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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Forward! Dude... You're delusional. Trump lost the popular vote, his supporters are the minority AND his electoral path to victory was a slim margin behind the Blue Firewall duping the Blue Deplorables in the basket from IA, WI to MI & PA with his good old Boy Putin. There are a few very viable tickets to unseating Trump in 2020. The Dems just created a Blue Wave in Congress, flipping over 40 seats because of Trump's demagoguery. Congress is more fine tuned with the people than the Electoral College. Again... Keep hope alive Brutha that Trump can keep governing with the minority. Trump winning was like the Pats** and Spygate. Except this time the commish isn't burning the evidence. Winning in 2020... Won't take a David Tyree circus catch against this Deplorable Sh*tShow...
  2. Can't say I blame the dog! Dogs don't like snoring either! Only like it when they are snoring! ?
  3. Isn't it a "cage." I love telling my whacked dog people (not to say you are Rw/C... ?) this... It gets them going. Is is really so bad to put them in a cage. A crate, IMO, implies that you can't "cage them" which one is really doing! LoL... I love semantics and people's emotions.
  4. Oh wait! Really? Pats** assimilated him? Scratch what I said. 2 dollar, sucky sucky...
  5. ^^^^ Close your eyes... CGF... What I am about to say is not fit for young Southern debutantes. Eeeewhhhh! This is such a disgusting thread. I'd only work free for Disco Don! Sorry Gug... You gotta pay. 5 dolla, I make you holla... No sucky sucky... Oh Happy Happy Bithday...
  6. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna958326 The 1919 "Great Boston Molasses Flood."
  7. That's right in my neck of the woods, what the hell those Hoosiers doing right across the border... Oh my...
  8. Be careful what you wish for. Oops... They had a short reprieve... But the shutdown is lingering. I guess they will miss their next check: https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2018/12/29/coast-guard-members-will-get-paid-next-week-despite-the-government-shutdown/ "...But Coast Guard funding is handled through the Department of Homeland Security, and about 42,000 service members have been required to work through the shutdown without pay. Ray noted in his message that the funding work-around will not apply to the next scheduled pay period on Jan. 15, if the shutdown continues until then. ..."
  9. Too funny. Married into some real class. Salt of the earth! ?
  10. But what possessed him to say THAT word? Why that word? Good people thinking terrible thoughts? Are people supposed to come back from terrible thoughts? Was it terrible thoughts that put it there? Implanted thoughts? Mods, merge this with Mandela Effect thread... LoL. Even better when I have to work a holiday! Holiday Bonus is double time! This year I am off though. I am off, still get paid normal. Holiday leave.
  11. Nice! LoL... What the hell was I saying!
  12. Uh... The newscasters read from teleprompters. What's so "objective" about that??? I little small-talk with their co-hosts?
  13. I wonder what would happen if they throw AI @ Him! My inlaws in their 80s. Buffalo News and MSNBC. LoL... Their daughter, my sister inlaw... She goes to other TV and puts FOX News on and has religious experience!
  14. Yeah... Understood. A overly PC world, sensitive humans will push us more away from humans and towards machines. Why does management want to deal with the labor headaches?
  15. Did anybody actually listen to it? I still haven't heard the actual words. Is there a link?
  16. LoL... So true. They need humans. Outside, the sexy eye candy... Why are we still watching live humans deliver the news, weather, and sports? I tune to the NOAA weather channel on the marine radio, that is automated. Heck, I think even the Coast Guard automates the coded MAFORs if a mariner requests them.
  17. Safety. I don't just lock boats. I assist in many functions like tieing off, water rescue, traffic control, snow plowing... The job is like running a farm. The bare minimum is two people for safety. I am not saying the station has to be automated. They can keep a skeleton crew to program the machines. That's basically what we do. Have a bare-bones, skeleton crew. My job is getting easier with automaton. But... Just like at the Weather Channel, will still need one or two people to program the machines. Why don't they automate the news delivery part? On that note... They actually ran the Mel Price lock near St. Louis from Washington, D.C. back in 2004. It was a test. A General did the honors. I would love to be able to work from home. Any place in the world! But, still need at least two boots on ground to assist in water safety and grounds maintenance. Today it is snowing like a MoFo. Somebody has to shovel.
  18. Why don't we just automate the news, weather, etc... Do we really need humans anymore for this?
  19. Shhh... They will pay with a trade deal. I am swinging my gates right now, moving 4800 tons of Mexican steel north... Asian carp are swimming alongside the barges as they go through the lock... Gotta a total of 30,000 tons of product in 14 barges queued and waiting as we speak. Gonna be a busy day for migrant fish! Anyway... The real retard is the dolt for creating a diversion from his scandal riddled Presidency and fighting the "Browning of America" with his racist and immoral agenda so his minority constituents don't lose their grip on power.
  20. Like I said... Let Trump and the Basket of Deplorables think they are getting something. With two year olds, you gotta be stern: https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5c37c7c7e4b05cb31c40ed3f/amp Rob Peter to pay Paul and a megalomaniac, authoritarian politician gets his way... Sorta saves face... Such a proud moment in American history when a POTUS has a terrible two's temper tantrum: "It’s not that there’s going to be a legislative breakthrough. It’s more that everyone now recognizes there is no deal to be made ― not when President Donald Trump won’t come down from his $5.7 billion figure for border wall construction, conservatives oppose a larger immigration deal, and Democrats don’t trust and won’t accept any offer but full capitulation. Instead, the solution to the impasse seems to be Trump declaring a national emergency at the border, using a dubious authority to reprogram military construction money for the wall, and then Congress passing clean funding legislation ― without wall money ― while Trump’s executive maneuver gets tied up in court. Trump has moved from toying with the idea of a national emergency declaration to all but promising it. He said Thursday that, if negotiations don’t work out, “probably I will do it. I would almost say definitely.”
  21. LoL... Outlier. Always an outlier! ?
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