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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. 2016... https://www.cleveland.com/shatter/2018/06/who_mows_the_lawn_at_your_hous.html "...The stats seem to line up with traditional gender roles. Women cook and clean. Men mow the lawn. "In three waves of feminism, women have punched through glass only to be pushed back down by thick blades of Centipede and Bermuda," Jennifer Graham wrote in the Boston Globe in 2012. She calls it the "grass ceiling." ... ...But why, when women can push a mower just as well as men? And get some exercise and fresh air, too. And it's not just cutting grass, of course. It's pulling weeds and clipping hedges and using a trimmer. It's harvesting veggies from the garden and planting bushes on the front walk. ..."
  2. Except in one country where men cook more... Can you guess which country... You thoughts on why? https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/10/30/1209473449/worldwide-women-cook-twice-as-much-as-men-one-country-bucks-the-trend
  3. Hamas' brutal ideology: Israel is creating the environment for Hamas' brutal and barbaric ideology to survive.
  4. Hey... I may be all for Israel running roughshod over Gaza if in the end they rebuild it. ...If they are gonna go the "chemo" route with the Hamas conundrum. Who wouldn't be for a "Marshall Plan" for Palestine? And Israel pays for it. You won't get it.. Because it's buried. Who controls the media?
  5. Rootbeer ribbon candy. Honorable mention: Zagnut I was born immediately 80 years old and a sadist. Hey, what more can I say.
  6. The Dude had a soul. Wish more did! RIP... Yeah... Probably going deep into the 2040s or beyond for the next? What's the under/over year for the next? 😏
  7. One, in the "no costume needed" category... I was skiing with my son a few years back... We got separated and I was on lift, he was skiing down. My son is a Deadhead and has thick hair down to his ass that would make any chick jealous... LoL... Anyway, right before I was going to shout down to him with some fatherly advice on skiing form, a kid in the chair behind me yells: "Look there goes skiing Jesus!" 😆🤣 I pulled a Peter and clammed up... BUT I didn't deny him!😊
  8. Yeah... I hear ya, BUT weren't people losing their mind when Bills were aggressive and time wasn't chewed away. Jeesh... Ain't gonna please everyone! I really don't think they were in TurtleMode. That TB drive was 8 minutes! With steep help from the Refs.
  9. Mayfield couldn't reach Evans! BUT point taken. And anyway... Evans committed OPI just bad, if NOT worse than the others committing PI. Good win Bills! Sometimes you gotta hang on!
  10. I can see the resemblance now! Whadaya think @BringBackFergy @Mike in Horseheads... Am I right? 😉 Probably no problem achieving the doo too!
  11. Actually... I thought McD did well chewing clock. It was Josh at end of 3rd that rushed an extra play for no good reason. He then promptly took a sack. Why not let it go gently into the good 4th quarter? /smdh... Where McD screwed the pooch was at the end, as usual.
  12. Replace him with someone else that's better and isn't good and doesn't play! 😆
  13. Next week we make glorious explosion!
  14. It gives me gas. I am lactose intolerant! 😆 🤣
  15. Poyer was shoved by Mike Evans. Pretty clear & blatant.
  16. OR: Some haven't accepted the rule of law.😉😜
  17. This is what pisses me off. How can Bucs homers publish this dreck! Evans would have been called for pushing Poyer down. Then there's this from 2021 that cost Bills home field advantage! I know I posted it a lot here, but not one DPI was called on Bucs when Brady played for them... How can they print this with a straight face! https://sports.yahoo.com/bills-secure-win-uncalled-pass-104504168.html
  18. I was 13. Caught it in the basement on the radio! Never forget it!!
  19. No holding. He was aggressive with him at the line within 5 yards. Both got tangled up. Von Miller got the Bucs 5 yards closer for their HailMaryAttempt... lol... 😏
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