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Everything posted by Dante

  1. CBS gets hospital employees to get in testing lines to stage demand. Pretty much any discerning person would abandon all trust in MSM from that point on. Emphasis on "descerning" which there isn't that much out there any more.
  2. Lying Fauchi is a pos. Another one that should go to prison for a good 20 years. Jordan guy is a rock star
  3. The funny thing is that when it's a left cause (climate change, Covaides) it's science. If it's a counter from the right (or critical thought, real observation) it's a conspiracy theory. Hell the two biggest conspiracy theories are climate change and Covaides. You have seen no evidence of either in real time, real life. Only what the new deity (MSM, Scientists) shovel you. You guys are sounding more and more like fundamentalist religious zealots than anything else.
  4. He was fighting Cancer
  5. Ever notice all the 3rd world action coming out of cities that have been under Democrat leftist tyranny for decades? Leftist governors. Leftist mayors. Leftist police chiefs, usually always black and or women at this point. Nothing to do with Trump.
  6. "Land of the free. Home of the brave"? So sad, and I am being sincere, it's no longer. Not even close.
  7. Listen, I feel a woman who has a great personality receives a significant power ranking boost. So a solid 7 can achieve a 8 or possible even a 8.5! Keep in mind I was judging AOC off of that music video and solely on looks. Sadly, considering her politics, personality and the company she keeps I'm afraid she doesn't even qualify for a pro ranking
  8. If she based she would be a 9. Since she's a commie yes she is more than doable but its unrealized potential. Since her personality is so unlikable she is a 7. So sad she could a been a contender
  9. I am one upper. How about this in NYRAQ?
  10. That last couple years I believe the most based countries right now are the former eastern block ones. Croatia, Hungary, Poland and even Russia. They have "Been there done that" for sure. Hands on experience dealing with communist tyranny. Where have I seen this before? Same script, different movie set. That guy is high as a kite. Probably won't feel the welts until tomorrow
  11. I really like the Totems. I like teams that have nicknames that are relevant to the region they are in. I guess a squid is but just name them the "Ragin' Squids" then. That would be great! The northwest version of the "Ragin' Caguns" One of my fav nicknames
  12. A little obscure. Just odd. Opens them up to the inevitable "Krackhead" or "Kracker" jokes. Anyway, hopefully their rink is not burned down before they play. They might end up playing in Tacoma or something.
  13. Where have I been? First time I have ever seen the word. Sorry apparently I didn't read it. Did see the movie when I was a kid though. Was Kraken mentioned in that? Anyway, I suspect your anger at me has nothing to due with the team name and more to do with my disdain for the arena handle?? Correct?
  14. It's reinforced my suspicion I have had for years. Systemic racism is a construct. A glove or skin communism puts on to tear down the free market, individual liberty, Bill Of Rights and the Constitution. The same can be said for the climate change hoax. Same goal but instead of emotion fueled stimulus they use scientism. Something that can't be questioned because the new priests, scientists, are pretty much the deity now.
  15. Since Michael, I mean Michelle O I'm never 100% sure if a commie broad is really a broad or not. Lib left chicks are confusing to all dudes. Including this Yoho guy. Give em a break
  16. WTF is a Kraken? Should have named them the Seattle Riot. And they play at Climate Pledge Arena? I officially have a new most hated team.
  17. Pretty much if you breath in the state of Texas you got Covaides! Lol what a absolute farce. This chick must have a iq below 75 to actually believe the script she is reading.
  18. That's the problem. All this nonsense is based on a worse case scenario model. And why believe numbers put out by known liars?? Damn you got more chance of being killed by a bear in MInnesota than by this thing.
  19. If it were real why would you have to lie? Wake up everyone. There have been a lot of big hoaxes the last 50 years or so but this one is the biggest as hurts everyone (except govt, tech, Walmart and Amazon). I used to laugh at people walking around in 100 degree heat with face diapers on. Now they just make me angry because they are complicit in this control op. They are the problem.
  20. Every day I'm more amazed how stupid the general population is. This is a big "of course" but even I knew this from day one lol. https://humansarefree.com/2020/07/face-masks-mandated-by-uk-government-dont-protect-against-covid-19.html
  21. Does this qualify as a liberal protest or is it just the country realizing its 3rd world future? https://www.citizenfreepress.com/breaking/wild-scene-at-ft-lauderdale-airport/ I'm guessing young black boys are his thing?
  22. Oh yeah Eric is the Google guy. All these traitors kinda seem the same. He's a true patriot kinda like Mitt Romney is? That sort of guy?
  23. Who is Steve Schmidt? Wtf is the Lincoln Project and who cares? The guy sounds like he has more to worry about than the flu. He should be more concerned about his severe drug abuse or whatever mental health issues he has. Oh wait...is this the guy that used to run Google and became Barrys buddy with a cushy government position ?? Yeah this guy is objective. Yet another nwo commie.
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