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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Play of the game was the non-call false start. Bosa then loses his mind and gets a penalty which makes them go for two. Also... Only one camera angle on the challenge that cost Chargers a time out. The ball hit the ground. In the bag for Jags and a comeback, no doubt!
  2. I agreed with the previous take... But your take isn't off the mark either. Hence me giving it a "Like."
  3. Go back to a 14 game season and 4 playoff teams in each conference. Is that better? The old days when players had it easier... 😏
  4. My father always hated back in the day when players thanked Jesus, God for their succes... He always said, God don't play favorites...
  5. You son of a... 😉😜😘 You're the reason! 😆
  6. Sure they are! Bunch of closet Bills lovers the last 60+ years! LoL... Our original owner (God rest his soul) saved their franchise in the early years from would-be demise at the hands of their mouthbreathing cheap, fickle, fair-weathered fans! We are their saviors! 😆🤣😂
  7. How about them two Dawgs up in CheeseLand on the Packers... Pushing around a trainer, first responder, medic: Him and his GA buddy Wyatt. Did it BFLo too: Must of taught him how to cry too when ejected and causing his team to miss the playoffs:
  8. Thanks... RIP. Not being disrespectful. At least it wasn't sudden cardiac arrest!
  9. No problem, thank you for your inquiries. I am glad to provide you with the technical assistance to your 3 not so well thought out questions: 1. High enough to kill you if you fell off it. Depends on the person/living thing/object, you know... Weight, body shape, height, etc... I have no doubt my two cats can easily survive falls double this: I think you personally fall (pun intended) in the 3.3% group above. 2. No. A precipice is a precipice. Wind formula to move an object... Wind=The square root of 195 times weight over area of object in square feet. 3. A gust is a gust. A gust is dependent on what the average sustained windspeed is doing at time. For the average human: 67mph if you're walking. In other words, just past a Strong Gale (55-63mph) or a Violent Storm (64-72mph). So a gust of 1mph over a 67mph wind mph could knock you over said precipice. If you're riding in a car, 90mph wind with a gust of 91mph or a type I hurricane could make you meet your maker. https://abc7chicago.com/wind-lesson-math-physics-equation/10621626/ So in conclusion: I beg to differ. It surely is. Go right to horses mouth... The CDC... 😉 😜
  10. I wonder if they can confirm if Kansas City used it for the last second game tying kick last year? There's gotta be footage... Zoom in.
  11. And even if you don't, a billion should be enough to take good care of your carelessness.
  12. Yup. Like walking near a cliff in a strong cross wind... ...Now possibly add other things like Covid, age, genetics, etc... Doesn't move you any further away from cliff. Some of these you can control... Others you are totally helpless against...
  13. Pure as the driven snow that "little kicker" is!
  14. It's brilliant....So small, then kick makes it go💥...Bye bye... What foreign object. Like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
  15. They held the SuperBowl in NYC area with an outdoor stadium... Is that "Climate Friendly?" Can be just as nice or bad in Upstate BFLo in January as it is in Downstate NYC/NJ... 😉
  16. There's a better way! Take someone else's! But you DIDN'T hear it from here! Why not the SuperBowl site in Arizona?
  17. Atlanta! https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/35432434/atlanta-neutral-site-bills-chiefs-afc-title-game
  18. He's off IR. That means the 21 day window is ticking. What happens if they don't activate him. Does he then have to stay on IR for all of next season? Or just that 21 day clock runs out during this year's playoffs?
  19. RIP... Fitting I guess... People get ready... "...There ain't no room For the hopeless sinner Who would harm mankind Just to save his own? Have pity on those Whose chances are thinner Cause there's no hiding place From the Kingdom's Throne...
  20. Rick Martin of the Sabres, when he passed away at 59... They had his brain studied. First non-enforcer in hockey to test positive for CTE. Can only test when dead.
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