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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. You got cheese to go with that whine? What came first? The criminal or political opposition. The criminal of course, he's running for office to shield himself from legal peril. Ain't getting very far. My grandfather who was born in 1910: "Republicans fight with money, Democrats guns."
  2. Good! Less people to contend with... Don't worry, we'll welcome back the ClimateChange refugees... For a price!
  3. Check this out... Two conservatives drop from the sky. A poor liberal mowing her lawn suffers! https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/09/us/texas-woman-snake-hawk-attack/index.html I just started that... See headline above!
  4. Mods... Please merge this with the "Whiny Little Conservative B-Word Thread." Danke! 😆
  5. I'll start: https://nypost.com/2023/08/18/jail-where-trump-to-turn-himself-in-known-for-bad-conditions/ What a whiny little conservative B word. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime! Suck it up snowflakes. That's a hell of a head there TrumpyBaby! 😆
  6. ...Oh, tempted by the fruit of another Tempted but the truth is discovered Tempted by the fruit of another Tempted but the truth is discovered...
  7. Did you ever learn how to pass through the electric beam and get to the credit screen? Collect all the items and drag it down to the one lower room... Including the bat. EDIT: NOT the bat... Watch OUT for the bat, he steals sh...t... 😆 You can then pass through the beam immediately from castle to right... It will give you the credit screen. This is the first known Easter Egg in a video game. https://eeggs.com/items/453.html I can't remember who I got this info from back in day... Word of mouth. Full instructions: "Adventure Easter Egg - Atari Adventure Easter Egg - the First Known Egg! 1. Get the bridge 2. Take it inside the black castle 3. Find the central room that causes the screen to flicker. You must have an object with you to see the flicker, as it takes 3 game sprites to cause flicker (you, the "dot" and the 3rd object, in this case the bridge) 4. Use the bridge to get into the secret chamber in the middle of that room 5. Inside that the secret chamber there is a "dot" -- pick it up by pressing into the lower right corner of the chamber. 6. Take the dot to the main hallway (below the golden castle) 7. Once there the dot will cause one of the hallway barriers to disappear. Note that you need to have another object in the room (key, sword, duck, etc.) to make the barrier disappear. You also usually have to have the "dot" in front of you to go through. 8. You can then enter a hidden chamber that lists a message from the programmers 9. (This game is from the 1985 era but it still contains an Easter egg) 10. There is also a secret room in the white castle that requires the use of the bridge 11. Bonus egg, you can change the "Winning music" by hitting the select lever after your drag the chalise through the yellow castle door."
  8. When law enforcement was effective, basically self-serve. 😆 ...Just don't tell JimmySpags about the goat, he'll wanna ***** it! 😕😕 Back when there was law and order.
  9. Are you kidding me... Over my dead body will I pay... $10 a month? 😆 Just find what you're looking for somewhere else. Why don't they just make news free and take a cut from the ISPs? Like tack on some kinda nominal news fee. A few pennies from everyone. 😆... This would go over well. Keep your dirty fingers outta the pie! Or card that is about to expire. Will prepaid cards work?
  10. Check out what this kid had to do: https://weather.com/news/weather/video/teen-evades-approaching-maui-fire-hours-pass-in-ocean?pl=pl-latest-forecasts-Topic
  11. Yeah! Maybe I should have used the term: "Old Time Hockey" ...Goonism doesn't really do physical play justice.
  12. A BILLION? 😮‍💨 ADD a few more zeros please. 😉 Hey Phil:
  13. Eagles Giants Lions Texans Seem to be missing? Did I muss any team?
  14. Cheatriots are tied with Bills in arrests. No correlation to winning.
  15. Not so fast about "unstoppable." I never played that but there's a guy at work, about your age, 10 years younger than me... He's a Chicago Homer, Blackhawks, Bears, Bulls, & Sox total insufferable... So we get to talking about video games in 1990s and he brings up the NHL game. He couldn't remember the Sabres defenseman that he used to "tune-up" the star players while his friend would hit the roof in anger, rage-quit... So I started rattling off Sabres players. It was, none other than: Richard Šmehlík. LoL... He said the way the game was set up, he'd use him to thwart his friend's player... AND boy would his friend get mad. 😆 When goon hockey ruled and the game was real! 😏 None of this pansy stuff today! From Wiki: "During the 1999 Stanley Cup finals he was described as "like a human hovercraft... hard to get around!" I guess the game got it right and my friend sure exploited it to his other friend's chagrin! 😆
  16. ...But wouldn't be able to find my car at the mall... Freeway! Frogger knockoff!
  17. I totally dominated "Prince of Persia" off a 3.5" floppy disk! "Kid Chameleon" rocks too! Still play it every once in a while. Skip, warp right to da BossLevel: NICE! You're as old as dirt! I remember getting the original "PitFall" on my 2600 (Sears Version) and wore it out. Also finding "Easter Eggs" in "Adventure"... I still know the maze and where to hide the chalice, swords, and bat! I can get Alzheimer's and still remember how to get to the credit screen!
  18. If it wasn't Lou Malnati's, you gotta try that... They have both crusts solved!
  19. Yeah... Deep dish was never really anything to write home about... Except for Beggars and Edwardo's. (stuffed pizza)... I never tried Lou Malnati's until just recently... They seem to be expanding... AND I was like damn! In 30 years here, we never tried this! The crust is by far the best. I have a hard time telling which I like more, the inside crust or outside crust! [ @Gugny ] No joke, the two distinct crusts on the same pie are very defined, not sure how they do it! BUT... Here's a thing I kinda learned with Lou Malnati's... They claim: "Don't slice the pizza until you get home, it travels better." I am actually going to try this with other types of pizza, not have it sliced and do it myself. Seems to hold true that pizza travels better unsliced.
  20. RIP... Wrote the best "Christmas song" ever. Leaves a lump every time:
  21. Which "Chicago Style?" Thin (cracker) crust or deep dish? When it comes to deep dish. Lou Malnati's hands down blows all other deep dish away, IMO.
  22. Well there's people and more people What do they know, know, know Go to work in some high rise And vacation down at the Gulf of Mexico Ooo yeah And there's winners, and there's losers But they ain't no big deal 'Cause the simple man baby pays the thrills, The bills and the pills that kill Oh but ain't that America, for you and me Ain't that America, we're something to see baby Ain't that America, home of the free, yeah Little pink houses for you and me, ooo, ooo yeah
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