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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. NOT supposed to be a clock of any kind in baseball. "All in time, but the clock is another demon that devours our time in Eden, in our Paradise."
  2. Getz w/Astrud Gilberto version: *EDIT: Guess they are all the same, enjoy!
  3. Holy crap! Did the camera just catch that backdraft!
  4. Not sure how out of Chicago Area people would get this... BUT NBC Sports Chicago is airing: Documentary... "Bear Down and Out: The Chicago Bears move to the suburbs" Building a dome in Arlington Heights, Illinois... The Bears are calling Soldier Field a "dump." Putting a dome on it will be putting a dome a dump. 😆 They don't wanna make the same mistakes they made 20 years rehabbing Soldier Field. As the football business changes, go big or go home the Bears are saying...
  5. A guy at work does it... Disc golf looks interesting, big business too. Got all kinds of equipment. 😆... That's what I thought at first.
  6. Until those PSLs kick in and you're dreaming of "TheDrought." 😉
  7. Funny story old timer at work (2 tour Vietnam Vet) told me about 30 years ago. So this lawn service guy is going around the neighborhood hawking a lawn service... Comes up to my co-worker and says: "Hey your lawn looks stressed, you could use our lawn service." My co-worker responds: "You think my lawn is stressed, you should see how stressed out I am! No thanks, it will be fine." I can't imagine Pandemic/Post Pandemic grass and people now. LoL...
  8. "Me and the league are finished," Toma said. "They can't tell me what to do anymore. We're done." Telling right here. It's freakin' grass... But the scary part is, what's the League telling others to do with bigger issues!
  9. Population is dwindling. Younger generation isn't having children! The business model, Bills last of dinosaurs, wants to be moved from spending the money @ Tops, Wegmans to the League's pocket. Old model... They have to clean up the parking lots. Ever see what the area looks like after a game? You can feed a 3rd World Country on Monday... They are moving away from that. Unfortunately, Bills fans are sweater wearers and cooler draggers...
  10. Well I guess it's better to do that in the suburbs. At least he's got that going for him. Probably worse in the city, potential for more people killed.
  11. Those are its flippers and it's swimming inverted. BUT... What public school science class failed you? Of course mammals have ears! https://www.thoughtco.com/the-main-mammal-characteristics-4086144
  12. November 22, 1981... 13 years old, listening on the stereo/radio in basement: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6XJNNLuwNMw Yeah... But the best part was left on the bed. 😆 🤣 😉 😜
  13. Sorry if I threw shade... Both sides there are drawbacks. I find it disingenuous to say people do this for health. Highly processed foods aren't any healthier. It's just not any healthier and virtuous than other lifestyles. Everything is balance. Just be thankful we live during marvelous times, era where this is possible and we have the technology to accomplish it! We are all equal in what we chose. There's things I agree with, other's I don't. Can we ever eliminate animals serving humans? I tend to think we can't. For me it's about resources and the ease we attain those resources. As the years go on, technology gets better we can do away with some of the abuses. For now... I will strive for halal. 😉
  14. Now those memories come back to haunt me They haunt me like a curse Is a dream a lie if it don't come true Or is it something worse...
  15. I may be repeating myself... But why not! ...It's a long thread...
  16. Gee... A really great time for the brain to cope while flying down the expressway @ 65 mph! I try to limit my dissociative fugues while doing less dangerous things like mowing my lawn or snow blowing... Yet those pesky blades and augers sure can get in the way! 😉
  17. It's processed foods too. And a lot of all our new vegan choices today are highly processed! Just be careful. The key is to really not eat at all! LoL... https://www.popsci.com/vegetarian-vegan-not-always-healthy/
  18. Agree. No worries. My son and daughter tried, more health issues with her... They are mainly vegetarian now. I respect your choice, hope it works for you!
  19. Gandhi was a vegetarian. Big difference. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/mahatma-gandhi-diet_l_5cb6021fe4b082aab08d3954 "Gandhi was born into a vegetarian household, but he always aspired to be vegan. He tried veganism as a young adult but, after suffering severe health issues, he was forced to change course." Today we have so many more options than Gandhi had... But do you want all those chemicals in your body? The thing with veganism is: "Consent" Even know the hen will drop about an egg a day, you can't eat it, use it because it didn't consent for you to take it. https://www.iamgoingvegan.com/vegan-ethics/
  20. Soda pop is vegan... That's my big weakness...
  21. Yes. My nephew's boyfriend. He's a 300 pound vegan! Seriously... It ain't as healthy as you think. French fries are vegan (in vegetable oil)... To each their own... But what the heck is in that stuff? This is probably the only time in human history that we can fabric imitation things. Just because it's vegan does it become natural. What about all the chemicals... Our parents grew up with products that had to be labeled: "Made with real cheese" lol....What are we going back to, the fake stuff? Leave a stick of real butter out on a warm day. Then leave imitation butter/margarine/plant based out. Watch where the flies go to. 😆 Plants feel pain.
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