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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. In all due respect, it's the opposite. Take a little heat for your bad choices, crazy conspiracy theories and you go all fetal, get butt hurt. Hide behind the anti-Semitism bit... The minute somebody disagrees, you show true whacked out emotions. I am not here to change your mind, far from it. We live in a polarized world... Sometimes these overflowing of emotions are good. It opens up wounds, highlights the differences between us. Time to suck it up and own the sh*tshow. But they are picking on Trump. They are rude, nasty, disrespectful. Here's a man that leads a scorch earth life and now askes for quarter, mercy. That's not how it works. Those who draw first blood get pummeled. They aren't afforded mercy, pity. That is what we are seeing.
  2. Wow... What a bunch of Snowflakes on the right... Get a little out of the echo chamber and they feign like the whole world is attacking trolling... I find this very typical of the right, they can dish it out, but can't take it. ...Remember, Trump supporters are the minority. More people think he is unfit & crooked. A scandalous wreck. Not the other way around. Karma is a Muthaphu...a. Sorry Basket of Deplorables... This one is on your truly deplorable choices and lack of moral compass. Retreat to the echo chamber. Can't even take a little heat before going all fetal thinking people are being mean. Again, typical. Hey Roy Rogers... Time to hop off Trigger:
  3. I noticed that too. Cars fly in residential areas. Sign of times. No respect. I guess we are oldies Mead.
  4. You get special dispensation! ?
  5. Both creepers ^^^^^ The old guy can't be faulted as much. I am almost there in age. LoL
  6. He melted his brain looking at the total eclipse of the sun a few Augusts ago. He don't need the media's help to look like a goof-ball. This isn't the media's fault. Even his melancholy kid has enough sense. That's the media trying to help him out... "Don't look!" LoL... But, blame the media... LoL... What kind of Rube does one have to be to vote for this guy! He's a keeper alright.
  7. Idiot. The first rule of mime club is you don’t talk about mime club.
  8. The Anatomy of a Simple Conman: Okay... Let's talk about who Donny T. takes direction from. His puppet masters: Ann and Rush... His media pimps... "Critical coverage by conservative radio talk show hosts Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter appeared to have pushed Trump toward favoring a veto, however. Coulter warned at one point that Trump’s administration could become a “joke presidency who scammed the American people” if he wasn’t able to get the wall built and said she wouldn’t vote for him in 2020 if he didn’t."
  9. Pot/edible head! That's why you are not picking up the leaves in autumn, the very second they fall off the tree! Slacker! Too chill! ? Dude chill... Too neurotic. Gotta chill, it will get there when it gets there.
  10. Was a big hit in Moscow this year... Ratings were through the roof! Donnie & Melanie's Very Merry Scary Red-Christmas: Featuring the Sarah & Kellyanne Dancers REDRUM! REDRUM!
  11. Uh... He does that anyway on a globe. Just as easy. He ends exactly at the South Pole. Anyway... You think he works @ this stage of his career... He definitely contracts out.
  12. Finally a Millennial getting the message. Finally one that gets it: https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5c1eedffe4b0407e907ba2f0/amp?ec_carp=6154260942669177669&ncid=NEWSSTAND0001 "Angered by the current government shutdown, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is daring Congress to give up their salaries during future shutdowns. And as an incoming congresswoman, that means she’s willing to give up her own pay, too. The New York Democrat on Saturday excoriated congress members who are getting paid while others, including hundreds of thousands federal workers, are furloughed. “It’s completely unacceptable that members of Congress can force a government shutdown on partisan lines & then have Congressional salaries exempt from that decision,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. “Have some integrity,” she added, in an apparent jab at her future colleagues in Congress..."
  13. Bait and switch... I thought Mexico is paying for the wall! That should be the refrain in Congress. Why all of a sudden the US is paying. The guy lies, people vote for him... What a bunch of Republatards. Don't need to remind me to never go car shopping with a basket of Deplorable Snowflakes. Who couldn't have seen this classic bait and switch coming a mile away. Conman is now having a temper tantrum like a two-year old and the Republicans are the quintessential abetting new ager parents: "Yes Donny! You can have anything your little heart & hands desires. Hold your breath till you turn blue and shutdown!" LoL... And they call themselves conservatives!
  14. Liar liar, pants are on fire. LoL... This was more like it...
  15. Nice! Jim Henson's! 41 years young! The Riverbottom Nightmare Band:
  16. When my son started Kindergarten 15 years ago... He came out with a classic about RJ after hearing him. My son had just been scolded in class for "blurting out." My Son says in an inquisitive manner: "Mama? ? He (meaning RJ) gets paid to blurt out?" My Wife's reply: "Yes... He gets paid to blurt out."?? ?
  17. That's a trick question! They're the same right! LoL... ? Who knows... Rypien still has the chance of lucking into the Hall. Then who's laughing.
  18. LoL I was easily amused. Then in 1979, got this... Exact, VolksCycle Mark V:
  19. Rudolph. And he gets the trophy doe Clarice.
  20. ***** all you Santa Birthers! Santa is real, just like the Great Pumpkin. Y'all a bunch humbugs.
  21. Ahhh... Oops! Swing batter batter swing batter... And swoosh, whiff!
  22. Holy Moly! Just what you pot/edible heads need, "Santa Validation." Society is ***** -ed enough. LoL... /smh
  23. Even worse... Some how my sister convinved Santa to physically do it! My sister had Santa actually do that when my nephew was young. About 20 years ago. She was a single mom and my nephew was given her fits all year. Flash to Christmas 1997: Back then we would have Santa come in to my parent's house. So, Santa whips out a hunk of bituminous coal and gives it to my nephew. Then goes into a long list of my nephew's past transgressions! My nephew just lost it... LOST it! Then my wife (granted his aunt, not our kid) lost it too!!! Total surprise. Both were sobbing and shaking uncontrollably. I think it traumatized my wife the most. My wife was pregnant with our first child. So she wasn't in the right emotional state to begin with. Not in the mood for bad parenting. LoL I mean my nephew absolutely lost IT... Again, my wife too. The rest of my family was: "Like what?" "What's the harm?" "The kid had it coming." LoL... I think Dr. Benjamin Spock died shortly after that Christmas. Anyway... I was wondering, where the heck they got the hunk of coal. Supposedly, my sister was visiting me in Chicago during the summer, I was giving them a tour at my work and she grabbed a hunk of coal off a barge as it was passing through. She sent it to Santa. Anyway... If I ever pulled a stunt like that with our kids, my wife would beat my azz... THEN leave me more broken with no money... LoL... BTW... My nephew is 30 and can be still as wild as ever!! Lot's of other issues with his mother, my sister.
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