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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Kinda. Unruly pleasure boaters are the worst. Drunk, high, and stupid...
  2. +1 Yeah... The guy working the McDonald's drive-thru at 4:30 in the morning. Really weird! First time I ever heard used that way... I was thinking about it, maybe some corporate thing they taught him. On PA at work... I will put my "pleases" first. Even if I throw in a thanks. Like "Thank you for your cooperation. "
  3. Nice! Sure, why not... "Let's give it a whirl."
  4. "We agree to disagree." 😆... Fight on!
  5. "Passive Aggression" What's wrong with being passive aggressive? Is active aggression better?
  6. That was like in 1948. I bet they make the kid! 😆
  7. Not really expression/phrase, just misuse of words. When people use "can" and "may" wrong: Yeah! Nobody likes whiny quiters! You work in a butcher shop? 😉
  8. Honestly... I never heard it. I had to look it up.
  9. Dear God, hope you get the letter and I pray you can make it better down here I don't mean a big reduction in the price of beer But all the people that you made in your image See them starving on their feet 'Cause they don't get enough to eat from God Can't believe in you Dear God, sorry to disturb you, but I feel that I should be heard loud and clear We all need a big reduction in amount of tears And all the people that you made in your image See them fighting in the street 'Cause they can't make opinions meet about God They can't believe in you Did you make disease And the diamond blue? Did you make mankind After we made you? And the devil too?
  10. Living on an island with Elvis and Jim Morrison.
  11. It's why Putin takes the train. 😏
  12. They gotta make money too... Can't lose their shirts because things don't look perfect. They will just raise premiums for everyone the more they pay out. I can live with @Augie's tile roof not exactly matching.😜 😏
  13. Why would they pay so much simply for aesthetics? Like car insurance, all the companies are keeping track together on what they are paying out. They know who the liabilities are... They were probably just being polite. Too many people living in the danger zones. Either they raise premiums or simply don't insure.
  14. I guess the old stuff has benefit... BUT the medical profession is more proactive in managing it when prescribed now... Well I hope. So many more checks today and safety conscious goals. Like drinking and driving. Back then people popping pills and drinking, etc... Black out behind the wheel will get you and others killed. Such a different era... We just have to make sure the recklessness doesn't come back.
  15. 5. Lock & dams... 😆 @Gugny @BringBackFergy @Mike in Horseheads
  16. Thorazine? That's a tranquilizer, isn't it? It was used 60+ years ago. My father was an alcoholic... The VA had him on this stuff in the 1960s. He was definitely bi-polar by today's standards!
  17. Same day... Same year... 100s of miles apart. Maybe it was the climate that sparked 2 huge fires back in 1871. Back then we blamed the humans and learned to build better. Today we still blame us humans but more so the power companies and ClimateChange and dodge the way we engineer and build. Maybe we should definitely start rebuilding for ClimateChange. That means better engineered structures for the set location AND less people in the ClimateChange "danger zones."
  18. Take a look at the picture above. No combustibles around the house. The river rock and 5 foot clear zone WASN'T BUILT for fire protection, but the steel roof and that 5 foot clear served that purpose... It was still designed that way for local geographical reasons. Which begs the question, why aren't we building according to the land, location, and ClimateChange? Agree on some of this, but disagree on other parts. Need to start building according to the location! It's modern times! "The Great Chicago Fire was a conflagration that burned in the American city of Chicago during October 8–10, 1871. The fire killed approximately 300 people, destroyed roughly 3.3 square miles (9 km2) of the city including over 17,000 structures, and left more than 100,000 residents homeless." Peshtigo, Wisconsin was worse! Happened on same day as Great Chicago Fire! Maui fires aren't even close to the death toll and destruction! "The Peshtigo fire was a large forest fire on October 8, 1871, in northeastern Wisconsin, United States, including much of the southern half of the Door Peninsula and adjacent parts of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The largest community in the affected area was Peshtigo, Wisconsin, which had a population of approximately 1,700 residents. The fire burned about 1.2 million acres and is the deadliest wildfire in RECORDED HISTORY, with the number of DEATHS estimated between 1,500 and 2,500. Although the exact number of deaths is debated, mass graves, both those already exhumed and those still being discovered, in Peshtigo and the surrounding areas show that the death toll of the blaze was most likely greater than the 1889 Johnstown flood death toll of 2,200 people or more."
  19. Check out all the combustibles around that house! They didn't do what this house did and the reason why this house survived: Who's fault is it why the other houses burned? Some will view this being the hand of Providence... It's the proper hand of humans. Serendipity at best, maybe the structural elements weren't added for fire protection, but they served as fire protection features. Can they learn from it?
  20. What would a whiny conservative thread be without a whiny conservative post! 😆 Keep up the good work! You can checkout anytime, but you can't leave until your IQ drops at least 50 points!😏
  21. Fascism is on right. I thought we were communists... I see you're still on the dark side.
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