More of a fan of the NHL than the NFL so I follow it very closely. It really appears to me that NHL players are closer to the norm of the general population and people of thier age. Lots of people get dui's. It's a mistake that many of us( yes me too) have made. I understand how it happens in every facet of life including the NFL. However, ive never dealt drugs, got involved in gun play. Raped a women and so on. Ive never heard of these more serious crimes going on in the NHL. Ive followed it all my life. I remember Bob Proberts getting in trouble for bringing something over the border but not too sell. To compare the crime rate and the severity of crimes of the NHL and both the NBA and NFL is ridiculous and you know it. Occurances of violent crime, drugs and so on are common place in these leagues. Rare and virtually non existent in the NHL.