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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. No. Full vegan is no animal products at all. I think BMW went full synthetic leather now with their car seats and trim...
  2. Can you wear leather shoes and sit on leather seats in a car?
  3. Speaking of HoV lanes... This is a no-brainer: https://www.forbes.com/sites/bradtempleton/2019/08/06/carpool-cheats-may-be-helping-traffic-how-hov-lanes-can-fail/?sh=10d0e7b93d5d "...Caltrans, which manages California highways, estimated as many as 39% of the cars in the carpool lane may be cheating. When you watch one of those cheaters go by as you are stopped in traffic, you get naturally angry. Maybe you shouldn’t. It turns out that in many situations, carpool cheats may be improving traffic flow and speeding up your commute. To understand why, you must understand the mistake that was made in original carpool lane design. Carpool lanes are of dubious effectiveness at the goal of reducing congestion and improving the throughput of people on the roads. They can often make traffic worse rather than better. Traffic engineers know this, and in most towns, there are now efforts to change carpool lanes into HOT (High Occupancy Toll) or “Managed” lanes. These lanes act like carpool lanes, but allow solo drivers to pay a toll to use them. The amount of the toll goes up if demand and congestion go up to stop..." the solo drivers from overflowing the lane. ..." The same applies to merge weasels in a way... Agree!
  4. Isn't Orchard Park trying to re-zone for commercial too There is when one team has to play 8 games there. A team coming in an playing one bad weather game, they can power through. Say 50% bad weekends, that's demoralizing. Just saying...
  5. Second team. And so what if he doesn't go the EARLY loser Elway route. I can't take another SB loss. I'd rather die in early rounds.
  6. I should have said his coaching staff too. They are the ones that transformed him, his mechanics especially, in the first place. Geesh...
  7. Thank You... But let's reserve the Bills critique and evaluation until AFTER Josh's career. Steve Young got off to a slow start. Geesh...
  8. Liking it but not the crowd! LoL... Like a lot of the comments said... I am more impressed that he could pull that off with the crowd so out of time. He ain't really looking at them either, has the in ear thing which is good! I was never a big Ed Sheeran fan, but I am more now that he was able to pull that off. Just imagine a guy like Van Morrison in a crowd like that. There would be a mass murder investigation taking place! 😆
  9. For YES: "Is water wet?" For NO: "Is water wet?" Have at it ladies and gentlemen! 😆
  10. The sack. Pushed them back and made it 3rd and 24. Fins almost got the 1st... But had to attempt the longer kick in OT. Missed. In fact, Dolphins missed 2 OT kicks that would have won it. You figure... It's 1983... Bills haven't won in Orange Bowl since 1966! That's 17 tries in 17 years! And you thought "The Drought" and playing the Cheatriots was bad! Anyway, Marino's first game and the Bills owned him the rest of his career. He went to one SuperBowl, lost and never back again! By today's standards people would say he sucked. I guess he did.
  11. It's the truth. You can make as much being a lock operator.
  12. Looooser! 😉😜😘 I feel your pain! 😏
  13. Who wants to be a nurse? Such a grind. Give the medical degree away free, now we are in business... That's why healthcare is so expensive... The damn doctors. They need a sweet return on their medical education expenses... 😏
  14. We were a Courier-Express family! ***** the Buffalo EVENING News! 😉 😏
  15. Thnx... Agree. MiL has been complaining for years she read the newspaper a day late (busy doing housework or working, whatnot)... I guess she's on time today! 😆 😏
  16. It takes 4 hours to drive from Harrisburg, PA to Syracuse, NY... How the hell do they get it to Newstands on time? They can't possibly fly the shipment, or can they?
  17. That's how my wife got her MLIS (Masters Library & Information Science) degree (U of I) paid for. This was like over 25 years ago... She had to agree to stay working in Illinois for a certain number of years.
  18. WTF is that leaking all over highway? It's China, gotta be benzene or something:
  19. You are a gentleman. What? You don't do a "Chicago Exit"??? ....That is, drive hard in the far left lane and then cross over 4 right lanes at last second to make the right hand exit? 😆 Anyway... One time a few years ago my older sister was driving me on the Kensington Expressway into BFLo. The expressway was going down to one lane on right for construction. She is zooming ahead on left... Now, traffic wasn't at a standstill, plenty of time to get over right and keep flow going. Not a time where all available lanes needed to be used with a high merge point near the dwindling lanes. She actually was causing more "slack" in traffic by NOT zippering it up early... Anyway the exchange went like this: [Sister zooming ahead on left] Me: "Geeze! [Her name here] what the heck you doing, get over, don't be a merge weasel!" My older sister: "I am a lady, they'll let me in!" 😆🤣😂 I immediately lost the battle and just thought to myself: "Just let it go Eric!" That's the mentality that exists out there. /smdh...
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