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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. It's believable, well done Photoshop. BFLo snowfall is only 75% off the record up in The Keweenaw AND it's not even January: The arrow is the last year's snowfall. The bottom mark is lowest year ever, the top, the record [~390"]. Buffalo is a 1/4 way there... Who knows what that looks like plowed or cut blown with a rotary snow removing device? Yeah... I am the Fool. I think the Pic W.Seneca PD used was from a place in Japan. Boy did I bite on it. Anybody else but the cops. I guess I am not that local anymore. My argument is, law enforcement shouldn't be in the comedy biz especially during a natural disaster. Maybe it helps the locals... But outsiders who don't get the inside joke may take it seriously. At least create a parody account. Again, they want everyone to be serious. I just don't think it's professional to mix an Official Site with stuff like that on Social Media. It was pretty well done Photoshop if you're not a local. There's an actual road like that in Japan. They get 300" a year. Snowiest city (as a population density) on earth even know say The Keweenaw in The UP of Michigan may get more... Nobody really lives there. It's believable to me because the Photoshop was well done.
  2. Yup! Exactly. The government pushing FakeNews. Why is it on me? Should we not trust them? They want us to. And it wasn't obviously Photoshopped. Pretty good Photoshop. The only reason... I didn't really scrutinize it. It looked official. Came from an official account. I blindly trusted it.
  3. I am not on main social media. It can spread virally other ways for days. Unreasonable as it is, it's plausible and a very good job at Photoshop even though they say it's a bad Photoshop job. Glad they do something bad! Still Bush league. The police shouldn't be in the comedy business during a natural disaster. They want people to take them seriously... Stay serious. They go beyond the locals. Since my days there, I still see the department is behaving badly. Back in the day (1980s) my parents got hit by a drunk driver in West Seneca. They were stopped at a light and the drunk rear ended them. The WSPD responded to the accident and arrested the dude... It wasn't until they got him to jail that they frisked and found a gun on the drunk driver! Yikes! That God the guy was out of it and forgot he had the weapon on him... He could have shot at the responding officers or my parents. Anyway, still sounds they take things seriously there today. (My parents found out because my uncle was a Cheektowaga cop at time) If they are going to do the comedy bit on Twitter, do it in an unofficial capacity. I did grow up there, of all people, I should have known....But the road they used is my may in when we come in. My MiL lives there alone. Yeah, I took it seriously when I saw no exit for the 400. They pranked me. Great, the police pranked me...
  4. My wife made Airline reservations to Philly/NJ area that weekend. LoL... To visit daughter in NJ. You gotta be kidding. Is that an omen or what? ???
  5. During the Blizzard of '77... My father stayed @ Fork's Firehall in Sloan/Cheektowaga off Broadway and Union. He was heading home south on Union, coming back from VA doctor appointment when a car got stuck under the Broadway viaduct on Union. He couldn't get around the Lady. They had to abandon vehicles and go up to the firehall. I think a whole group of people were stuck there for about a week. Angry people do angry things.
  6. Yeah. Of course you're there. What about outsiders? Not in the middle of natural disaster. Bush League. And I went to WS schools. Grew up there. You expect cops to be serious especially when you got loved ones there dealing with it and you're worried.
  7. Yeah. I was pranked and really shouldn't have. That's a ridiculous amount of snow. I wonder how many outsiders will actually never know that they were pranked? Just not a good look from the outside. IMO. They should be serious more professional. It took 'em two days to explain it. Has to drive other more professional agencies a bit crazy. If they are going to joke... At least spill beans right away.
  8. At first it looked fake... But I thought it can't be, the police are posting it. I was duped. No wonder people can't take them seriously. For real. Law Enforcement should NOT really shouldn't wait days to say it was FakeNews. It's plausible and a very good Photoshop. People out of town don't know if it's Japan (the real place the snow was shot in) or the horror they hear from Buffalo. 6' of snow drifted and cut & blown with a rotary machine could be that high. I mean really... I hope it spread and many people don't get the correction. It's your government spreading FakeNews. They really shouldn't be in the comedy business if they want the citizenry to trust them, not be cynical of everything they do. Maybe I need to lighten up, but that's a PR fail. From the cops? Really. Outsiders don't know that's fake. Yeah, more you think about it... Looks unreal... But that seal up at the corner should make you think that your local law enforcement isn't pranking you. Can I prank them with a DUI? How many people actually missed the punchline. Indictments make front pages, acquittal the back page. /JustSayingItWillBeMeltedInADay. The snowiest city on earth gets around 300" a year. That's where the photo was shot. BFLo is 33% there and it's not even the end of December!
  9. Agree. And basically everyone drove rear wheel drive. Basically one whee, no limited slip, traction control. Few with Fwd back then, even fewer with 4x4. Sure people put snows on... But simple inclines would get you stuck. One gets stuck. They all do behind them. IMO, we are much more invincible today. The bigger the 4x4, the bigger you get stuck. AND... Just lack of winterizing a vehicle. Shovel, traction pads, sleeping bag, some non-perishable provisions, Carhartts, hat, work/warm gloves. Etc... I eat my stored Snickers Bars in Spring, replenish in Fall. 😆 🤣 You don't see skinny animals in the Arctic!
  10. Confused and disoriented. When hypothermia sets in, it ain't pretty. Look at some of us posters here! 😉
  11. I don't have a Twitter or FB account. Never have. It just makes people mistrust them even more. Oh well...
  12. Yeah. My thoughts at first too... But coming from the police....You'd think they wouldn't do this stuff. They aren't helping the trust factor. Crazy... But almost plausible. Why social media is an issue. Problematic when the police do this stuff. They are their own worst enemy. /StickInTheMudInIllinois.
  13. LoL... Too close to reality! Actually, very good Photoshop! It's a road somewhere (Japan), why not WNY?
  14. But his team sucks. Where's he gonna go if nobody wants to pay him? Thank You... +1
  15. It is. Geography term. I just spelled it wrong and noticed it, catch it in your reply!
  16. My wife went to school, same class as Poloncarz in Lackawanna. He's right, come get your vehicle.
  17. Bad year for "system snow." I THINK that was the year of 82" for the all time season record in Chicago. Or it might have been 1978? We came close a few years ago AND these babies here were throwing a conniption. 😆... We had 9 straight days of plowable snow in February that year and guys at work were coming to blows.🙄
  18. Was it measured accurately? The Blizzard had it blowing off the frozen Lake. The Lake froze over that year in mid-Decemeber... But.... Had to come from some where? The 1970s... When we were actually worried about "Global Cooling." Ever read about the "Lost Squadron?" 5 P-38s & 2 B-17s that ditched on Greenland 🇬🇱 during WWII, 1942. By the time they located them in the early 1990s they were under +30 feet of ice. 1992 first one recovered from ice. Just wait, Greenland is now melting. https://lost-squadron.org/wp/en/
  19. In 10,000 years when Niagara Falls finally erodes to the mouth of Lake Erie 8 miles upstream on the Niagara River from where the present day Falls is... ...Lake Huron and Michigan will also drop 150 feet. We can just use Lake Ontario as the swimming hole. 😉😜
  20. How does this happen? Treated like a ragdoll...
  21. Exactly....OR at least keep populations levels that can be sustainable. It's NOT about climate change, etc....That's always happening... It's keeping sustainable populations in the problem areas. Way too over-populated on coasts and in the Southwest. I get, people want to live in areas that have nice weather....BUT there has to be economic checks on these population. Discourage population growth, people... Put state income taxes, higher cost building codes, etc... for these areas. If we don't we are just repeating same cycle. The taxpayers who subsidize this will just want a return... That comes mostly in the form of industry and economic product. IMO, tourism is not self-sustaining.
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