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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Actually... My timing chain on my 2006 Jeep can go 250k. Belts at about 100k. BUT... The real breakthroughs are in electronics and metals. Products last longer. Yeah they might be throwaway, but no labor to fix it during the service life. Way better service life today.
  2. Yup. Then they came up with the 5 year "rust through" warranty. Rust THROUGH? 😆 JC... Jeeps came off the line with rust on it! Tune-ups every 15,000 too. 😆
  3. So are other products. But I guess we simply don't clean our houses as much OR just hire a cleaning crew. LoL.... How many people had a cleaning crew back in 1950s/60s... Who wants a rotary phone or a vacuum cleaner that draws 12 amps. 😆
  4. Yeah, but broke. Were repairs free? You're in dream world. Things last longer now, even throwaway.
  5. FakeNews. Myth. Just like cars back then that did NOT last decades but rotted out in 2 years. LoL... 😆... "You can't run a vacuum cleaner on 12 amps John..."
  6. https://buffalonews.com/entertainment/dining/restaurants/dyngus-day-in-buffalo-new-york-dyngus-day-events-dyngus-day-buffalo-festival/article_6b66cd96-cf29-11ed-a355-6f08818103ed.html
  7. This This from 1956. A simple vacuum cleaner: $89.95. You know how much that is in 2023? About a $994.87!! https://www.usinflationcalculator.com The old days aren't as great as they are made out to be. AND we aren't suffering as bad now as we think...
  8. Getting too close to a tree well. Big snow will form a tree well... Like literally falling into a well. Snowboarders can't release from their bindings as easy as skiers... Even worse if inverted I suppose.
  9. Yeah... But how many of you wipe your ass left?
  10. I have my take on why lefties were forced to write righty. Think about it... The ball point pen wasn't invented to about the 1930s... Even then and after, fountain pens were still common. Writing lefty with a fountain pen OR at least teaching a child to write with a fountain pen left handed would have created a terrible mess, smear... Watch a left write and they kinda hook their hand over as they move left to right. Is penmanship really a thing anymore? Same with drafting... Line quality and inking a print. It's all done on computer/CAD now... FWIW. I don't think the old days were as nefarious as they are made out to be. More just economical and practical concerns. In the days when penmanship counted, probably easier just to teach the other hand. Today... We have everything for both hands. My older sister is a lefty... We ate as a big family at a large table. We parked her on so she would bang elbows with others. Same with her softball mitt... She just learned to play putting the mitt on backwards. https://potus.com/presidential-facts/left-handed/ "Eight presidents have been left-handed. James A. Garfield was the first left-handed president. He could write in two languages at the same time - Greek with the left hand and Latin with the right. #President 20James A. Garfield 31Herbert Hoover 33Harry S. Truman 38Gerald R. Ford 40Ronald Reagan 41George H. W. Bush 42Bill Clinton 44Barack Obama" Interesting it took all the way up to Garfield (1880s), then Hoover @ the advent of the ballpoint pen...
  11. You're old enough some people say To read the signs and walk away It's only time that heals the pain And makes the sun come out again It's raining again Oh no, my love's at an end Oh no, it's raining again Too bad I'm losing a friend
  12. We're not super villains, we are super heros! But even heroes fall some time!
  13. ...these crazy ideas, oh they don't last long but they come and they go in America and we're staring at the world from my home little Idaho...
  14. Are you one of those litter box in school lavatory believers? Pedo-ring at you local Papa John's believer?
  15. Stupidity. /EndThread [I'll be here all week, chef says try the borscht!]
  16. What's the big deal! Oh the Children! 😆 I hear my old man: "These kids learn worse on the schoolbus!" 😆
  17. Yup! That about sums it up! Society is a pecking order with conservatives. Pack animals need an alpha dog. Like the time my conservative sister inlaw came into my work... First thing out of her mouth: "Now who's above who here?" I pointed 👉 to the chain of command photos on the wall in the lunchroom. /smdh...
  18. Yeah, but they are hot🔥! There's something written on hee dress?? 😏
  19. Are they harming you any different than others? Don't worry, you're not going to hell. Why not steer the world to accepting everyone, equality. Why not embrace differences with people. Unless, you like division among people. I simply don't understand why differences and accepting those differences bothers people. Is it order? Control? Creating underclasses of undesirables? Or just wanting to view life and society in an orderly manner. It certainly can't be about money and economics, because why would anyone alienate a paying customer? "You get more flies with honey then you do vinegar" if you really simply just oppose the agenda.
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