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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Hideous! Only worse, I can think of, if this was smeared in Nutella!😆
  2. Then what was that professional pilot talking about in the article?
  3. The hot sauce thread brought me here:
  4. That's how the cocksauce works💪! 😆🤣
  5. Yeah... AND my old man complained the Dolphins got the breaks in the 1970s because Shula sat on the competition board along with the Refs... NFL is joke since crook Halas swindled Buffalo out of the 1st NFL Championship: Crooked since it's inception: It's not openly rigged like that. Games are messaged for $$$. Watch commissioner hug Chris Jones after the game: https://www.totalprosports.com/nfl/sketchy-footage-has-social-media-erupting-over-roger-goodells-fishy-behavior-towards-kansas-city-chiefs-player/ Goodell is caught saying: "I don't care about how you do it." Chris Jones just goes: "Whooa!" and chuckles. The Chiefs, just given Carte Blanche to live within the gray areas of the rules!!!
  6. Bills were NOT outcoached. They played a great game. Most points at Arrowhead all year by a Chiefs opponent. It's one turnover that doomed the Bills. The Bills lost the turnover battle, but didn't cause the turnover, the Refs did. Turnover on downs that was made 1st down on 3rd & 3.
  7. Times article, seems pretty on: https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/31/business/dc-plane-helicopter-crash-cause.html
  8. Interesting... This past AFCCG was the 2nd highest watched non-SB game. The highest? 1988 AFCCG. Guess who was in that one?😏 Any... Should boycott it, to show then the smallest market in League is their bread and butter!
  9. Good just "everyday" sh*t... Doesn't get old... Thick too, doesn't run all over place...
  10. Stop complaining! Bunch of whiners! Bills lost!
  11. Lotta eagle egos flyin' (and on ground too) around, I am amazed they can all keep it so sterile and "professional." Now they want the tower to nag them to stay clear because they might not be processing the transmissions properly? Yeah, that's really on the mind of the ATC? For real? It's an active corridor that crosses runways into, out of the airport. I know it's Newsweek... FWIW: https://www.newsweek.com/dc-plane-crash-tcas-warning-black-hawk-helicopter-2023717 Interesting... "...Retired American Airlines pilot Doug Rice told NBC News that TCAS is not fully effective below 700 feet—the estimated altitude of the collision. As planes approach landing, TCAS alerts can be suppressed to reduce unnecessary distractions, meaning the system may not have provided a timely warning that the Black Hawk was approaching. However, Bubb noted that some witnesses reported seeing the airplane in a steep bank turn before the helicopter struck it, followed by a trail of sparks. "That tells me the helicopter was on the TCAS of the passenger plane, and the pilot tried to avoid it, but it was too late," Bubb told Newsweek. While it is too early to assign blame, Bubb emphasized that the nature of the crash is highly unusual. Preliminary details suggest human error may have played a significant role. ..."
  12. Yeah... Wow... "I make my living off the evening news Just give me something Something I can use People love it when you lose They love dirty laundry..."
  13. Of course I won't jump to conclusions either... Wasn't the helicopter going 150mph? Maybe they should have slowed down? Like going down the road towards a two track train crossing w/a visual of 1 train going trough... Seeing that train finish crossing, then blasting through crossing only to get labeled/plowing into by the other train coming in the other direction. Should the tower have nagged them: "Hey hotshots, now cool your jets, look both ways, blah blah blah, you're NOT the only one's out here, blah, blah, blah..." I mean, the radio transmissions are concise and professional, the plane in question was landing, how did they get that confused with a plane taking off, if that is what happened... Sounds like common sense, but when handed over visual IN THE DARK, maybe slow down? But what do I know about helicopters. Maybe they can't go under a 150mph while zipping along w/ zest...😏... IF they really did visual the wrong aircraft, what could have changed this? More communication. We listened to the communications above. Weren't communications clear, concise, & professional enough without having to get into some long drama transmissions about a helo blasting through a crossing @ 150mph? How about slow down too?
  14. We most CERTAINLY ARE TALKING ABOUT OFFICIATING! The Chiefs game & almost how it cost us & what it will be like the in SuperBowl, when they stack deck for Philly! The other shoe ALWAYS drops in Buffalo! Do NOT underestimate that.
  15. https://www.totalprosports.com/nfl/sketchy-footage-has-social-media-erupting-over-roger-goodells-fishy-behavior-towards-kansas-city-chiefs-player/
  16. What? He wanted to be a rock star?
  17. They did. Bills were going in for a kill shot lead before the Refs fumbled the ball for them... Ooops, I mean turnedover the ball on downs for Bills.
  18. Yeah... Of course, probably why they didn't notice they were getting short spotted the entire game. Still gotta be situationally aware if you're getting shorted every down. Insidious. They were. Why they didn't realize they were being shorted the while game.
  19. This one comes to mind... If you got 47 minutes:
  20. I deleted it since we're all taking the high road here... I suggest you do the same.
  21. Also a missed spot, like I have been saying, on 4th Down is as good as a team getting a turnover by fumble. A turnover on downs is a turnover and should be counted as such!
  22. They avoid chains if they spot on the lines, hashes of the well marked field. Notice line to gain is always ending up on paint.
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