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Everything posted by Dante

  1. Nothing but fear porn. All bullshite as usual. I think the Kobe crash did a lot to cure it. Anyway, if you want a real health threat how about pneumonia that offs 50k people a year in the US
  2. nah. This is social engineering on full display. You may get lucky and find a women that is adequate but you would have had to pull a affirmative action move to make it work. Move her ahead of thousands of dudes more qualified that have actually been on the front lines. Personally, I could never respect or follow a coach that hadn't been there and experienced it. Womens football or hockey or whatever don't count because that is bad football and bad hockey.
  3. Meth+TDS is a cocktail of disaster.
  4. He is a white male baby boomer so by default he looks for black children to run over with his F150 or Beamer
  5. What a delight that guy is! Very tolerant, understanding, open minded fella. Do you think guys like this are being payed for behavior like this?
  6. MSM doesn't give a hell about this shooting. Probably because it's real (drug related I would imagine) and who cares about that? https://www.oann.com/4-dead-in-indianapolis-apartment-shooting/ They would rather focus on a hoax mass shooting starring a bowl hair cut misfit. More political currency and fear porn in the effort to take away guns
  7. I always hear "He's a dictator" thrown around. What are they referring to? Is is something like "But we have to pass the [health care] bill so that you can find out what's in it....” that was forced on us? That kinda sounds more like dictatorship to me.
  8. Kinda like what Barry said when all the Trey Martin crap was going down? He could have diffused it but he poured gas on it. Just like the ST. Louis lie that led to the riots. That's what made Barry a phony fvck. Trump has nothing to divide anything. The only divide is politically. Left wants global communism and Trump doesn't. There's the divide.
  9. I just love how Trump has fun with this stuff. He fvcks with them. Mocking them and they don't even get that they are being taken advantage of by someone much more controlled. How anyone could stay as composed for this long under so much attack by the msm, the dems and even his own party is a testament to his fortitude. It has to frustrate the globalists and their useful idiots so much they can't crack him. I just love watching it.
  10. They got their country back. Eliminated an entire layer of bureaucracy/criminals at the same time. Nothing in this video is relevant at all.
  11. I don't trust science any more since it's been compromised for the sake of control. So it doesn't mean shite to me. Now I'm more into pattern recognition. I trust my instincts and my own observations more.
  12. He certainly does have fun with this stuff.
  13. Really enjoyed The Gentleman. The Toddlers were a nice touch. Watched Parasite the day after and it was great as well
  14. It's funny because anyone with a free mind and common sense realizes it's all a hoax/scam/ control mechanism. Hell at at this point I'm questioning the existence of nukes and if that kind of holocaust is even possible.
  15. Pattern awareness. It's all about that. Same shite repeated over an over an over again. Personally I find it funny that sheeple keep buying in. I don't care about stats or the number of outlets. Stats can be fabricated just like anything else. All fake.
  16. Little actress/troll really showing the true agenda these days. In the end follow the money. It's always about that or control. Wouldn't have anything to do with her upcoming Netflix show "Greta" would it? https://www.citizenfreepress.com/breaking/greta-thunberg-trademarks-her-name/ I like this version of Greta much more. She was later spotted at a Trump event and when confronted she admitted it was a big joke and she was mocking the climate lunacy. She actually acknowledges she is an actress.
  17. Not a trustworthy source among them. All have an extensive history of bull$hite. Especially the UN, CNN, Reuters,WHO. To be fair I've never heard of BMO
  18. Well, if you want to play the age game. I've been waiting since the 60s for the Russians to nuke us. Then, in the 70's the ozone was deteriorating so fast because of us sinful capitalists living the high life, we were going to be fried like a sunny side up egg. I think the clock on that was like 15 years or something. And when was acid rain a thing? I know well before Y2K. So much fear porn over my life I forget the timelines.
  19. I'm still waiting here patiently(pardon the pun) for Sars to comes get me!
  20. I think the cure for Coronavirus has been found. That would be the Kobe Bryant media feeding frenzy. Stay tuned more entertainment coming next week! Another hoax, celebrity death or misstep or maybe time for another bogey man episode. Terrorist attack or maybe that little ugly N.Korean guy will pull a stunt. Who knows either way I got my popcorn.
  21. On another forum, I was reading some pilots going back and forth. Like you I am no aviation expert. What stuck out to me while listening to ATC instructing the pilot was for him to follow highways to navigate. #5 and #118 for example. One of the pilots who I believe knows what he is talking about thought that if the conditions are that bad where you are relying on highways as navigation, then you should land immediately and call a limo.
  22. "At this point, I broke down in tears. "Everyone was just standing staring at us. The whole thing was disgusting." No. It's not disgusting. It's reality finally hitting home after decades of delusion. Quit being a slob and dragging your daughters down with you. Not sure about that. I think these ones should go in a container and travel by sea.
  23. If you listen to the radio conversation between the pilot and air traffic control there was no indication of any mechanical issues going on. Seemed like pretty calm and I guess routine banter until it went silent.
  24. If it was (Masonic) 33 years apart I would be freaked out. This is kinda strange https://1430kasi.iheart.com/content/2020-01-27-2016-cartoon-predicting-kobes-helicopter-crash-pulled-by-comedy-central/ And this one https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/sports/more-sports/others/eight-year-old-tweet-predicting-kobe-bryants-death-in-a-helicopter-crash-goes-viral-but-is-it-real/articleshow/73671049.cms
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