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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. 1988: 😆... "What does that matter? Tell that to the bank."
  2. Yup... Not sure if they were knobby swampers. Maybe drowned out the wear noise... YET... Really? Yikes. That truck has some explaining to do. I mentioned my bad drive shaft u-joint grinding every time I hit a bumper or clunker when shifting to reverse... Slop progressively getting worse... I never thought it would blow wide open though. But it did!
  3. It was a KIA... Amazing what those Korean gymnasts can do! 😉 Buckled in! Or the driver is gonna be a rag doll in vehicle!
  4. Like I said, it may not have influenced... But it was definitely an illegal ride without fender/flare coverage over the tread. Coverage is for stones and other things like riding up on another vehicle, etc... BUT even if coverage blunts the blow of the wheel-tire coming off, does that give the KIA or whoever an extra second to get by? Just dumb luck being there I suppose. But who knows. Older truck, older axles... Those big wide tires do put stress on axles. We don't know, but there had to be warning sound. Amazing the vehicle with dashcam was so close and didn't get caught up in it. Same with the rest of traffic coming to a grinding halt. Years ago on I94, coming home from work... Co worker ahead of me. A tire came off in opposing lanes and bounced over the Jersey Wall, in front of us and then right over the top of us both as we zoomed forward!
  5. It's plain to see the pick-up was negligent with the set up of their rig: I have my theory too. Dumb luck, wrong place at wrong time. BUT... The pick-up truck driver should be held liable. You see it all the time... People breaking the law... IMO, which didn't cause the tire to fly off but MAY have added to the situation... Here's why: The truck appears to have over-sized tires that may have caused, from stress on the hub/axle, to finally give way. That's NOT against the law, but don't quote me on it... FWIW, I think all state motor vehicle codes have on their books that tires need full fender coverage. IE: NOT protruding out beyond the fender OR flare. This white truck definitely doesn't have its tires under full fender/flare coverage. I hope someone looks at this and sees that truck was illegally modified. Maybe the flare would have blunted the blow?? There are reasons for these laws... Just nobody thinks they are important when looking "cool." https://www.wranglerforum.com/threads/california-tire-fender-law.91510/ "I had to go down to the CHP office and they gave me a hand drawn diagram showing what was required, as it is not shown on the net or even in their CVC books. The flares must cover the tread, not the sidewall. Your mud flaps will need to cover the tread down to the horizontal centerline of the tire, in other words, you can eyeball a straight line from the center (hub) of the front tire to the center of the rear tire extending past the rear bumper. The flaps must go to at least this level." ALSO: Was the truck driver using wheel spacers that allowed them to fit those over-sized wheels/tires on to vehicle? Who knows how many lug nuts were in service on that wheel. Whole bunch of factors why an axle goes like that... And just a quick look, it appears things were modified on that truck. You see it all the time... People tooling around in these absurd rigs on the street. The white truck here wasn't too absurd, but it was clearly in violation. IMO, that makes it liable more than a freak act of God. And, I don't really buy act of God. The warning signals were there, the pick-up drive was just ignoring them. I dropped a drive shaft on my Jeep at highway speeds. I knew for a whole year the u-joint was going... Just too cheap to fix it... Until it blew over a bump at 55mph. A Jeep TJ's drive shaft is only the length of my forearm, but it would have sucked had someone behind me hit it as it came off.
  6. Wait a second... How do you even remember? 😉😜 J/K...
  7. So you think your schooling is phoney I guess it's hard not to agree You say, "It all depends on money And who is in your family tree"
  8. I am just your man! Go for it! Buttons are where it's at!
  9. Then there's the red button... NEVER PRESS THE WED BUTTON! "Elmer Fudd: Say, I wonder what that wed button is for? [he pushes the red button on the panel that says For Tidal Waves Only, the house raises into sky, Daffy Duck arrives in a helicopter] Daffy Duck: For a small price, I can install this little blue button to get you down."
  10. Getting tricky with emails. I never click on a link directly in an email. I will cut and paste it into a browser, but USUALLY never a hyperlink. Same with a text. TRICKY, because some of these scams try to get you to inadvertently answer a question. Just don't push the: "Alcatraz Ascot!" 😆
  11. Climbing under a barbed wire fence By the railroad ties Climbing over the old stone wall I am bound for the riverside Well, I go to the river to soothe my mind Ponder over the crazy days of my life Just sit and watch the river flow Find a place on the riverbank Where the green rushes grow See the wind in the willow tree In branches hanging low Well, I go to the river to soothe my mind To Ponder over the crazy days in my life Watch the river flow Ease my mind and soul Where I go Well I will go to the river from time to time Wander over these crazy days in my mind Watch the river flow Where the willow branches grow By the cool rolling waters Moving gracefully and slow Child, it's lovely Let the river take it all away The mad pace, the hurry The troubles, the worries, the worries Just let the river take them all away Flow away Flow away Oh, oh
  12. I work for the government... Ooops I mean for @BringBackFergy & @Gugny... We have a time honored saying amongst the rank and file for those guys to keep their stereotypes alive! 😉 And this gem:
  13. He is Einstein, and brilliant geniuses are usually socially inept. Way to go Einstein! Smooth as a burlap sack.
  14. So many to choose from... Maybe a bit serious take on society... But well done, IMO. Fits the time, even if this was uploaded 13 years ago and the lyrics. So much in it about where we've been, where we are going and how we are getting there. Even the personalities in the video of a bygone era. Human interaction, social strata, etc... You wouldn't think that a simple four and a half minute video could convey so much, but it does. Check out how many people hide from the camera... Then some ham it up. Probably someone could write a thesis on what's happening here from simple video and old home movies... Maybe it's hokey... But I find it pretty deep and telling... Today we are seeing things through the lens that has been highly altered. This just a glimpse into the many layers of society from a smaller town and more real vantage point. When it comes to a deeper appreciation, I think this video has it all... From a 3rd party too... Hope the record company never shuts it down. Uplifting... I think one of the first comments says it all: "In this Narcissistic age where everyone is infatuated with their own image, just look! People didn't want to be photographed, people weren't drunk on themselves, people did not want to be made self conscious . We need to be more like these people."
  15. ...Here comes the rich man in his big long limousine Here comes the poor man all you got to have is green Here comes the banker and the lawyer and the cop One thing for certain it ain't never gonna stop When it all gets too heavy That's when they come and they go They go With only one thing in common They got the fire down below Yeah, it happens out in Vegas happens in Moline On the blue blood streets of Boston Up in Berkeley and out in Queens And it went on yesterday and it's going on tonight Somewhere there's somebody ain't treatin' somebody right...
  16. Wait... There were shorthanded goals too? That'll do it! Look on bright side... The Golden Griffs had a long way to go to become Thailand: https://darrenbarefoot.com/2007/01/29/kazakhstan-pastes-thailand-at-the-asian-winter-games/
  17. Dzięki za punkty! Śnieg w Karpatach był dobrej tej zimy.
  18. That pesky 2 goal lead in hockey is the hardest lead in sports to hold.
  19. Seriously! Good luck... Sounds spooky about the cursor. Put a piece of tape over the camera. I'd wipe the whole machine.
  20. Please, they're called: iSheeple. "iSheeple Pathetically slavish devotees of Apple Computers who blindly embrace any product hawked by their turtle-necked tech messiah Steve Jobs. The iSheeple are, as a general rule, more interested in Apple products as fashion accessories and will buy several permutations of the same item in order to stay "current", even when that device has obvious design flaws and is liable to break under even normal usage conditions (see: iPhone 4) or cause the user actual physical harm (see: overheating Macbooks). Rather than picking the best tool for the job, iSheeple choose the Apple alternative every time, paying over the odds for a product that is not as useful as it should be (see: iPad). Ignoring well-reasoned arguments from less biased computer enthusiasts everywhere, they will never truly be convinced that Apple products are overrated. For iSheeple the mind-numbing simplicity of the various Apple operating systems is actually comforting: a real power operating system would only leave them huddled over in a corner shaking uncontrollably and sobbing that iTunes can't run their lives and tell them what to buy next anymore. More extreme iSheeple will decorate non-Apple products with the now ubiquitous fruit silhouette logo, even going so far as to have the icon tattooed onto their skin in an overwhelming display of blind conformity. Such is their unswerving quasi-religious devotion they are classed as acceptable targets and should be mocked whenever possible. Even the usually infallible Stephen Fry is a notorious Apple bore and figurehead of the irritating iSheeple masses."
  21. He's been hacked and I don't think even Shirley knows what to do.
  22. Oh, I saw the decade in, when it seemed the world could change At the blink of an eye And if anything Then there's your sign of the times I was alive and I waited, waited I was alive and I waited for this Right here, right now...
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