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Everything posted by Dante

  1. I watch all of it. I love my trash TV. Anyway, I think Cliff is doing ok. Great job coming back in. I'm kinda conflicted on his HOH. He did try to make a big move but I was hoping he was going to make a bigger one by lying to Christie. Promise to put up Bella after Jackson comes down and then put up Christie or one of her minions. That would have been fun for the fans at least. However he caved to Christie by letting her keep her power and put up Bella. Hopefully for Cliff it buys him some time in the game. Possibly cracks open up in the 6 alliance and he can weasel his way in?? I assume thats what he is thinking.
  2. I'm a scared!! Thank god NASA is here for the heads up! Good job $58 million a day budget paying off.
  3. Easy way to find out on any of this. Confiscate all the servers and have experts determine if any hacking was done. If so how and by whom. If anyone thought this was really true(or not true) you would think this would have been priority one. Republicans don't push for this either. Makes me think they still haven't let go of their deep hate for Trump. They don't want him totally cleared and the deep state exposed.
  4. Here is some more surreal for you. Still Monday https://www.citizenfreepress.com/breaking/oprahs-spiritual-adviser-so-cringeworthy/
  5. Zero emissions when running. To bad it's only for two hours and needs a diesel generator to charge it up. Lame https://www.citizenfreepress.com/breaking/priceless-show-this-to-every-climate-idiot-you-know/
  6. Better dead than red. I would rather be in the dirt than have to live under the thumb of the likes of The Squad, Pelosi, Harris, Hillary and assorted gamma/cucked males.
  7. Chick-Fil-A crushing it as usual https://www.citizenfreepress.com/breaking/incredible-moment-from-chick-fil-a/
  8. I do a 1.5" rib eye. Sous vi it for a hour to medium rare. Get the iron skillet as hot as I can on the bbq. Toss in a few cloves of mashed garlic. Some sprigs of thyme. A couple tblsp of butter and baste for about a minute a side to get a nice crust. Most of the time I will do a nice red wine sauce to go with it.
  9. I pretty much just use them for going in and out of the house. BBQ situation etc. Sometimes I will throw them on if I have to run to the store quick but that's it.
  10. It seems that the non legal ways are never reliable. Either the quality sucks or you get disconnected. You end up f'ing around way too much to get any enjoyment out of it.
  11. Might be the very first time I have wanted a US team to lose (except International Hockey when US faced Canada) because they are so unlikable, for a couple reasons.
  12. He is on my radar. Late pick if my drafts go that way. I don't think you can go to wrong with him. What he may lack in passing yards and TD tosses he makes up in rushing points/TD's.
  13. Going by the trend the last decade this should be a all male cast shouldn't it?
  14. Not at all. The biggest difference that strikes me is how flat it is compared to here.
  15. When I come back to the area now it reminds me of a smaller LA area. Sprawling never ending. Each city/town runs into the other. When I was a kid there was actually open area between Burlington/Oakville and Mississagua. Head north out of Toronto and I think Orangeville was kinda the badlands outer limits of Toronto.
  16. Trump isn't doing anything to kids. Whoever brought them to the border are child abusers. Hell, AOC should be keeping a eye out for child trafficking outfits like the one Hillary's buddies were running out of Haiti. Allegedly . I mean, if anyone at all was really worried about kids.
  17. #sub75IQwithpowerbad She actually participated in a casting call to run for whatever seat she has. Not sure maybe another 20 or so actors and actresses there.
  18. Agree. I don't have anything against jews. I'm starting to really ignore the labels these days as well. Anti-Semetic, homophobic, Islamophobic. I feel they are just fabricated purgatives designed to end and win a discussion. If you question anything close to being critical of one of these groups the word is deployed to get you backpedaling and against the ropes. Essentially a "win" button on a game controller. Anyway, this is a side issue. There is a lot of what the US does that I hate. But I'm convinced it's not the will of the American people. Most people don't care whats going on in Syria, Lybia etc. So it's not the desire of the citizens that drive the policy. I don't hate America or Americans. I hate the tiny amount of high level criminals that make this stuff happen. I apply the same perspective to Israel. It's possible, that it's just the leadership. Not the people as a whole.
  19. I really don't know who is behind it. Deep state, Saudi Arabia, Military Industrial Complex? Fvcked if I know. Either do you. All I know is the US is constantly at war over there. Libya, Syria, Iraq, etc, etc and for what? What's been the result? Certainly nothing good. So to me it's all bullshite. Whoever's behind it I don't pretend to know. The guy asked me and I gave it my best guess. So you just keep on believing the same old excuses thats been pushed and killed thousands on thousands of people. Destroyed how many countries and unleashed millions of uneducated , incompatible military aged refugee men on the west. All cool. All perfectly normal. Keep being your usual charming self and keep thinking it's all legit. ? Think so? I figure a chance it might be Israel. Don't think the entire religion is responsible. But I suppose you have your own ideas.
  20. Well, we do seem to do a lot of war type thingies over there for pretty dubious reasons. Just sayin
  21. You think if they were to do something it would be over here. Some sort of terrorist thing. There are a lot of Iranians here. Not to say as a whole they are bad. Just that it would make it a lot easier to have agents mixed in. Makes sense.
  22. States or Israel if it is fake. Seems like certain elements have been banging the drums to go after Iran forever. Not sure why Iran would be so dumb to sink a couple tankers. Just doesn't make sense. I know I could be wrong but I just don't buy it.
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