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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Yeah... Kinda. Probably cheaper just to desalination and pump it up to Lake Mead.
  2. BFLo is in an exorheic region. Melted snow, water runoff goes into the ground water table (like rain) and drains, stays in basin depending on which continental water divide dictates the flow. Here's a graphical representation. Each line is a continental divide. Water will drain to each side of it. BFLo is near the St.Lawrence Divide. PINK line. Everything on the BFLo side will drain to Great Lakes, St.Lawrence, then Atlantic. Everything on other side will drain straight towards Atlantic, Eastern Seaboard. Everything between the PINK/ORANGE/GREEN/RED divide will go to Gulf of Mexico. And so on with other divides draining to Pacific, Arctic, etc... The Great Basin in Nevada, Oregon, California, Arizona, Utah, and smidgen of Idaho/Wyoming is an endorheic basin, having no outlet... Basically closed. "Endorheic: A drainage basin that normally retains water and allows no outflow to other external bodies of water, such as rivers or oceans, but drainage converges instead into lakes or swamps, permanent or seasonal, that equilibrate through evaporation. They are also called closed or terminal basins, internal drainage systems, or simply basins. Endorheic regions contrast with exorheic regions." ENJOY! [ @BringBackFergy @Mike in Horseheads @Gugny @Beerball et al! 😏] Sorry for the quick Wiki graph. Just makes it easier and quick. You can see the up and down elevation issues posed with getting water from the East to the West...
  3. And Bills players have to brush off their own vehicles when they get back into town after a flight... I bet Russell Wilson gets his vehicle cleared of snow. Anyway... DIYing it with others builds comradery... Glad the Bills have it: https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/sports/buffalo-bills-dig-cars-out-of-snow-on-christmas-after-storm-delays-return-home/4014163/
  4. Agree. The word "blizzard" is the formidable, key word and it really doesn't have to do with quantity of snow, but intensity.
  5. Mild means MORE SNOW. Lots of snow! Only one speed BFLo needs: Deep freeze starting in late November and thaw in March. Only way to shut off the snow machine... And moving the city to where Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, or Green Bay is located alee of the Lakes ain't an option.
  6. Maybe he knows how to hide the symptoms. Got so many of them, can he build a functional tolerance to a concussed state? Almost like a functional drunk.
  7. Yeah... Unless you have Bills fan family texting you every 20 seconds after stuff happens. Gotta go into cellular silence!
  8. Josh has a guy... His name is Squirrel, Squirrel Winter. He helps Josh and his Range Rover get to where Josh needs to be: And they picked Bradley Chubb, where's he now? 😆
  9. I disagree... It's not made for what we do to it. Service life is only 40 years... What's life expectancy today?
  10. God works in mysterious and benevolent ways. God giveth, God taketh, floodeth..flooding... AND hopefully NOT refreezeth. Yet....It's only still 12/27. 😔😟🙁
  11. I never had any friends. 😉 Thanks guys, you're the best! 😏
  12. You know what's really weird, that was biggest loss all year by 3-12 Bears. +1 more than their Jets loss.
  13. There's a snowplow stuck on my MiL's street... Hang on till Friday. Rain and 50°. I know it's the Holidays, but why are people traveling. Think the pandemic could have got them into right frame of mind and not venture out... No reason for stuck cars in 2022. Game Monday in Cincy... 60° & rain. Viva la weather! Cancel state income tax and make the South pay for it. Works for Florida & Texas.
  14. Glimmer of hope.. It's gonna be close to 55° next Saturday on NewYear'sEve!
  15. Everybody stay safe! Sunny and nice here, but a cold +3°F... Should be warmer by game time. Good thing that the game is away. Merry Christmas Eve! [Be on your best behavior: My Polish grandmother would always say "how you act on Christmas Eve is how you will act all year!] GoBills!
  16. Eat some away. Stick some outside if you don't have room in freezer. Just make sure the critters or neighborhood stray don't get it. Hang it in a bear bag or put it up in the winter tree cache. 😉
  17. Just imagine if that 2" of rain was snow! Another 3 feet? 😆... God works in strange and benevolent ways! 😉 Oh... I don't think it's rare. Again, how many stations are reporting today vs. back in the day? EDIT: Maybe that it happened so close together. But really, the rain was a good thing. Would you rather have 2" of rain OR the equivalent of that in snow?
  18. I agree. I don't think Rose should be reinstated. BUT if he is, then the others too!! And ban, vacate championships of the others, like 2017 Astros.
  19. Thank you for your kind thoughts... But I will survive. We only got 2". You should really focus on the others that really are getting the heck wallopped out of them! 😉 Oh, check out this grumpy guy. It's like Myke doing the weather in Iowa: 😬😄 cc:// @Mike in Horseheads
  20. Why do they have overhead traffic lights on wires? Why not poles? Or... To the left or right of traffic. Come to think about... I can't recall seeing too many traffic lights out here that aren't rigidly supported. They've mainly done away with that style.
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