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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Flower = Wacky weed works too! πŸ˜‰
  2. Did you take out a second mortgage!😳 Too rich for my blood! And... Don't think I missed that misspelling of: Flour πŸ˜‰
  3. πŸ˜†... This adds new meaning to: "Helicopter Parent" 😏
  4. Thnx... Yeah... That route change is above everyone's pay grade... Still doing it the bad way... Helo asked for visual, granted it, confirmed plane, and STILL SLAMMED INTO plane. They effed up. We can argue policy, SOPs, routes all day, still ain't gonna bring them back.
  5. You just said the mission did... They needed to be practicing full blast @ 150mph... Gotta know how to transport those oligarchs & dignitaries w/obfuscating night vision switched on! The plane is LANDING & you want another aircraft to go in front or off course. Maybe I don't get geometry here, but you must be a real hoot at train crossings!πŸ˜†...πŸ˜‰ I don't see what you're trying to do here. The helo effed up the visual. There's another theory here, they were young hot shots AND they made a boo-boo, really bad boo-boo!πŸ˜”πŸ˜Ÿ
  6. πŸ˜†πŸ€£
  7. If the high ranking officials were that important... The whole area would be shut down to others. πŸ˜† God Bless America... πŸ˜†Kid is toast!
  8. Oh...Tay... And that's how accidents happen... Great way to learn... Whenever this report comes out, will be interesting.
  9. No... But they have a full 2 minutes to slow down. Then there's the night vision. Was it a hindrance? Why were they going balls to the wall after they were granted visual separation. Alter course? Alter airspeed (20%) and maybe there's a near miss?
  10. It's still the helicopters responsibility to avoid. Where else is it going to go that late in the game? Zip in front... I most certainly hope not! Seems like common sense... ATC didn't control anything. Just stated the obvious. And again, if night vision was impairing color discernment, why were they on? Maybe... There's the issue? Their in visual mode and given the bright environment, did they really need night vision? Was it actually an impairment? I am sure they will look at that?
  11. I thought this is fact: "...The pilot replied in the affirmative and asked for β€œvisual separation,” meaning that they would take responsibility for staying clear of the other aircraft. The tower granted it: β€œVisual separation approved.” ..." I do find even in my mundane job, young operators tend to lean on tech more than when I started. Just saying... Young pilot with under 500 hours. It's a tragedy, very big tragedy. When she went visual... IN THOSE CONDITIONS, maybe the night vision should have been switched off???
  12. But, sadly it did happen. Things will change, unfortunately at a very high cost! πŸ˜” If they are requesting visual separation a full 2 minutes before... Granted it, isn't it out of the ATC's hands? What the heck are they wearing hindrances (night vision) for, if it's going to mess up the ability to spot lights on surrounding aircraft? I guess that will be a no-no in future when going visual in a commercial area? City lights, etc...
  13. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/d-c-plane-crash-black-hawk-pilot-error.html Clearly falls on helo: "...The controller handling the aircraft in the Reagan tower likewise didn’t do anything wrong. He was keeping track of the Black Hawk as it flew south along the Potomac through a narrow corridor called Route 4 that passed well under the approach path for Runway 33. Seeing that the plane and the helicopter were flying toward each other in opposite directions, the controller called the helicopter on the radio about two minutes before the accident occurred and asked if it had the plane in sight. The pilot replied in the affirmative and asked for β€œvisual separation,” meaning that they would take responsibility for staying clear of the other aircraft. The tower granted it: β€œVisual separation approved.” ..."
  14. Well there's your problem! Helicopter error!
  15. They can't mistake. That's what navigation lights are for. White light aft, etc...
  16. What kind of instructions would help? Common sense says look where you are going. A plane is landing... They are coming from the starboard side... I assume they saw the green starboard navigation lights of plane? If they got confused with another taking off, wouldn't they have seen the red port lights? They were in communication. Transfered visual flight rules over, helo complied, plenty of time to slow down. Yeah, I will wait for it to conclude, but how it can it NOT be their fault. Avoid the plane! One job.
  17. Where else is helo gonna go? Beat around in front? So you would send the more maneuverable aircraft in front of the less maneuverable aircraft? That's insane! That simply doesn't make sense. Let's just consider this the same elevation, one's gotta give way... And that would always be the helicopter in this situation. If this was on the water (same elevation), the plane would be the stand-on vessel & helicopter the give-way vessel. You wouldn't even need a controller to explain this. I simply can't see how the plane or tower is to fault here. The highly maneuverable helo is always the burdened one here... The plane the privileged one here... AND that's exactly what the ATC conveyed & helo assumed, agreed to visual. AVOID the privileged aircraft. Again... The helo sees the plane's starboard lights early enough?? Zipping along in a helicopter, in the dark, through busy flight patterns is gamble EVEN given that aircraft can pass above or below each other. AND the plane was attempting to land, which I assume was also losing altitude. The pilot had under 500 hours. That's not a lot. Like 11 weeks of being on the job in the air. Just saying...
  18. Oh... Finally found... The Bills organization is nothing but class compared to this. This is what happens when they feel robbed, when I all reality they weren't: Nobody on Bills is doing this! Even the fans... Which are mainly neutral...
  19. The only thing I can say is they owe us! We got the receipts and are entitled to a perfect season! πŸ˜†πŸ€£
  20. Yeah, I get it... They like matchups. Say Detroit hadn't lost out & instead won out... Would Bills have got the calls? Same with Washington. Maybe play both Championship Games at same time? Never gonna happen IMO. Agree... I don't care. We have always taken high-road gets us nowhere. Are the Texans babies? I mean, honestly we are true victims this time... Sad that victim shaming occurs.
  21. When have the Bills not had negative PR. πŸ˜†πŸ€£ Most watched NON-SB's were #1, 1988... #2, 2025. Bills were in both. Even Chris Jones groaned and cringed, pushed him away jokingly...
  22. Did you hear what he said? "I don't care how you get to do it again." Really? KC gets Carte Blanche? πŸ˜•πŸ˜ž
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