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Everything posted by Dante

  1. So much for vigilante justice.
  2. Ok. Now can you tell us what that means????
  3. I have the pic if someone wants it. I saw it that morning and used it as my desktop. Sharks are my team but really hate the Flyers and I do like the Sabres so I got it.
  4. Could you imagine the human cry if you were a french Quebec'er and got that kind of treatment interviewing english in Toronto?
  5. I've let go 3 people over the last few years because of meth. Getting pretty easy for me to spot them. A small city near work, Antioch, is notorious for the **** I guess.
  6. Without a doubt Clarke is the worst gm in the NHL. Maybe even worse than Snow! Really don't know how he has kept his job all these years. Has to be married to Snider's daughter or something. Flyers, at least up until the new salary cap era, were among the teams with the highest payrolls for years. Clarke has managed to make glaring mistakes ensuring his teams would not win cups.
  7. Ive never heard of the guy. Not really sure I care. Well, I know I don't care.
  8. Smith is decisive. He scambles rarely even though he has the skills to do so. He does it as a last resort. Your correct that stats are similar. I can't quantify why Smith is better. I watch him every week because im out here and my bro in law is a Niner fan and we watch football every weekend together. It just seems that Smith knows what he is going to do before the play starts. He tries to make the play work. I really think that JP is doubtful before every snap. Or at least it appears that way. Maybe he's a victim of bad play calling? Bad coaching? All I know its not working for him or the Bills. And the Niners OLine is currently depleted by injuries. Newberry, Larry Allen and old faithful Jonas Jennings are all injured.
  9. Ive been backing this guy since day one. I realize our Oline is not great. But after watching other young qbs with similar OLines (not good) Im starting to think JP's not getting it.Either that or he is getting poor coaching. Smith on the Niners is on a crappy team but he doesnt hold on to the ball like JP does. He makes a decison. Im getting really tired of JP running around because he cant find anyone. I can see it happening from time to time but he does it once every 3 down set. Crap I just want someone confident that fires the ball out of there. cablelady I appreciate your loyalty. But Im losing patience and im an exceptionally patient guy.
  10. He's only scrambling because he can't make a decision. He is starting to look like Bledsoe. Please can we get a qb that takes a 3 step drop and make a decision? Either throw to a reciever, throw it away or run. I was a pretty good jp supporter but now he is looking like a bust. Im comparing him to guys like Alex Smith and Rivers. Both these guys are kinda along the same time line but both are looking more like a NFL qb than Losman is. Right now Losman=Bledsoe
  11. Given how much the Bills are not a threat to challenge for the division I think Miami and the Jests are even worse. If that is at all possible. Anyone watching this classic? Honestly, im only jumping in that game for a few plays at a time but it really looks pathetic. New England can pretty much start resting some of thier regulars and start preparing for the playoffs. Im watching the Niners and Chargers and even though the Niners are losing, Alex Smith looks pretty stable(compared to Losman) and is making some solid plays Also Rivers for the Chargers looks great. Man I wish we had either one of these guys.
  12. Happy BDay!
  13. Was'nt a good game for the Sabres. If not for Miller they would have been out of the game early. However, this is the type of game good teams win. When they have a less then stellar performance they still manage to steal a victory. btw Did'nt Hasek look like utter **** tonight? WTF is up with the diving forward on his stomach crap. Washed up goalie at this point and I couldnt be happier. Never did like the guy. Retire Dom
  14. Jesus is it that bad over there? Don't watch or read the news so I have no idea.
  15. The only Ontario fans that care about the Sabres are in St.Catherines and and any that may live along the QEW on the way to Buffalo. Other than that its pretty much Leaf/Hab territory. That said, I think most Canadians will watch no matter who's playing. Bettman and the NHL are'nt concerned with ratings in Canada. No way they like a Sabre/San Jose matchup. They would much rather have a Ranger/Kings or Blackhawk final.
  16. Good show. So the commercials for the season premier but didnt think to tivo.
  17. A final featuring Buffalo and San Jose would probably cause Bettman to commit suicide. Last season's Cup with Carolina and Edmonton had to annoy him. For him, a ratings nightmare. But as much as it would be a nightmare for him, it would be pure hockey joy for real fans . It would most likely be the best final series in twenty years. Or at least since the black plague that was the era of clutch and grab perfected by the Devils. Both teams love to skate and push the puck up the ice quickly. Both teams have defensmen that love to jump into the offense. Both are young and fast. Both teams have excellent goaltending. I can hardly wait!!! http://www.nhl.com/nhl/app?service=page&pa...rticleid=280895 GO SHARKS!
  18. Buffalo News should start doing something similar for the Sabres!
  19. I have no doubts that Carolina will rebound. Ottawa, on the other hand, seems to have a real weakness in goal. Gerber(who I've never been thrilled with at the best of times) looks very, very average. And Emery is no solution as a starting netminder either. Maybe there is a deal there for the Sabres to deal Biron or Miller to the Sens? All depends on your attitude about a couple things though. First, would you want to trade such a valuble commodity within your own division? Maybe not. Also, some like the idea of having two starting calibre goalies on the roster. Kind of intriguing. It is nice, over the long season, to have two great goalies. Sharks are in the same position as the Sabres in this regard. We have Nabokov and Toskla. Both starters and both have looked good as they have started a game each. It would probably make more sense for the Sharks to trade to Ottawa since they are in different conferences. Anyway, just food for thought. Throwing it out there for discussion. Have not read any rumours or anything.
  20. Way too many great moments to mention although I do like Pete's list. I'll add the "Awesom-o 2000" episode. Chalk full of funny exchanges between Butters and Cartman. Also the pervert Hollywood movie producer coming on to Awesom-o was a nice scene.
  21. Thats the last thing im picking up. If I won $800 here's what im buying Nice
  22. ...check this out. Nice little slide show put together but the San Jose Merc. Also a nice Greir hit. You guys should appreciate that.
  23. Alien Aliens Alien 3 Not going to count Alien Ressurection
  24. Damn. I thought the Grudge was kinda good. Creeped me out. I bought Ju-on one day on sattelite ppv and that one spooked me so much I didnt finish it.
  25. Well thanks to you guys but as for the Bills? Thanks for nothing Nice crappy gift for me! May as well have given me a bag of rocks or something.
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