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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. I guess they could... But why not use a nice scientific calculator? Outside of nostalgia, probably not. But, it's a handy skill to have: https://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2014/10/22/356937347/the-slide-rule-a-computing-device-that-put-a-man-on-the-moon
  2. AND in all my years, never had a car battery die in the winter. Always the dead heat of summer. Hope... I didn't just jinx myself! 😕
  3. Like to see great "risk assessment?" /sarcasm... Watch this... WARNING⚠️: If stuff like this bothers you, don't watch. Wanna a lesson in situational awareness? Check these high-speed clowns! The chick in the green bikini steps up her leadership game. Best comments: 😆 "Noticed Mr. Clean regaining consciousness for a moment but when he saw everybody got hurt because of his incompetence he played unconscious again." "The girl in the green bikini was amazing - was thrown the most violently, yet gained situational awareness immediately. The first to check others safety, signal for help and assist others. You cannot train for that - you just have to be like that. Inspirational." "Green Bikini's danger awareness meter: 10 Purple Bikini's danger awareness meter: 1" The full play-by-play:
  4. Explanation from NOAA... "During the daytime, the distance the AM radio signal travels is the distance the ground wave travels, based upon the power of the transmitter. The signal also reaches the ionosphere. The D-Layer of the ionosphere plays an interesting role. While there are no radio signals reflected off this layer, it does absorb AM radio signals. Because signals are absorbed, there is less interference between them. Therefore, more radio stations are transmitting during the daytime, and these stations can often transmit at higher power. At night, the D-Layer disappears, and the transmitted signal can then bounce off the ionosphere and return back to the Earth. As a result, some low power stations must cease transmission at sunset, while others reduce their transmitted power to reduce interference. However, there are high power clear channel stations that can broadcast all night. It is these stations the students will most likely find." "Comparison showing how the D-layer affects daytime and night time radio transmissions." Toledo is west. Probably the reason. ??
  5. I used to work in hydrographic survey with the Upper Mississippi crew between Quad Cites and Dubuque... Poison ivy was everywhere cutting line for a baseline. Some of us that were allergic to it just learned to live with the urushiol rash and take a cold shower (hot shower opens pores) and scrub any oil off immediately when getting back to the hotel at night.
  6. Probably at night: https://www.fcc.gov/media/radio/am-stations-at-night "...However, during nighttime hours the AM signals can travel over hundreds of miles by reflection from the ionosphere, a phenomenon called "skywave" propagation. (Shortwave stations, which operate using AM modulation on several bands between between 2.3 MHz and 26.1 MHz, also use this phenomenon to broadcast still greater distances, up to thousands of miles.) Because of this change in signal propagation from daytime to nighttime, if every AM station kept its daytime operating power at night, massive interference would result. (For a similar description, see Hours of Daytime-Only AM Broadcast Stations, First Report and Order, BC Docket 82-538, 95 FCC 2d 1032 (1983) [ PDF ] and related [ MO&O ]). .. " We sure are one hell of a "noisy" planet. If there is other intelligent life out there, it surely has had of heard us!
  7. How old are you? You sure they weren't still in Minneapolis? Minneapolis is still west of the Mississippi. 😉 😜
  8. God love ThePost! "He branched out from the bedroom." 🤣🤣🤣
  9. This scene always kills me! "Kevin's a skunk." "Kevin gets all the girls." "He sure got Nikki." 😆🤣😂 Did you guys cry when Laura got married to Luke? And... Speaking of BS... What was up with that Mikkos Cassadine "weather machine!" I'd like to see him deal with GlobalWarming!
  10. If Granato gets off to a slow start in the first 20 games, can him. Can him ala the Blackhawks did with Denis Savard when they went with Q. The pieces are here.
  11. That's the Portage Escarpment. The Onondaga you can see when driving on Main Street, Route 5. The Kensington Expressway/Rte. 33 also cuts through it. That's the rapids under the water at the mouth of the Lake. The Portage impound Lake Erie to east, Onondaga to west... Funnels through and over the Niagara.
  12. Yeah... That's what I was trying to figure out. Someone panic?? It is pretty tight. Hate to have a person freak and get claustrophobic at the transition point! 😒
  13. Thanks! What's your take on geography, are there dead spots? E.Aurora lies right below where the Portage Escarpment turns east: And beyond that are the Boston Hills... The transmitter is on Grand Island, can it skip over East Aurora which is sandwiched between these two right where they both run east. The Onondaga formation:
  14. In England on the canals there's tunnels all over. Interesting, it was too expensive to bore bigger tunnels with towpaths, so... They had to have people "leg" the boat through a tunnel. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legging_(canals) "...Early canal tunnels were built without a towpath as this would require a much larger bore, and hence cost more to build. Prior to the introduction of motorised boats, legging was one of the few options for getting a boat through such a tunnel. Two people were required. They would lie on a plank across the bows of the boat, and holding the plank with their hands, would propel the boat with their feet against the tunnel wall. This was quite a dangerous activity and resulted in many deaths. ..." Anyway... I just read up on the Lockport cave. It's one-way in, one-way out. I guess the boat flipped when they made the transition 180° out. I guess the cave was cut early on to supply water to businesses in town. I bet people panicked and all rushed to one side? ??
  15. Sadly we got the Yugo ripoff plan that many others have. We pay them, they pay poo, the dentist just jacks up the price for services when they find out you got "insurance." 😕😞 It's the way the world is moving... Those extended car service plans seem like a better option. 😆 Health plan sucks too... Take more money there.
  16. Yeah... I never heard of it. What is this actually, an old part of the Erie Canal that has a tunnel section? What does it pass under? Is it like going into a mine and then coming back out same way or does it go straight through?
  17. Just a guess on my part: Local geography? Upstate New York is cross-sected by three geological formations all raising the elevation of the land towards the Southern Tier. East Aurora is at the base and turning point east of the Portage Escarpment. WBEN's transmitter is on Grand Island between the Niagara Escarpment and Onondaga Escarpment. Is East Aurora a "dead spot" at the base of a formation?
  18. Ha! Dental insurance sucks. You must have a "Cadillac Plan." For everybody else it's the biggest racket on the planet. I am going through 2 implants right now to replace a 20 year old bridge. It's costing me $11,000. Insurance is picking up $1500. 😆
  19. On the VHF-FM marine radio @ work... There's some good nights, atmospherics where here in Chicago we will pick up Upper Mississippi Group, USCG in Keokuk, Iowa... That's like 300 miles southwest. Also, picked up Detroit to the east another 300 miles. But USCG has to be blasting high power!
  20. And FM....Frequency modulation goes out in tall cities and mountains, right?
  21. Yeah volunteer somewhere! Save a job for a kid that needs a shot!
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