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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Wow... The weird thing is the shooter probably would have voted for gun control. You forgot me... But I haven't been here in a while. Boy this place went to hell. @Tiberius still holding the fort! 😉 Nice!
  2. Stop it Veruca! 😆 Stop spending on crap! Stay home. Grow a Victory Garden. Wipe your ass with a page from the Sears Catalog (nevermind). Maybe lose a few pounds. Incredible.
  3. I don't know... It is kinda important. Literally everything I do is on a cellphone. Personal, banking, bills, calendar. Absolutely no paper or mail...Etc... Only time I use a PC is at work and at tax time. I probably could do my taxes on the phone. It really has saved clutter and paper... If I get something in mail, I can take a picture of it and deal with it later. I used to have a shoebox full of bills, stamps, etc...
  4. "We" (the previous generations) warned us (gonna say us, but I listened). 😉😜 😆... You shut your mouth... While I hack away on that blasted thing!
  5. 4/3/1973: First mobile phone call. https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-65112048 "On 3 April 1973, Marty Cooper stood on a corner of Sixth Avenue in New York and took a phone book from his pocket. He then punched a number into a large, cream-coloured device and put it to his ear while passers-by stared at him. Mr Cooper, an engineer at Motorola, rang his counterpart at rival firm Bell Laboratories, to triumphantly tell him he was calling from "a personal, handheld, portable cell phone". He recalls there being silence on the end of the line. "I think he was gritting his teeth," says the 94-year-old, laughing. ..."
  6. Not everyone... Sheesh... Where do I begin: "...You can get just so much from a good thing You can linger too long in your dreams Say goodbye to the oldies but goodies 'Cause the good ole days weren't always good And tomorrow ain't as bad as it seems..."
  7. They say the Finnish national identity and concept of "SISU" has really no literal English equivalent... But holy crap, this came very close! Balls in this case is SISU! "Sisu is extraordinary determination in the face of extreme adversity, and courage that is presented typically in situations where success is unlikely."
  8. "America First"... The Firsters is straight out of the 1930s... They are the Charles Lindberghs, Henry Fords, and Joe Kennedy's that wanted to align and appease Hitler and the fascists. The fascists are the Putin's and Xi's today hybridized 30 years strong from old communists... I mean knock Hillary all you want, she was right 10 years ago when she said the GOP all they want to do is roll the clock back to 1929 for a conservative "do-over."
  9. Yup... Like they busted Blago. Yet... How would Secret Service have reacted? They'd have to honor the bust, right?
  10. What do you call a broken escalator? -Stairs
  11. What do you call an artsy pumpkin? 🎃 ...An avant-gourd!
  12. The Devon Levi story... Not sure if posted yet: https://www.trainwrecksports.com/from-dollard-to-buffalo-the-devon-levi-story/
  13. Hope the photographer was in the passenger seat. 😏
  14. As automatics progressed, they are quicker and more efficient than manuals, especially off-roading. I think the paddle shifters just make it "clutchless"... Well at least with your left foot. So you can take the RPMs up and shift when you want to. Rev matching when you downshift is pretty cool. BUT... Manuals better when fording through water...
  15. ^^^There's a tunnel behind that sexy Putin poster. It leads to a shitpipe. Someone cap the other end...
  16. I taught my son... Has the, got him the 2014 Cooper S 9 years ago when the new bigger style Cooper came out... Still going strong. The nice thing is, nobody else could drive it when he went to school. 6 speed with rev-matching. Really cool feature. Has hill assist. On a hill, you got 2 seconds to get from the brake to the clutch before rolling backwards. Ooops! 😆
  17. "Well, ain't this place a geographical oddity. Two weeks from everywhere!"
  18. How does a faulty wheel bearing on a train overheat to 250° over the ambient air temp while chugging down the Eastern Ohio Road... 🤔 Is it safe to drink and shower with the water in town. I guess the guy in white pickup took the Norfolk Southern approach to maintaing their vehicle. Hey... It happens. 😏
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