of a east coast swing I guess they may not have been too tired. Anyway, I just threw that in for color. Not sure what Thorton has to do with it but anywho. To be honest, if I remember correctly, it was the Sabres that were road weary. I think the San Jose game was their 7th game in 10 nights. Not necessaraly all road games but still a tough stretch. I also remember thinking(before the actual game with the Sharks started) that we(San Jose) would have an advantage because the Sabres just had a tought OT win vs the Habs the previous night. About Mr Thorton. I follow my team close enough to know that it was him that gave us the boost to get into the playoffs. I also follow closely enough to know that what beat us in the playoffs was not the disappearence of Joe(which disappointed me also) but the teams lack of grit when the Oilers started cheap shot tactics. Sharks leading the series 2-0 and that Pisani !@#$ and a couple others started running a couple of our young skill guys. The Sharks did absolutely nothing to retaliate and the series seemed to go downhill from there. It was like the Oilers knew we were their B word and started pushing us around. What also cost us was our lack of coaching adjustments. Wilson refused to adjust to the Oiler defensive tactics. The grit problem has been addressed by aquiring Grier from you guys. Good move. He played very well for the Sabres in the playoffs last season. We some balls and he will certainly not disappoint. Also the Sharks got Mark Bell who is a gritty player with skills. Not bad at all. daveb dont get wound up Im just having fun. Actually I really enjoy watching the Sabres. I grew up in Burlington, Ont and Ive seen many Sabre games at the Aud. Sabres were actually my favorite team as a kid and only became a Shark fan since moving out here.
  13. Thanks bp.btw having a little trouble with the Rams At Cards. Packers At Lions. Panthers at Bucs Cards -4.5 Buc's + 3.5 Lions -6.5 Any thoughts? Cards have the offence to put up numbers so Im leaning to them. Steven Jackson didnt impress me last week vs the Niners but Holt and Bruce can still do sufficient damage Im leaning to the Panthers just because Smith may play. Im leaning Lions just because GB's defence is maybe the worst in the NFL.
  14. I dont understand that udonkey. For taking 5 teams they gave you 6 points each game?
  15. Even nicer no Sharks coming to town for you guys. You won't have to witness another ass kicking like Buffalo got last year when a road weary San Jose cruised to a easy 5-0 win.
  16. Solid input. Nice. Thanks guys
  17. What are some of the best bets this weekend guys? Last week I did very well going by TSW picks in a similar thread. One game that stands out to me as a pretty solid lock is the Bears.
  18. Hey that was pretty funny. Almost as funny as the guy who asked if that Kelly guy had tickets for the season opener and if they were available. I like dark humour as well. I feel ashamed.
  19. Funny I was driving with my wife the other day and I saw some lady piloting a mini van of some kind with a vanity plate that said "talk2hand" or something like that. I said "Jesus, does everyone have to have attitude these days? Even middle aged soccer moms are in your face." Class and consideration are so passe now. Not sure why you are on Sterns case though. Other than that im on your wavelength.
  20. I love the VW commercial with the german dude and the hot chick talking about the guys hood scoop sucking.
  21. !@#$in bulsh--. The Dolphins were lucky they were even in the game. If the Bills play calling would have been more aggressive the game would have been out of hand early.
  22. His image? Like that has any importance now. He killed someone intentionally. A murderer.
  23. The most recent post I can find for him is Sept 13. Where are the more recent ones?
  24. Not if there is a half assed corner, saftey or undersized wr available.
  25. I was thinking of Denver when I posted that. Also KC to a certain extent. I always thought that Holmes was a good back but not a particularly extrodinary one. He's strong but nearly as talented as LT.
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