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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. I think it's sad. My wife disagrees and think they just went away. I guess cowbell makes it sorta upbeat. I still think it's sad AND the line: "...Could you be dead? You always were two steps ahead, of everyone We'd walk behind while you would run I look up at your house And I can almost hear you shout down to me Where I always used to be..." Dying even metaphorically is still sad. Nostalgia is sad... Sad or not sad?
  2. "...Mama's hooked on Mary Kay Brother's hooked on Mary Jane And daddy's hooked on Mary two doors down Mary, Mary, quite contrary We get bored, so we get married And just like dust, we settle in this town On this broken merry go 'round and 'round and 'round we go Where it stops, nobody knows And it ain't slowin' down This merry go 'round..."
  3. Thank You! Last time Bills were in Miami, "Heat Bowl" September 2022... It looked pretty damn close to 50/50 or more Bills fans! Miami is always an easy ticket to get... Why we always go there when we can. They don't support their teams as well as they should. IMO.
  4. There's a house on a hill By a worn down weathered old mill In the valley below where the river winds There's no such thing as bad times And a soft southern flame Oh Cotton Jenny's her name She wakes me up when the sun goes down And the wheels of love go 'round Wheels of love go 'round Love go 'round, love go 'round A joyful sound I ain't got a penny for Cotton Jenny to spend But then the wheels go 'round...
  5. Yeah... Oh the irony 🤣 A lot of others can learn from this outburst.
  6. He probably wishes he was dead. What better way to go? Swinging @ the system.
  7. 😆... Takes an oddball to know an oddball.
  8. I tell my wife... You'll never get away with it! The tire tracks going back over me are incriminating! AND don't even think about enlisting our son to help dig a hole in the backyard to bury me in!
  9. Nobody lives alone. There's the internet.
  10. 😆... Math not my strong suit. The League I was in eliminated both teams. I was out after 7 weeks.
  11. How can you have so many teams left?
  12. But... There's "de-skilling" as more and more tech are paired with humans and machines. It might be all or nothing with machines. Most of us will die in a few decades or more. The younger ones will trust machines more. We are already losing certain cognitive abilities because of machines. The slow march to automation started with the invention of the compass when it comes to these thjngs... AND if we don't have enough labor to fill these jobs??? Why should people risk their lives and safety when they can safely guide you via a joystick on the ground. Of course I am being sarcastic. It's all in the article I linked. Will have to overcome the human mind element.
  13. From the article. Not sure if we will ever avoid this across all areas where it applies w/automation: "...As significant as the technical hurdles are, however, by far the biggest impediment to pilotless flight lies in the mind. People who otherwise retain a friendly outlook toward futuristic technologies are quick to declare that they'd never board a plane run by software, which they know as the kludgy mess that makes their laptops freeze. But minds can be changed. ..."
  14. From 12 years ago. https://spectrum.ieee.org/when-will-we-have-unmanned-commercial-airliners "...Given such advances, pilotless commercial flight is overdue, argues Cummings. Civilian UAVs could easily and profitably be deployed to survey infrastructure and carry cargo, she points out. And there's no reason why software, alone or perhaps in conjunction with a quickly mobilized ground controller, couldn't take over a piloted plane should something happen to both the pilot and the copilot. Already, she notes, an airliner's software typically takes over flight seconds after takeoff, handles the landing—and most of what happens in between. The pilot just “babysits,” she says. Of course, software that can meet only "most" of aviation's challenges would hardly satisfy the afraid-of-flying landlubber. That's why the pilot is still there, babysitting, until all the remaining kinks have been worked out. None of the problems are so bad as to prevent civilian pilotless planes from ever happening, but they are real, and they will have to be solved. ..." The highlighted part is the stage we'll be in for a long time, especially when there's human passengers being flown around. You would think this is easier to solve than say other modes of transportation like autonomous automobiles...
  15. I am never gonna live that one down! Still computers make less mistakes than humans. That was a human messing w/the AiS. Days are coming w/AI... It won't have that sense of humor. But, back on topic... I am probably one of the few that would trust a computer flying me from point A to point B over an arrogant human. We can still have humans aboard, hire some clown in a cap with a .45 to keep the other passengers I am with calm and keep up appearances. 😆 Honestly... We gonna trust AI to all kinds of *****.... Let's just jump right w/the crap that's flying over our head. Of course this above was said w/half sarcasm. The OP was never in doubt in 2023. Just looks scary as hell. 😉
  16. That crack experience will be a drone in 20 years. Just lower the price of my ticket please and don't take off or land in the damn city. We gotta huge lake out there to ditch in. 😆
  17. Good stuff but not really my point. The fluttering comment was more about not giving a damn if they crash or how hard it is... They bought their ticket, I say let them crash. 😉 At least there's a buffer zone with the people on the ground (who didn't buy a ticket) at the bigger places. Anyway, people shouldn't be living that close. They probably should have built the third airport here and got rid of MDW... But I don't want to get political.
  18. That plane @ LHR had plenty of room! The differences between MDW, ORD, & LHR are shocking. Midway is a postage stamp. I might wanna think about continuing to fly outta here after seeing this! 😆 Heathrow: They can flutter all they want O'Hare: Now the postage stamp, Midway, holy dear Lord! 😆 No room for error. 10,000 people would get wiped out! No wonders they almost shut it down before rehabbing it. It really does belong elsewhere!!!
  19. Yeah... But what's to worry if you splash. Only a few life's. Taking out 10 city blocks at night while people are sleeping seems like a much bigger screw up. And a tailhook...
  20. Most likely I had it multiple times and didn't know. They are reporting that every new infection raises risks of long COVID. https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/every-covid-infection-increases-your-risk-of-long-covid-study-warns/ar-AA1m46MG
  21. LoL... Sarcasm? Extra points are now 34 yards.
  22. Well with that failure... I suspect the Stats will be going in the other direction. 😆
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