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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Hard to escape, repair their reputation. Must be suffocating to be young and in that predicament. It's like the whole world 24/7/365 is in their bedroom! The village, community knows it all!
  2. That's such a hardline to take. Some can't escape their past or meet good people that will let them escape their past. I feel sorry for the guy. Yeah... He let his family down... But really?
  3. In 2016 we were heading up the mountain road to Strawberry Hot Springs (Steamboat Springs) in the rental pick-up, Dodge 3500 4x4... There was a group van full of Japanese hot springs seekers stuck on the side of the road, slid off and stuck in the embankment. Must have been about a dozen of them. Another truck helped pull them out, we played spotter and sent them up the mountain on their merry public hot springs seeking way. We never got a trip to Japan... Let alone a gift card to Benihana! Some thanks! 😕😞
  4. Nothing like sleeping your way to the top! 🤦🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️ https://www.foxnews.com/us/california-high-schools-teacher-year-arrested-allegedly-sex-underage-student-police
  5. 😏 50% of US soybean moves through Mississippi River ports and of that 80% passes through a lock. 1 barge = 57,000 bushels of soybean and it takes only one gallon of fuel to move a ton 616 miles.
  6. Hey @muppy I am busting Ferguson on rules technicality! Chevy (as in "Chevy Chase") lol... Chevy Van https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chevy_(given_name) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ballad_of_Chevy_Chase From the: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheviot_Hills Last name of course too... Arthur Chevrolet: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Chevrolet
  7. Only thing better than that Dodge... The Chevy! Pull up with that bad boy on a date, strike fear in the hearts of father's of daughters everywhere! 😆
  8. MA bought his ticket: Yeah... He really put himself in an unfortunate situation. Like I said... Learning experience for others. Not the end of the world. Punting at pro level is a high earning career. Welcome to being a regular worker Matt...
  9. There's the CFL, XFL. Hey kids, don't do what Matt did. Chose your friends wisely.
  10. J.H. Christ... That's a hell of a thing to do! LoL... But love the symbolism! Kids got it rough today, they'd get all the way to New Mexico in their EV before the marriage thing starts stinkin'! Nothing like a good old-fashioned wedding hazing ala the Polish-American "czepina." So you're all in on the fomunda? 😉😜
  11. The fact of the matter is... Bills did the right thing. Given what we know now about what happened last summer (Kim Pegula) and all the other turmoil, and future turmoil... With Araiza embroiled in a mess, why would Bills take on more turmoil... They'd have to be a glutton for punishment if they did. Bills had too much on plate to give the kid benefit of doubt... Let alone a roster spot, media hype, etc... They made the best only proper business decision. If there was an exempt list, sure given him the benny of doubt. Simply too much on everyone's plate. Everyone needed to get their house in order. Something needed to give considering everything the team was going through (which we didn't know at the time) AND would go through... Unfortunate... But Matt still ain't without fault...
  12. The conception of hip hop: ...With a James Brown shout out...
  13. Same... But this thread did get me to start a note file and build a chronological list of the vehicles I have owned, still own... BUT probably won't share them publicly... LoL... Too eclectic to be released into the wild. 😆 Right now up to 14 different vehicles over the last 40 years. That's about a vehicle every 3 years, right? The "American Dream?" "...The percentage you're paying is too high priced While you're living beyond all your means And the man in the suit has just bought a new car..."
  14. Yeah... You put two and two together! https://scitechdaily.com/scientists-discover-mysterious-warm-liquid-spewing-from-oregon-seafloor/ "...The feature was discovered by first author Brendan Philip, who did the work as a UW graduate student and now works as a White House policy advisor. ..."
  15. 1972 Dodge Tradesman... ...Down by the river!
  16. No harm, no foul!😉 All's well that ends well! Just for future reference... The old axiom: "A 2-0 lead in hockey is the hardest lead in all of sports to hold." Enjoy! I know, I know we Sabres fans should talk... BUT I can't help myself. We gotta win this damn snack bowl (Stanley Cup) before they do! We are much more deserving city!
  17. "...Oh, blame it on midnight Ooh, shame on the moon Oh, blame it on midnight Ooh, shame on the moon Blame it on midnight You can blame it on midnight Shame, shame, shame, shame on the moon Blame it on midnight Shame on the moon..."
  18. Can't find the Wilco version on the intertubes... But found two decent covers... What's better than Hollywood stars and volcanoes 🌋! Ingrid Bergman
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