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Everything posted by Dante

  1. Ugh..don't want to be in the same area code with a Marxist clown and the race-baiting manly "wife". Marlena, the Donald and his awesome 757 for the weekend sound so much more inspiring compared to endless droning on about inequality and fantasized police wrongdoings blah, blah blah.
  2. The judge ruled that schools can legally ban MAGA caps because it may incite violence. So does that mean if people start getting assaulted because they are wearing Bernie or Hillary caps they will be outlawed as well? It does say a lot about the low IQ of the left that measures have to be taken compensate for their backward behavior. This young woman has my respect for standing up to bullies. https://www.citizenfreepress.com/breaking/maddie-mueller-is-a-teenage-american-maga-badass/
  3. Yes, it could have started before that. I just remember that's the last season that was entertaining for me. I agree with Married With Children. One of my favs as well. Lots of memorable scenes. What was great about it was the complete lack of social or political commentary. All the characters suffered from a severe lack of character! So good and still holds up today.
  4. I fully understand why you and others do not like these. A guilty pleasure for me though have to admit. Love all the reality stuff. Also enjoy "The Challange", "Below Deck" and " Million Dollar Listing" ?
  5. Became a "Wash, Rinse, Repeat" kinda thing after the governor season. Not sure what number that one was. Four? When "7" first appeared?
  6. I don't even know why Donald has to fvck around with Pelosi and the rest of treasonous Dems. Just dip into the massive trillion dollar defense budget. It's a national defense issue with the drug cartels the invading terrorist organization. It's actually Trumps duty to do it. Shouldn't be optional. There should be no vote.
  7. No doubt this is probably true.
  8. I figured "Not a soul" was a bit of an exaggeration. I think a manual would always be the funnest way to drive a sports car. I don't have one now but I had a Camaro way back in the day that was a manual and I liked it. But back then Camaro's were POS. Now the cars are built much better and with the new features, you mentioned it would be a blast to play around with that Bullit Mustang.
  9. Never thought of that but it's so true. Not a soul born after 1990 knows how to drive one! ?
  10. Comes in a matte black as well. Not sure why. I think the Dodge Charger McQueen was chasing was black. Curious, how much did you pay for the 2010? If you don't mind me asking.
  11. Let her and Ossie keep rolling along through 2020. Will make re-election that much easier.
  12. Very inspiring! I have to turn in my pick up in a month off lease. The one I have is NOT a 4WD and only a twin turbo V6. I just may go for the V8 and 4WD for the same reasons!
  13. Congratulations! Looks like a fun car and a good bang for the buck ride. I love the fact it's not available with auto transmission.
  14. https://www.news.com.au/world/south-america/children-of-venezuelas-elite-including-exleader-hugo-chavezs-daughter-flaunt-wealth/news-story/22af92afbb1a12ec841fa36348748a1f
  15. Looks like Northern Canada! Go figure https://www.google.com/search?q=devon+island+mars&client=firefox-b-1-d&sa=X&biw=2560&bih=1304&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=zDS4tW5iuf-iHM%3A%2CcDtzFs13k-5ctM%2C_&usg=AI4_-kQ0Vy2KBjrHvpKDdaelzhpp7XVWBg&ved=2ahUKEwjB2c-o5LngAhWVwMQHHS-oCWEQ9QEwAXoECAAQBg#imgrc=7LyrZetJ9j1brM:
  16. Where the hell was spell check on that one???
  17. Good point if it were going anywhere but Merced! ? I wonder why they just didn't go 100% dumb and build it through to Stockton? Maybe the two worst cities.
  18. The only difference is we actually need the wall. No one needs to get to either Bakersfield or Merced at all. Let alone at a "Bullet" pace.
  19. Whenever I walk by an Apple Store and all the people I kinda think cult. Not even sure why it's just weird because at the end of the day it's a phone. I can never get that jacked about a product that's basically just a mobile advertising/marketing, tracking, spying(on the owner) device. And pay a heavy price tag for the privilege.
  20. Chair would have killed someone easily.
  21. Like you I have been to Bakersfield once for a car show. It does have the scariest two lane highway going in off the 680. Maybe thats why Cali wants a bullet train there?? I wish I invested in Luluemon years ago I might have a mansion here or Orange County.
  22. Is there any less value on the planet than these bozos getting paid so well to chase unicorns for the past 2 plus years? Dem's should be all fired for that alone. Part time kids we hire during the summer are more productive and have more purpose than these schmucks.
  23. No one goes to either Merced or Bakersfield lol
  24. If I was the Cub's guy I'd be pissed how they got my emails. I'd be all like " Hey, mind your own fugging business! I don't go nosin around your shite!"
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