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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. I read it was a diary truck with a refrigeration unit on top... This dirt bag is bringing his A-Game... All the milk & cheese he can drink/eat. Hope he's lactose intolerant!
  2. Chautauqua Institute, but the season is probably over. Same with Lily Dale and the psychics... 🔮 That's kinda close. Autumn 🍂 in wine country?
  3. When I lived in Davenport in 1990... I had a lady call my phone and leave a message on my tape machine. Yes, answering machine had a tape cassette. Anyway the message went like this... Recollected from memory, I probably still have the cassette tape somewhere if it hasn't deteriorated: "Hello, this is Sharon Williams, I have 'co****s t-airin' thru my trash. I called the pole-ease and they gave me your number. They said that you'd trap and relocate them..." 😆🤣😂 I wasn't amused with the pole-ese giving out my information, probably why I got an axe to grind with those low-information, over-officious jerks today...😉 The significant other, who is now the permanent significant other now, split her side laughing. That's all I know about raccoons, that I am supposedly a raccoon trapping and relocating legend of 1990 with the Davenport, Iowa Police Department. Oh... Also, we had a few at work that an animal-lover co-worker was feeding. One day he forgot their evening victuals, we had shop door open, one raccoon came in and took a huge steaming dump on the shop workbench... We gave them access to the dumpster and let the garbage truck driveway with some. That will fix their azz when they show up at the dump! How's that for a brilliant "trapping & relocation" story... I must have learned it in Iowa.😆 So, in conclusion, please don't hurt the poor little raccoons. AND don't piss the critters off by denying them vittles... They be cute! 😏
  4. Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 to you too and the two of you both @Figster !!
  5. If that doesn't work, we'll just get Carl Spackler or Jeff Gillooly on the scene!😁 "He'll quit the game..."
  6. The Republic carried on for 4 years without threat of treason, insurrection and an attempted coup. That says something about TeamJackAss, right? [And donkeys are pretty low...] 😏
  7. No. They dealt with it. Dems didn't storm the Capitol when Biden was certifying the election for Trump in January of 2017. Fo real... Not a people that day to force Hillary in... No fake electors either.
  8. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gnathia_jimmybuffetti
  9. Anybody post this: https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/2023/09/01/how-to-watch-espn-during-spectrum-blackout/70740985007/
  10. I guess he didn't make it till Monday, after the "Labor Day Weekend Show." https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/jimmy-buffett-legendary-escape-margaritaville-singer-dies-songwriter-rcna103104
  11. Righties crying poor mouth... ...We ALL got it good... Unless you wanna leave & live outside the country. I can suggest Ukraine 🇺🇦 if you're feeling down in the dumps with "poor mouth-itis." Go live in a country that got invaded. 😏 Don't let the door hit you in the ass...
  12. '16 was rigged in Trump's favor. It didn't break the Democrats. Trump thought '20 was also going to be rigged again, it wasn't. '20 broke the Righties... Broke them bad. Really bad. Now suffer the consequences. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.
  13. Smoke a jay, all your troubles will go away! 😏
  14. Flip the script. Just reverse what policy was but in the end it's really the same, just a mirror image of what was previous. Repeat the same mistakes, keep the same arrogance, etc... NOT making REAL change. Just saying, got a million different people with a million different bodies. Sure we aren't opening up Pandora's Box? Are we making the same argument as say gun owners? I like them, I have a right, that's for other people to figure out how to handle it... Just don't take away my individual ability to obtain these things. I am not against... Just very cautious...
  15. Yeah... But let's not just flip the script. I get, people want it and should have access to it.
  16. Is this thread getting too heavy and crashing for others? Anyway...
  17. And what happens if these studies comeback negative... Like the link between schizophrenia and cannabis use with an at risk population https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32839678/ Not trying to be solely negative... It's just that we need to be able to handle the unintended consequences, NOT flip the script.
  18. Dearly beloved We are gathered here today to get through this thing called "life" Electric word, life, it means forever and that's a mighty long time But I'm here to tell you, this is something else The afterworld A world of never-ending happiness You can always see the sun, day or night So when you call up that shrink in Beverly Hills You know the one, Dr. Everything'll-Be-Alright Instead of asking him how much of your time is left Ask him how much of your mind, babe 'Cause in this life, things are much harder in the afterworld In this life, you're on your own And if de-elevator tries to bring you down Go crazy, punch a higher floor (woo!)...
  19. He wasn't at the RJ celebration of life ceremony... 😏...
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