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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Maybe they were gonna return them to the store anyway? From the gr8 website: "AisleOfShame" we have this... https://www.aisleofshame.com/target-underwear-return-policy/ Now... Years ago, they probably never even saw the "skid marks!" πŸ˜†... Now THAT'S nasty!
  2. https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/57902/whats-difference-between-lake-and-pond "Guess what? There is no official scientific difference between a lake and a pond. In fact, the only real criteria to categorize something as a lake or pond is that the area in question must be a standing or slow-moving body of water surrounded by land." It's actually a small, very small lake since it's on the Cayuga Crick... 😏... Definitely an inlet and outlet. Have at it. A pond is standing water. πŸ˜†
  3. https://www.centralillinoisproud.com/news/local-news/redneck-fishing-tournament-returns-to-the-village-of-bath/ 16 years ago:
  4. Link: https://buffalonews.com/news/local/black-bear-spotted-near-como-lake-park-lancaster-police-say/article_a23018b2-128d-11ee-8d77-6be202eb4c4c.html
  5. My take is... IMO... Environment getting cleaner, they are having a harder time surviving and become habitualized towards human. There used to be open dumps, etc... Where they could go, now everything is sealed and transferred far away. Sure they are gonna root through the trash or greasy grill on a deck. Not against a clean environment... But how about going back to the "Fly Paper" approach... You make your gabage locally, you dump it locally.
  6. The young teachers are on their phones now... How are they supposed to keep track of the kids cheating?πŸ˜†
  7. People can always hide behind "safety." Schools need find a way to incorporate safety and eliminate the phone.
  8. Why don't they just put emergency phones throughout the place. Like pick it up and it dials 911. Or issue a single purpose emergency phone to each student at the start of day. Leave in each desk. Corrected. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜œπŸ˜˜
  9. 8 days ago in Arizona... Strange because it was a black bear... Usually more scared of humans!
  10. You'd think... They'd have a REMOTE "BlackBox" and sound bouy in place nearby to record every detail up until the last 40th millisecond the implosion went off. Would help the investigation.
  11. Yeah... But I got some cheap expired carbon fiber. What could possibly go wrong after 12 dives! πŸ˜† 🀣 πŸ˜†... He's treating it like one day old expired milk! /smdh... Where was this clown from?
  12. Read this! Wow! https://komonews.com/news/loc...ron-ocean-surface-expedition "...Over cigars one night, (Stockton) Rush told Weissmann that he got the carbon fiber for the Titan’s hull at a big discount because it was past its shelf-life for use in airplanes, Weissmann said. But Rush reassured him it was safe. ..." WTF! Any idiot knows that spheres are better than tubes at deep dives. And if you are gonna make it a tube... Better to go stronger than carbon fiber. They have been doing this since the 1960s. I think the engineering is pretty well set... Even more so now!
  13. CEO full of hubris: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65998914
  14. Same thing here in Illinois. They all slam Chicago... But the cities keep the state afloat. The country folk think it's the exact opposite though. /smdh My plates in Illinois. Just sayin' πŸ˜†
  15. Nature of the news cycle. I don't think the Navy had any grand conspiracy plans. They had to follow things logically. Is a 96 hour window really too much to wait for?
  16. But people can't handle that! Boo hoo. Luck of the draw. Who's murder got hid by 911? Some people get all the breaks.
  17. They had to wait because they had to get the ROVs in place to get a visual. No way the public handles this information well. Let the "96 hour oxygen window" run out keeping hope alive before releasing the information. Gotta keep morale and hope up. Is 96 hours too much to ask to be 100% positive? Sheesh... Imagine if they released that information on Sunday and were wrong... Dudes were floating around somewhere. The government did good and acted logical! For once? We don't care about that... The public wants to know if a Kardashian farts! 😏
  18. James Cameron nailed it. I guess we all pretty much came to same conclusion why redundant systems failed: "I felt in my bones what had happened. For the sub's electronics to fail and its communication system to fail, and its tracking transponder to fail simultaneously - sub's gone." ~James Cameron
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