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Everything posted by Dante

  1. If he actually played I would like to have him at that or even a bit more.
  2. I like the idea of Gordon as well. If not, what do you think about D.Freeman?
  3. I think going into yesterday they had the most cap room. 100 million? You would have to fact check me but I'm sure that's what I heard on the NFL channel on Sirius
  4. Dolphins are going crazy. I do like they way they played last season despite being a non playoff team. I like the coach. He gets them to play hard. I like the play calling for them as well.
  5. I expect tv that's not monotonous, boring and repetitive. Unless you are a Pat's, Buc's or Charger fan I don't know how you can't turn the shite off.
  6. Well the NFL Network is now officially the TBN (Tom Brady Network). How many f'n different reporters, talking heads can they get to weigh in on this guy. He's aging and deteriorating. He's not that big of a deal now.
  7. Now lets get Melvin Gordon. Nice 1-2 punch with Singletary!
  8. imho they are going down the road to shite ever since ATT got a hold of them. Not sure what to do but I used to love DTV. Not now
  9. Sky falling yet again. And once again. A nothing burger. Wonder what it will be next week? Hoax terrorist attack? Perhaps a meteor gonna crush us all? Who knows? Could almost start a pool predicting the next crisis. Every week like fantasy football or a death pool.
  10. I thought the Russian Trump thing was the biggest hoax since climate change. This years flu, I mean PANDEMIC RUN FOR YOUR LIVES, is unsurpassed. At least as far a pure hype is concerned. Fantastical
  11. Has he posted since the Kobe chopper went down? Maybe he was with Kobe?
  12. So true. In our business we deal in a lot of tee shirts. By the case (72 pieces). The push for a while was for recycled cardboard boxes. Great right? Makes sense? But not really. The recycled boxes are good for one use only. They are flimsy and you destroy them after you unpack your stuff. On the other hand the new boxes are much tougher and can be reshipped many times. Lots of times you will see multiple UPS labels over each other.
  13. Don't watch too many. Still enjoy Top Chef though. We used to really enjoy "The Taste" but that hasn't been on for a few years and of course, Bourdain is gone. What I liked about that show and dislike about most other cooking shows, is the tasting and judging is blind. No bias.
  14. Morrissey gets it. Keep being scared. Next month or next weak the featured fear porn event or situation will be rolled out.
  15. OMG what would I do without the CDC to protect me? And don't be so hostile. It's unbecoming and more importantly its's not healthy to have so much repressed rage. You don't need the CDC to tell you that.
  16. He could cut the entire agency and it wouldn't matter. More bureaucracy we could do without.
  17. Pope probably caught a cold off some little kid he was messing with. And the other dude is out of Iran. Another day. More bullshite. More lies. More manipulation. It is entertaining to see the daily drama.
  18. Speed would be the biggest issue. imho. When I watch the heavies today that seems to be the biggest difference. Defensive skills are not great either. Still fun though. Fury could use some better marketing as well. His entrance music didn't get me hyped up. I thought him getting carried in was funny though.
  19. I don't want to piss on the fight. I always enjoy a big fight card as I did this one. But I wonder what a guy like Larry Holmes or, if he was still alive, Ken Norton would be thinking about these guys? Norton and Holmes a couple levels above as far as skill and boxing ability goes. Despite his size, Fury would be dominated by either one. Still like the fight though.
  20. And when the insurance companies go broke, the government will have to nationalize that industry cause they are so much better at running things
  21. If he ever was to crack he would have a long time ago. All he is gonna do know is "crack on" like our friends in the UK like to say!
  22. I am as concerned about corona virus as much I was about Sars, Ebola ,Bird Flu, Killer Bees from South America or any other fake disasters(particularly amused by the meteorite/virus combo that's pretty funny) thrown at us to make us run to the loving hands of the state. Which is not at all. I'm more frightened of people who think abortion is roughly equivalent to getting a mole removed. Much larger threat than any of this crap they roll out.
  23. Damn I should be thinking bigger like that. You could use those old brown bottles the travelling shysters use to use in the old west with the retro labels on the them. How great would a corona virus version of these be? https://www.history.com/news/7-of-the-most-outrageous-medical-treatments-in-history
  24. If I had more room here I would stockpile 3M dust masks and hand sanitizer. Make a killing when the media steps up the drama and there is a run on Home Depot. Should be able to get $10 per especially out here!
  25. The UN or WHO would classify that "Mass Murder/Genocide" wouldn't it? I mean they would if they were legit honest organizations.
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