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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. To the Youngins: It's always been happening. 😉 https://buffalonews.com/news/local/history/oct-18-1844-great-flood-of-1844-devastates-buffalo/article_73b0e94c-fe27-5e7e-ac12-691a85809139.html
  2. Yeah... I don't think they are against the new stuff... Just slow and adverse to change. Like phones... Don't they use them? But there's like one community phone for the whole town. ??
  3. Here's the live weather cam from Sunset Bay on Lake Erie. [SPOILER ALERT: It's everything you guessed it to be] 😆 https://lakeerienycams.com
  4. And here we only got 2"... But cold as a witch's tit...
  5. Oh... The seats weren't shoveled out. People were just making more room! The snow ends up there anyway when shoveled... Pushed to floor of stadium.
  6. SO... Basically the Refs took a page out of my parenting 101 page book? I sniffed that out right away...
  7. Going out in a few. We didn't get much. Looks like 2-3". Truck in driveway has no snow on it. We are far south suburbs. Almost Indiana.
  8. Ha... Like usual! Yeah... I guess that guy was a "little" weird. 😉
  9. Not that bad. Still see some grass. Windy though, looks like 2" max on driveway, southern exposure deck is bare... But snow may be piled up in other areas. Nothing on my truck in driveway. Clear windshield, roof. Again. Maybe 2-3" max. Was sunny a little bit ago. Temp is -5°F with -32°F windchill. I may go out later and shovel where the drifts are. The approach to driveway looks the thickest. Other parts bare.
  10. I assumed it was a Bills jacket over a another team's jersey. Maybe I read it wrong.
  11. They landed at ORD. NOW, Midway is brutal. A 1 square mile landing area in the middle of a city.
  12. All I can say is that guideline really hasn't worked out well for the Bills historically. I welcome the new change leaving the other team totally helpless and unable to even touch the ball on offense or a kick return.
  13. Yeah... I am a humane and compassionate person. But if a Pats* fan was disguised as a Bills fan, what kinda cowardice is that... Even from them! 😆 Their house is so much more unforgiving than ours.
  14. I guess he's a big man. Sorry for you, he can probably do anything he wants to others at the trough! 😉 😆
  15. Why is it on CBS? Aren't NFC home games usually on FOX? What's the explanation?
  16. I know Murph's a good homie... BUT he screeches! Kinda painful on what should be a joyous moment.
  17. Was at a Raiders game in Oakland and a Raiders fan got right up in the face of a 12 year old Bills fan in Moulds jersey. A very surprising thing happened: 2 Raiders fans that were right by jumped the obnoxious other Raiders fan that was up in the kid's kitchen. NICE. Security came and hauled away said harassing Raiders fan. Everyone went on about their business. So, moral of the story. There's honor among thieves! 😏
  18. Was wondering what that was. Thought maybe McD was getting him to "sign off" on the game plan and his last second plays before halftime. 😆
  19. Hopefully no spies around. Bears should tank anyway. Lock the #2 draft pick!
  20. Your 2022 "WhiteChristmas Map:" 1" or more on ground @ Christmas = WhiteChristmas. ~SOURCE: NYTimes It may be wrong but looks like no for Detroit, Toldeo (which makes sense given it's tempered protection from the Lakes) and east of Rochester which along with a spot in SouthernTier seems odd... Where's Tua's "Alabama Snow?" 😏
  21. Needs to be fact checked, but I heard the NFL team with the most postponed home games: ANSWER: The Miami Dolphins
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