And they have no understanding of what has made the west a much superior way of life. In their mind, we achieved it only by exploiting the 3rd world. Which is a crock of shite. This is the justification for not only opening the borders for them but financially subsidizing them as well.
I attached this expanded clip of the Hungarian guy. It's better than the earlier one. I was kind of looking at her demeanor as she talked to him. There is a real disdain and anger in her face. Like you say, a total disconnect from this guys point of view.
Just another thought. I am only speculating but I feel countries like Poland, Russia, Czech Republic, and Hungary are particularly sensitive to foreign invaders. Given recent history in the last century or so. The more I watch this guy the more I respect him. NO way I keep my cool with this hag telling me how to run my own country. No way I keep it together with her constant interruptions and condescending behavior. She's such a whhore for the EU.