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Everything posted by Dante

  1. Brings a whole new meaning to finding a hair in your food.
  2. IF the Bills were to move my interest in the NFL would go down 75 %. No more NFL Sunday Ticket for me. The overall product has gone downhill the last 10 years anyway. The Bills are the only thing keeping me interested.
  3. Hey man, get your facts right!!! Im sure it was upwards of $50,000!!!
  4. Im serious. His team is 6-7. Under 500 and not officially out of it yet. Personally, as a fan, I could'nt give a **** who goes to the Pro Bowl. It really is insignificant to me. I only care if the team wins. And so should he since his team has 7 losses and the run D has been less than great. He should really have his mind on that. Im a bit older so maybe im just out of touch. Not a fan of the modern me, me, me athelete. But I imagine there is a Pro Bowl clause in his contract that may be influencing this as well. No way would I get on the guy for the way he plays. Good player.
  5. I kinda hope that the Ravens need to win that game. IF, and thats a big if, the Bills can win the next two they would have some nice momentum going. Would be fantastic way to end the season by beating a quality motivated team like the Ravens. Hard to see our offence fairing that well against their D but it will be a nice test for us. I know im putting the cart before the horse here big time.
  6. If the Bills play as well as they have the last month or more it really looks like we could finish at least .500. Even the Ravens game is winnable if they can play as disciplined as they did today. Everything considered .500 would be considered a step in the right direction.
  7. Anyone else kinda put off by the self promotion for the Pro Bowl? I mean, I know its not a realistic expectation that the Bills will make the playoffs. However, Fletcher should be worrying about that until they are officially out of the race before he worries about the Pro Bowl, should'nt he?
  8. Is that why I don't dare venture into Oakland? Of course If I do go there and get killed for being white its because I deserve it I guess.
  9. Strip all that away and your left with a pretty average product. Slow, oversaturated with commericals. Spoiled atheletes that are not very likeable, for the most part.
  10. http://www.google.com/musicl?lid=UQ0cpXc_APM&aid=X8YN0q1VJ-K
  11. Grier really stood out in the playoffs last season. I gained a ton of respect for him for that. I was overjoyed when the Sharks picked him up. I like his grit its not like he has hands of stone either. He is on the 1st penatly killing line for the Sharks as well. No doubt the Sabres will not hurt offensively without him. I am a little concerned for the Sabres if they were to run into a ahole cheap shot team like the Oilers in the playoffs. Sabres, being a fast skilled team will probably will have to deal with schmucks like Pisani or Torres running guys like Briere or Maxim. If that happens do they have a guy that can respond in kind? Believe me you need a guy or two like that on your squad and personally, I havent seen anything like that on the Sabres. Not now, during the regular season, but in the playoffs when teams start playing for real. I know Grier is one of those guys and for that im especially glad we have him.
  12. Toronto Sun and its online outlet,Slam have by far the best hockey writers around. Much of it focus's on Canadian teams but certainly not entirely so. If ever I want to read the best perspective on the NHL, no matter what team it concerns, I turn there first. Al Strachan is probably the premier hockey writer in North America.
  13. Fan590 is great for hockey. A bunch on the Leafs but thats too be expected. Lots of other NHL talk besides them. I really enjoyed that radio station when I lived there.
  14. Usually I agree that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Beauty is objective. But you dont have a leg to stand on. How in the hell is she ugly? No way. I think you probably dislike her and what she does and that is distorting your perspective.That doesnt make her physically unactractive. Whom, in your opinion, is hot?
  15. Hey, he's coming along. A couple weeks ago on Coaches Corner, I did hear him kinda prop Daniel Alfredsson. Kinda
  16. Hard to argue with him. Cherry is a true Canadian patriot. Good thing about him is he isnt a patriot at the expense of the US. He fully supports and props the US when he has the opportunity. His late wife was from Hershey, PA.
  17. LOL. Did you hear her on Corrola this morning as well? What a pig she is. Maybe one of the most unsexy, repulsive women on Earth.
  18. Pretty funny series of lil NHL vids. YouTube is worth the billion Google spent on it for sure. Check this out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IO7bgx3Ajk
  19. Upgrading and reinforcing that street cred is never a bad thing. I think he must have a new cd out. Publicity like this must really boost sales with the hip hop nation and Raider Fan.
  20. Don't even have to look at the video. Total nonsense. Just like UFO's
  21. Man those announcers were fantastic. If all NFL cookie cutter talking head schmoes had a personality they would actually be useful.
  22. I dont know. It's not like they never play in snow. Both KC and Denver seem to have bad weather all the time.
  23. The newest version of FireFox comes with a spell check feature. Vey nice for someone like me. .
  24. Maybe someone can injure LT. That would be one way of slowing him down.
  25. Lets hope are LB's or coaching staff can make some adjustments. I agree it certainly doesnt look too promising. However, if we can some how hold him to under 100yds and a single TD I think that would be pretty encouraging. If not miraculous!!!
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