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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. 30% of the world uses toilet paper. Yup, 70% of world fends for itself: https://www.villages-news.com/2020/04/03/70-percent-of-worlds-population-doesnt-use-toilet-paper/
  2. What came first, the chicken or the egg? Psalm 37:21 "The wicked borrow and do not repay, but the righteous give generously." Most loans are repaid more than what was borrowed. Deuteronomy 23:19 - "Thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy brother; usury of money, usury of victuals, usury of any thing that is lent upon usury." BINGO!
  3. The loan principle is probably paid off on all these loans... It's the usury, interest that's most likely being forgiven. I got no problem with cutting the parasites off... They sucked enough blood money.
  4. Geeze... And some people think Chicago is bad!... It's like Sunday Mass here compared to other places. I just drove into Brooklyn a few weeks ago. Place is a zoo! Anyway... Still remember what my brother would say, he was an OTR trucker: "They will not look at you in Chicago when they cut you off, in NYC, they'll stare you down an cut you off." I made sure to stare people down a few weeks ago! 😆 I had a rental with Texas plates.
  5. Yes... That guy is an a-hole... BUT drivers can't have a single file line stretch all the way to next light causing gridlock.
  6. Called: Merge Weasels. Yes. It's better to utilize all lanes. One caveat. "Zipper" it up. Take your turn. There are even signs: "Use all lanes, merge at merge point."
  7. Why? 3 point games already exist going to OT. Wouldn't teams push to win it in Regulation?
  8. All games should be 3 points. Why are regulation games 2 points and OT/SO games 3 point affairs? Make regulation wins: +3 OT/SO wins: +2 OT/SO loses: +1 Play 4 on 4 for the whole game or make ice at least international size. Just not enough room out there with all the advancement in talent and equipment/skate technology... ...The North American game originally had 6 skaters and it was dropped down to 5. Make it 4 now. We see how exciting OT is 4 on 4... OR, again, make ice surface bigger. Trap hockey sux... Waiting for odd-man rushes blow. More wide-open play
  9. Not so much the precursor, but toilets existed in conjunction with pots...Going back to the Romans and Greeks and other cultures... Anyway... @Gugny is wrong: https://www.menshealth.com/health/a26322744/is-it-normal-for-men-to-pee-sitting-down/ Then there are the uncut guys out there since antiquity... They probably have a few words for Gug's narrow view of the world. 😆
  10. Would you be happier going back 90 years? Take the good with the bad.
  11. And if you're using a chamber pot... I sure the hell hope you're really not standing all that much! What a hell of a mess one would make trying to hit that small opening... 😏 Let alone the splash of a shallow container... 😆
  12. No. It implies using or hovering over it too.
  13. Who says one is sitting? One can be on something while standing or sitting. Nothing wrong with either.
  14. Which leads to: "They don't have a pot to piss in." Or some other variation of that saying...
  15. Disagree. I always heard "piss"... Who sh*ts in a pot unless it's 20 below zero out. Anyway, I am taking the shi... right to the hole. 😉
  16. Always thought it was: "Piss or get off the pot." In reference to the outhouse days. Most certainly one didn't run outside at every little urge... That's when the chamber pot came in handy... Especially during inclement weather... And had to be shared amongst different members of the house.
  17. Which brings this up. Here's another unsuccessful guy on a dating app. He's probably wondering what he did wrong? Let her go in and pick up the jug of Prestone anti-freeze? https://abc7chicago.com/dolton-illinois-kidnapping-advance-auto-parts-police/12849454/] What is wrong with people!
  18. You can lose the battle and still win the war. Yeah... The Bills shut it down for the season. Bummer they had to do it the way they did... But rest up, get over the trauma and try again next year. As a fan, and pro-worker... I still think their long term well-being is more important than my $$$$s... Even know they are getting rich beyond all our wildest dreams with those dollars. ANYway... For me... It's June 1999, "NoGoal." My mother passed away that February after succumbing to almost a decade's battle with ovarian cancer... @ 58 year's old. That February when back home right after her passing... Remember Sabres playing the Habs. Sabres would have won in last few seconds on a goal... But Miro's (Satan) skate lace was in crease! It went to OT I believe... I forget... Anyway, that was the first time I heard of the in-crease rule. FFWD 》》... To June... I was so sure the NHL would overturn Hull's certain no-goal. What a joke... The flood of our mother's passing came all back in the early morning hours of that day in June... ***** the NHL and the Dallas Stars... I hope some day Sabres stick it to that sham of a bush league! We were there for this season's debacle in the heat... Biggest sea of humanity we walked in since prior to Pandemic. Been to Miam a handful or more times... Never seemed to have an issue there!
  19. Every time I hear that song... I can not think of Fraiser's great bit on Cheers. 😆
  20. Probably a repost. But such a great secondary video made, fits the song perfectly and the times never go out of style. How we were humble and shy from the camera, limelight in a bygone era... YET there were some that weren't! Bravo/Brava!
  21. Then there was: "Chai Chai Rod-traqueez" "It's ChEE ChEE Rod-REE-quez" 😆
  22. "You bet!" [Usually a dead giveaway for someone from Iowa]
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