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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. After Route 66... You should do the Great Loop! https://www.greatloop.org
  2. Intermodal. Catoosa is the farthest point on Inland Waterways... Petrochemical products more cost effective to move by water than rail or truck. Adds an ancillary transportation system to an already clogged national system. Here in Chicago... We get petrol-Chem products shipped via waterways from Texas/Oklahoma...
  3. Nothing wrong with 4 hour games. Not all are. How about keep same rules and have the Umps do their job and move game along. Like don't grant a batter time to step out. They are asking for permission in the first place, right? Who says it has to be granted. Pitcher throws and it's a strike or ball, it's a strike or ball! Game moves along naturally!
  4. Is the Catholic Church a "cover church?" ๐Ÿค” [Only Apostolic Church that can directly trace back to Jesus Christ & The Apostles: 1. Jesus Christ established a Church (not several, or several thousand). 2. The only Church which can trace its lineage unbroken to the time of Christ and the apostles is the Catholic Church. 3. And therefore, Jesus Christ established the Catholic Church.] OH, don't answer this question. It was just for effect.๐Ÿ˜‰
  5. Legally favor... But then again... Steroids were basically legal. You actually made my point for me. Players will always take the rules and bend them for a competitive edge. The steroid era was no different, just results the Leagues couldn't live with. Baseball is a pitchers game, it's the way it was invented. Until pitching breaks down and somebody wins. Clocks will definitely help the pitchers... IMO, trying to shorten a game that doesn't need to be shorten because ADHD fans get restless is a step in WRONG direction. There's always unintended consequences. There should absolutely be no clocks in the game. Baseball is not a mechanically timed game. I don't understand why they are trying to make it that way?
  6. That was quickly taken down. Probably why it was so hard to find in first place! ๐Ÿ˜•
  7. "Pepper" ~Butthole Surfers I did give you a lot of words to work with! ๐Ÿ˜‰
  8. Another Mikey took a knife while arguing in traffic Flipper died a natural death he caught a nasty virus Then there was the ever-present football player rapist They were all in love with dying they were doin' it in Texas Paulie caught a bullet but it only hit his leg While it should have been a better shot he got him in the head They were all in love with dying they were drinkin' from a fountian That was pouring like an avalance coming down the mountian I don't mind the sun sometimes the images it shows I can taste you on my lips and smell you in my clothes Cinnamon and sugary and softly spoken lies You never know just how you look through other people's eyes
  9. Then I stumbled upon this. Who's lying here? One comment is golden: "I think u are lying Lucille. U have 4kids with the man. I love this response though. Lots of love from Kampala." Who's zooming who Lucille?๐Ÿ˜
  10. I was looking for that a month ago to post here... Someone must have just uploaded it!
  11. Interesting... Of course you know you can take an automobile from Chicago to Catoosa, Oklahoma... BUT, did you know you can also take a boat from Chicago to Catoosa. Yup. @BringBackFergy
  12. So... Radiator Springs is dead? They won't build a dome there? ๐Ÿ˜
  13. This is the story outta Chicago if anyone wants to see what's happening there:
  14. Galena, Illinois is a nice town to stop in. Old Northwest. Had the largest hotel in the west, IIRC correctly @ 7 stories (since lowered to 3), when Lincoln stayed there, the DeSoto House Hotel... https://desotohouse.com/hotel-history/ The driftless zone kinda unique geography... Untouched by glaciation. So it's kinda hilly, looks unlike the rest of upper midwest. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Driftless_Area Old mining area, lead mines... Almost all the Union lead during the Civil War came out of that area of Iowa, Minnesota, & Wisconsin... Dubuque, Iowa still has a shot tower. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shot_Tower_(Dubuque) The saying in Galena was: "Galena is the city, Chicago just the town." ๐Ÿ˜†
  15. Like the game hasn't already historically favored the pitchers over the batters from day one. Maybe lower the mound because of the pitch clock?
  16. Probably not much different. Maybe worse. But there's less people! ๐Ÿ˜
  17. I live a few miles... Word of advice: Drive really, REALLY FAST through Ford Heights, Illinois! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Heights,_Illinois "...Often viewed as one of Chicago's most impoverished suburbs and at one point the poorest suburb in the United States,[9] Ford Heights has experienced high levels of political corruption, decaying infrastructure, and an elevated crime rate. In 2008, the Cook County Sheriff's Department took over law enforcement duties for the village.[10] Between 1980 and 2010, the population of Ford Heights declined by more than 48%."
  18. I am Will County... If you find yourself there, you can check out the tall grass prairie... They have a herd of N.American bison: https://www.fs.usda.gov/midewin We want the full Congressional reports in 3 years, by the winter of ole '26... Pics of Meriweather Lewis much obliged too..
  19. I have been to Wilmington, Illinois and drove past the "Gemini Giant"... "Launching Pad Restaurant." Is kinda neat... Antique shops in Wilmington, nice little town on Kankakee River...
  20. Just be careful with dolphin encounters... This poor girl took it upon her own to make her own encounter, leave her jetski and attempted to swim with them... Just recently. https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/teenage-girl-killed-shark-jet-skiing-australia-96894090 ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜Ÿ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ž
  21. ADHDing of a game, I guess it was bound to happen given people's short attention spans. Might as well install a time clock, punch in and punch out. Why can't the ump reign things in? Slowpokes get it done!
  22. You think a "safety zone" would have been set up? Bystanders seem a little too close, no?
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